Unpredictable and Pessimistic Discussions: First Mercury Retrograde 2021

First Mercury Retrograde for 2021


Pre-Juncture: January 15-20, 2021 (Capricorn)

Pre-Junction: January 20-26, 2021 (Aquarius)

Pre-Progression Juncture: January 27-29, 2021 (Aquarius)

Mercury Retrograde (Station): January 30, 2021 (Aquarius)

Mercury Station Regression: Jan 31- Feb 3, 2021 (Aquarius)

Mercury Retrograde Junction: Feb 04-Feb 16, 2021 (Aquarius)

Mercury Retrograde Juncture: Feb 17-19, 2021 (Aquarius)

Mercury Direct: Feb 20/21, 2021 (Aquarius/Pisces)

Post-Regression Juncture: February 22-25, 2021(Pisces)

Post-Juncture: February 26-March 13(Aquarius)

By Maharani Rutan©

On January 15, 2021 the trickster of disorder, hindrance and suspensions goes backwards in time. This shadow period, often referred to as the ghost period, began to motion backwards on January 15, 2021. This is where Mercury will continue to move backwards in time even quicker, forming strength, sluggishness, and weary feelings. The most powerful time will be from January 30, 2021 through February 20, 2021, and this is where Mercury will stay for approximately 3 weeks, starting to motion forward February 22 through March 13, 2021.

If you recall, last year’s first Mercury retrograde was on the February 1, 2020 and if you can recall how you felt during that time you will also be able to understand this year’s Mercury retrograde. If you are a mutable sign (Gemini, Pisces, Virgo, or Sagittarius) Mercury can be very problematic for you.

The attentiveness of Mercury retrograde will fall more on-Air signs (Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius). The best way to comprehend this energy is not to create too many responsibilities as there may be things that will cause them to go erratic. Blame it on Mercury.

This retrograde begins its passage in the Capricorn/Aquarius axis which typically represents doubts, relationships, and governments, until January 29, 2021. Thereafter it moves backwards in motion until March 13, 2021 where it will end the journey in the Aquarius/Pisces Axis.

So many astrological implications are going on right now that it would not surprise me that we feel a little faint every now and then. Saturn recently moved away from Sagittarius and moved into Capricorn on the 20th of January and retrograding on and off all last year and this year.  Jupiter, being a planet of luck and expansion, also moved from Sagittarius on to Capricorn as well.  Therefore, much of this has to do with government work, communication, and friendships.

Mercury rules mutable signs, but this time everyone will be imprisoned. Expect communication mis-perception, deceit, and confusion. Those that will be impacted by Mercury will be almost everyone, including but not limited to Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and all those that have any of these planets as their primary in their charts, especially Aquarius in their chart. Planets are never actually retrograde or stationary, they just seem that way due to this visual delusion.

Retrograde times, while often thought-provoking, are not chiefly rare. Each planet retrogrades, except the Sun and Moon. Mercury, much like the feathered messenger of the Gods, comes in on feather-light wings and orders us to speak. Communication, sentiment, and consciousness are all within Mercury’s terrain, as are goals and lucidity, our technique of rational, and how we express our thought progressions will be highlighted.

A changeable nature transports normal consideration into annoyance and motion. Rat-a-tat-tat — things happen frantically. Mercury is about a fast wit, attitude, choices, defiance, understanding and the competence to defend things. Mercurial energy can be ethical or callous, but it will surely be stimulating! This Planet also encourages us to transfer from one thing to the next and to get responses on both a physical and psychological level. Further, Mercury’s vigor is both energetic and observant. Consequently, it pushes things so fast that, sporadically, we can say or do things without justification and regret them later.

To be able to understand the energy of this mercury it may be wise to look back at mercury was in the same sign and similar energies.  The last time mercury was in Aquarius/Pisces was in February of 2020.  “As the bird flu cause an epidemic, now the coronavirus flu has caused alarms across the world” (read more about it here). 

Scientist and researchers alike can not understand how it was that the Spanish Flue of 1918 infected and killed 50 million people and people were able to get vaccinated by the millions and now our infrastructure is not able to handle it as advanced as we are? Perhaps it may be time to review the past and see how it was done and do it all over again.

Mercury is about short trips: a social call to a neighbor or a friend at a short distance, the daily travel, and a weekend retreat. Relatives and transportation over-all are also within Mercury’s realm. Communications, letters, paperwork, online communications, and education are also within Mercury’s domain. This Planet begs us to be hasty — and well — just be yourself.

Discussions might be more interesting, as crossed signs and blurred consequences cloud generally straightforward discussions. Still, with minor care and reflection, you’ll get your details across. Likewise, be ready with a back-up plan when you’re traveling. If your trip gets put off or your car won’t start, stay passive and make the best of it.

After the 20th of February, Mercury retro in Pisces produces numerous and fervent confusion, with strange views upon occasion, protuberant to psychic capabilities. Psychological methods being tangled with feelings, we find it hard to separate perceptions and ideas from yearning and clumsiness. Our psychological shape can be unbalanced, improbable, and overly spiritual but it also disposes to fatigue and surges the impulse to drink liquor or do things to suppress, either through eating, smoking, or even doing drugs.

With all these energies, it is bound to get a little confused; be very well prepared.

The inferences which I am focusing on are ideally from Vedic readings as these are NOT Western Astrology or Eastern Astrology predictions. Rather, all inferences below are universal tendencies. Each tendency will be unique to that individual.

I will begin the over-all tendencies on the astrological signs that will be affected the most. But remember that everyone will be a hostage here. Air signs & Mutable signs, listed in order below, will be taking the pain for many of us. If a chart has air or mutable signs anywhere those planets will be activated.


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: This is not a negative transit for you; actually, your creative juices will flow, and your charisma will allow praise and honors that wish to be received.

Feb 21-25: Impressive communication will assist you to increase your financial flow.


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: Careless spending and investments could cause you to get into difficult situations which you may not be able to get out of.  Being overconfident will also not help you. Do not spend or invest beyond your limits.

Feb 21-25: You will have plenty of support from your partner, additionally, you may want to build a home or invite people for a celebration.

Secondary influences


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: A new project will lead to a successful completion and your confidence will soar.

Feb 21-25: A possible move or relocation.  Your temperament could land you in big difficulties.


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: High energy and doing good deeds will surely bring you luck.  However, instead of looking at all that does not work, focus on your goals.

Feb 21-25: Your expenses could rise and struggles at the workplace are possible.

Third Influence


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: Stress at the workplace is possible.  Maneuver the negativity as it may harm your health.

Feb 21-25: Your professional and romantic life could soar.


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: Your financial structure will become strong during this time and you can do it with great confidence and a realistic approach.

Feb 21-25: Your thoughts may revolve around a new house, car, or something that you really want.  But remember to stay focused as all the ideas in your mind regarding a better way of working will give you the recognition in your career.

Fourth Influence


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: Projects will finally be completed, and you will have major success in your career life due to hard work and focus.

Feb 21-25: Your financial structure will bring sustainability and you will accept and cherish what you have in areas of love and relationships.


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: Positive energy in your love life is possible and transparent communication will help build a stronger foundation.

Feb 21-25: Financial losses or unexpected gains are possible.  Be careful not to overwork yourself, causing you stress.


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: Family and personal life is going to be very peaceful.  Property, vehicle, or land purchases are possible. 

Feb 21-25: Refrain from unnecessary arguments with your loved ones as they could cause major rifts.

Fifth Influence


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: Focus in areas of complicated projects. Ideas will give the financial uplift you seek.  Your negotiation abilities will soar which could lead to advancement in your work or career.

Feb 21-25: Ideas will assist your loved ones and family to have a better blissful life.


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: Hard work will finally pay off.  Confidence and enthusiasm will soar which will enhance new financial growth.

Feb 21-25: Refrain from making any investment decisions as they may not work in your favor.


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: Tedious work will give you the most rewards and you may have the energy to complete pending projects. Try to be mindful regarding higher ups.

Feb 21-25: There is a possibility of being more spiritually inclined and you may receive the support from your siblings.

Remember that these are just universal propensities; for a deeper look at your own planets and the intensity that you will experience, you may want to contact an astrologer.

Anxiety and substance, even groundless worries and distrust, are stirred, especially from employment or if you are living in a hostile situation. You may be inclined toward being cold with a pessimistic tongue. Support privacy and poise in your employment and do not try to interpret written things too much.

Mercury retrograde gives rise to distinct misunderstandings; hurt, anxious, or suspended communications, talks and occupation; breakdowns and catastrophes with telephones, PCs, automobiles, and transportation in general are possible. All these malfunctions often rise because some serious element or piece of data has gone askew. When Mercury is retrograde, everyone’s awareness is more inattentive, and we are motivated to reason problems. Worries around communication can be attributed to the sign involved.

Mercury is very lethargic, and it touches almost all planetary signs. It is my suggestion that you purchase a yellow candle and carve your name through to the wick. Anoint the candle with Inspiration oil or Eucalyptus oil and chant Psalm 70 every single night. This period will last for 6-7 weeks total and it will be hard on all of us.

This year I have decided to do something different.  Not only will I bring forth a Sanskrit mantra, but also a mantra to create change in the way one is viewing life that can assist in making the transition easier for 2021.

Maharani’s Mantra for Mercury retrograde:

Give me the power to make the right decision at the right time

Sanskrit Mantra

Om Braam Brim Braum sah budhaya namaha

This will allow friendly communication as well as understanding in situations. You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until March 13, 2021. Remember that with all applications of psalms and mantras, achieving the anticipated outcome is reliant on upon the eminence of purpose. The mantras can be hard to pronounce for many but are a powerful source of energy.

Vedic readings offer a distinguishing possibility. We discover the incorrect and catch answers by producing a characteristic of gratitude through engagements and responses. Astrology is just the groundwork to Vedic readings. I am not an astrologer nor do I claim to be, however, a basic understanding in astrology does assist us in applying what we know to what we need to know in order to embrace the energy and direct it to the most positive outcome.

Please use this energy well to restart and find your solutions because there is an uncomfortable path ahead with the eclipses.

Be gentle with yourself.


Maharani Rutan©

Copyright ©2021 cosmicpsychic, cosmicpsychics, Maharani Rutan 2021 et all. All Rights Reserve

Penetrating Past; Fiery Future: Mercury retrograde June -August 2019


Mercury Retrograde Summer 2019

Jun 20-Aug 15, 2019


Pre-Progression: June 20-July 1 (Gemini/Cancer)

Pre-Progression Juncture: July 2-6(Cancer/Leo)

Mercury Retrograde (Station): July 7(Leo)

Mercury Station Regression: July 8-12 (Leo)

Mercury Retrograde Juncture: July 13-26 (Leo/Cancer)

Mercury Direct Regression: July 27-30(Leo/Cancer)

Mercury Direct: July 31/Aug 1(Cancer)

Post-Regression Juncture: Aug 2-Aug 5 (Leo/Cancer)

Post-Juncture: Aug 6-15 (Leo/Cancer)

By Maharani Rutan©

Now that we have been shocked, confused, saddened, and inspired by many events in the last 2 and half months, it’s time to slow down. As I stated in my predictive blog for 2019 “For many people, this year will be a year of looking at our past behaviors and how they impacted our current outcomes and results. Not all will be good and not all will be bad, but they will be shocking and transformable.”Read more here.

Looking back in time we have been here before, even Mercury retrograde degrees have been similar, causing us to revisit the past and past issues. These issues could be recalling situations from June-August 2000, May-July of 2008, and June through August of 2013 and 2018. I am sure you can recognize some of these dates as they have been repeating like a television show rerun.

It’s time now to digest and analyze everything we saw, heard, and experienced. On June 20, 2019, Mercury will begin its slow descender towards retrograde motion. Mercury retrograde is best known to transport issues in our structure, lost appointments, confusing communication, mail, and putting the internet into a general snarl-up!

This uncomfortable period lasts for eight weeks between the progressive and post periods, until August 1, 2019. It finally levels out on August 15, 2019, bringing things back to normal. Though many people will state that Mercury will go away on August 1, 2019, one must recognize that Mercury is a slow-moving planet (almost like a slow horse and carriage) therefore, the effect can be felt for four weeks before and four weeks after the event.

During the retrograde, the information we have from people and our situations will be mis-interpreted and what we say is not what is meant. Furthermore, what we perceive is not what is intended. But most prominently, what we view is an exaggerated vision. Consequently, it is not wise to express, convey, acquire, trade, sign, travel, ship, or mail anything and expect it to be on time, or even without modifications. It is worthwhile not to be quick with your money or any communication because actions or reactions we have to a certain situation may be regretted later.

Imagine for a moment that you have just boarded a plane for your vacation, but before you board the plane must fuel and you wait. This period is called the Pre-Progression period, which will begin June 20, 2019-July 1, 2019 in Cancer/Gemini (20-25 degrees). If things have slowed down or the messages are not coming in clearly, this is just the beginning.

Although Mercury only spends one day in Gemini, it does not mean that there will be no effect on Gemini’s or others. As Mercury begins to move into Cancer, people with this sign and Gemini’s projecting in their charts will be mostly inclined to such contemplation. There is little choice but to reexamine our specific understandings and views about who we are, where we are going, who are the people in our lives, and why we are here? There is, however, an opportunity to expand insight into our own self-discovery.

Gemini is governed by Mercury which means even if Mercury is retrograding in Gemini/Cancer, not only will all mutable signs (Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius and Gemini) be pretentious, but all cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Capricorn and Cancer) will also be affected. There is, however, a vision to expand consciousness into our own self-perception. When Mercury is retrograding in the signs of Gemini/Cancer it produces a need to talk about sensitive issues and be compassionately attentive. Often, this causes people to reach into something affectionate, gentle, and empathetic with real gratitude. However, it may cause an impulse to escape to a place they have never been before, something Gemini craves for.

Now that the plane has fueled, it’s time to clean the plane for the passengers and stock up on drinks and snacks. By this time, many may become impatient and this part of the Mercury journey is called Pre-Progression Juncture. During this time, I am sure you have noticed when you are waiting for the pre-check, people often make several trips to the counter and ask when boarding will be being. This is exactly the energy which is delivered during this juncture. We know something is going to slow us down, yet we do not know how to handle the energy.

From July 2, through July 6, 2019, the preparation begins. Just in time for the celebration of the U.S Independence, and in the heart of the 3rd eclipse in Cancer (July 2, 2019). During this time, relationships could be inconsistent and erratic due to ego-eccentric arrogance. All areas of messages are hyper-active, especially in matters of home, or to do with children, romance, and inspiration in general. Documents can go astray. Be sure to carry a diary and refer to it often.

On July 7, 2019, Mercury stations retrograde in Leo/Cancer (2-5 degrees depending on the orb). At this time, we are now boarding the plane, however, the line into the plane is going extremely slow; some people can’t find their seats, the luggage does not seem to fit in overhead bins, and there is chaos. Thus, our patience is tested. Mercury in Leo has no time to analyze anything which is speaking from the heart, but this time it may not be as nice as Leo’s usually speak. With their truthfulness in communication, words are commonly focused around what needs to be done rather than what is felt.

Many of us could feel that life is lethargic; giving room for reawakening and organization. Or, irritability could be the result; it is all about communication. Relationships could split up over unimportant transformations or a sudden presence of communication. People from the past could suddenly reappear to bring closures or new beginnings. But remember not to trust or feel everything that occurs during this period. Make your choices after August 15, 2019, that is if they are still around, and if you are.

During this period, at its vilest, Leo’s, including Aries and Sagittarius, may experience unpredictable losses such as economic, friends, or family; separation and being real with them could trigger desertion. My advice for you is, during the transit, be a little more confident and know this shall too pass.

Now that we have found our seat and put away our luggage, we await an announcement that the plane will be taking off in a couple of minutes, thus still waiting things to begin to move. This period is often referred to in VPAT (Vedic Philosophical Ayurvedic Theories) as Mercury Station Regression. In easier terms, it means even though things are a little calmer, the tension remains. This period will last July 8-July 12, 2019.

Although there are always positives and negatives to all retrograde juncture periods, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries will begin to feel a little less restricted. However, now, fixed signs (Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius) will be tried the most as this period is now bumping right in the middle of our second eclipse of the summer in Capricorn, and a red moon. The energy will be penetrating at both ends as Mercury moves through Cancer and the energy of Capricorn.

Finally, we have begun to reverse backwards from the gate and the plane begins its journey toward the runway. Though there is a sigh of relief that it is finally going to take off, the plane is only moving 5 miles per hour. Suddenly there will be an announcement that several planes are in front and there is a 5-plane delay. Once again, we wait. Putting on our headset, or grabbing the book or magazine, and getting comfortable in the cramped seats is all that we can do. Thus, from July 13- July 26, 2019, Mercury moves back into Cancer forming a similar anticipation to when we were waiting at the gate for the plane to get cleaned. Again, we wait. This period is known as Mercury Retrograde Juncture.

When Mercury is retrograding in the sign of Cancer it produces emotional and sensitive confusion with the past. There is a determined choice of not wanting to look at the past, but we have no choice. This is because the past is overwhelming us; reexamining who, what, where, why, and how it happened.

Finally, the plane rolls down the runway and begins to climb. Many will close their eyes and drift to sleep while others will find things to keep them pre-occupied. Relaxing and getting comfortable in your environment is the only way to be, because at the end of the day we will be at the destination. However, in the middle of getting comfortable there is turbulence and the plane is moving from one side to another. Now many are panicking, but others know we will move past this. The minor turbulence is asking us not to get too comfortable and don’t think too much because things will change; we are still on the plane and have not fallen out. Energy will be still moving through Cancer but with a little more intensity; this is known as Mercury Direct Regression. The period does not last long as it only lasts from July 27-July 30, 2019. The energy is intense enough to let us know we are going to be OK but also to remind us to never take anything for granted.

As we hold on to the arms of the seat, we are about to do just as what was anticipated by Mercury retrograde. Mercury’s energy is both dexterous and insightful. Mercury is about short trips: a visit to a neighbor or a friend across town, the ordinary travel, or a weekend retreat. Relatives and transport in general, are also within Mercury’s empire. Talking, writing, reading books, online communications, and learning are all within Mercury’s sphere. This Planet pleads us to express ourselves often, and well.

Soon, there will be an announcement of being 10 to 15 thousand feet above ground and given the approximate time of arrival. It’s time now to sit back, relax, and remember that we can use this powerful energy in positive ways. Use this time to do activities that start with “re”: renew, repair, review, renegotiate, and research. Mercury retrograde will now station direct in Leo on July 31, 2019. The all clear and seat belt light turned off brings a sign of relief so just to sit back and enjoy this down time. Even if it means that we shut out the noise in the aisle and take a deep breath.

As I always say, if two people meet during the retrograde, somehow, they will break apart during a retrograde. If they end during a retrograde, they will come together during a retrograde. As VPAT theorizes, Mercury has way of making things confusing and nothing is final; it’s a way of communication, only to be able to reconsider, rethink, and find a resolution.

Three to four times during the year, the Cosmos asks people whether their choosing of the past decisions were hurried or if they were duly considered. Asking the question “I’m curious, was the ending of a circumstance needed, or are second or third chances deserved?”Any relationship that starts during this period generally does not last long, and those that break up will be up for reexamination during the next retrograde period in in the Fall/Winter.

Mercury placement in Leo magnifies itself and will give this light through stimulation, originality, and individualism. It will be communication which will be an implementer of extreme melodrama and recurrent exaggeration of problems leading one to the tendency of egotism.

Mercury retrograde does NOT mean that you must stop the plans you have in mind. Rather, take the time to perfect them, but be sure not to sign contracts or get yourself involved in legal issues because it is a guarantee they will be revisited before the next retrograde.

Now that we find ourselves comfortable in our seat, we become even more relaxed to the point of either diving into what we are doing to pass time or drift into sleep. Hence, whether we close our eyes or dive into our reading, the energy is emotionally driven as Mercury stationed direct moves away from Leo and goes back into Cancer at 23 degrees, and this is where it will station.

The last time Mercury retrograde was in Cancer was in 2007, 2012, 2014 and 2018. Every one of these years has brought forth the endings of old issues and beginnings of new ones.

Within minutes there is another announcement that the destination is not that far away, and the seat belt sign will be lit for the decent to the airport. It is being requested that all seat back trays and seats be in their upright and locked position. The sigh of relief that landing is not so far away will bring some tension and relief simultaneously. The Post Regression Juncture in Cancer which I call a yellow light, brings forth caution and will begin August 2 through August 5, 2019. During this period, things to avoid include conflict, gossip, and pointless communication. This is especially true with the opposite sex as these things may be misread.

We are now buckled into our seats and the captain is landing the plane. The contact of the wheel forces our seats backwards, and the reversing engines force us forwards; in the distance we can see the airport gates. Soon the doors open, and we are directed toward baggage claim.

Walking to pick up our luggage seems such a long walk and no matter how fast or slow we try to walk, we know that the baggage will not beat us to baggage claim. The post juncture period does just that, which is for humanity to know nothing is to be taken for granted, and nothing in life can be hurried. This period lasts for almost 2 more weeks, from August 6 through the 15th, 2019.

By now almost every Astrological sign has been impacted. If not by their moon, then by their sun or by association. But for Cancers and Gemini’s this is even more intense as Mars moves into Cancer on the same day as Mercury. Mercury is the ruler two signs (Scorpio and Aries) and it can be very powerful, however, for Cancers and Gemini this can be a very difficult transit as Cancers may clam up even more than normal. Holding in aggression will cause low self-esteem and can cause people to run away.

For Gemini it is a double whammy as Rahu is already beginning to transform them and will continue this journey until 2020. Hence with Jupiter going backwards into Scorpio and out of Sagittarius for a little while, and Saturn in Sagittarius until 2020 (according to VPAT) Sagittarius will feel the burn of reforming and reconsidering their actions and reactions.

The mixed energies of the Fire/Water synchronicity and Mercury retrograde will become a vital aspect to prepare for this difficult transit. Our skin will be pulled from all directions.

Predisposition during this retrograde period is not based upon Western or Vedic Astrology. Rather, zodiac signs are place holders of structures in which energy will be placed. If your focus is primarily on Western ideologies, please speak to my recommended astrologers.

Please remember VPAT (Vedic Philosophical Ayurvedic Theories) are based upon where you are today, what you could perhaps be tomorrow, what you can do to avoid hazard, and how, by knowing ahead of time, you can remedy the situation.

I will begin with those placeholders as Mercury shifts through each zodiac sign; the paraphrases that could be positive or negative, depending upon your view of life. The first four predispositions will be geared towards Cancer, Leo, Gemini, and Sagittarius. Thereafter, their associations which will be Virgo and Pisces, as they are predisposed to Mercury retrograde more than others.

Following them will be Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus which will be disposed due to their ability to gravitate towards empathetic issues because of Leo. Also by association, Aries, which will be affected due to natural Leo/Sagittarius energy. Lastly are Aries, Capricorn, and Libra who will feel the effects but not as intensely as they will in the fall of 2019.

Cancer, Leo, Gemini & Sagittarius

Dear Cancer, Mercury retrograde has always done a number on you. That said, you should be feeling better than you had for the past two years and March should have set the stage. This is all because Rahu/Ketu has pushed you into making radical changes which were more difficult. Perhaps you and your brother Leo, had many things to share, especially looking at life in a unique way. If only you could share your experiences with Gemini and Sagittarius who are going through similar situations. Since no two experiences and feelings are the same, all you must do now is to sit back and watch your life unfold. Remember, Dear Cancer you have two more eclipses until your ride is complete; just ask a Leo how they feel now as their ride was completed in January with their final eclipse (read more here). Unfortunately, Sagittarius will begin their Journey next year followed by Gemini. Always remember if it does not fit in your life, it will either go away by choice, or it will be burned by moon or the sun energy through the eclipse.

Cancer: The journey of Mercury retrograde begins and ends in your sign. Therefore, I recommend that you look back at June-July 2007, and June-July 2013. You may feel this energy again next year as you prepare to finish your eclipse. This Mercury retrograde will have its good and bad. There can be possible illnesses to family and arguments with friends. Glitches in travel are more than a good possibility. You need to be careful as your health may hurt your resources and you may have financial difficulties. After the 20th of July you will find that any old family issues are resolved, and charisma will be your gift, leading to financial increases.

Leo: There have been so many changes in your life with your last eclipse, ending in January 2019, that now the universe is asking you to exhale and inhale and re-discover what you want to change in your life. Mercury will be moving backwards in your sign on July 7, 2019 and the fire may be a little hot. Though people consider Mercury to be a negative juncture, I feel this may be more prosperous than you can imagine. There will be many people that will recognize your talents and you will have the focus you need to move past any academic pursuit, however you will question if the path you have chosen was the correct one for you. Your financial worries will soon pass and by the time the second eclipse in Capricorn arrives, you will soon see the quality time with your friends and family will bring bliss into your life. (Your six-month transit can be found here during the lunar eclipse in Leo)

Gemini: By default, Mercury rules you and this means that you must do what you can watch what you say and when you say it. Ketu/Rahu is really asking you to dig deep into your karma and the people you have hurt to mend those bruises even if it means to lose grace. You may have some issues with your health and means of transportation. There could be plenty of -mis perception and concerns. Because you may have trouble with transportation it is not a good time to purchase anything in this area. Even if you think that the Cancer eclipse will not affect you, you might want to think again. It is time to plant your seeds as you are also about to go through some transformations in the summer of next year. Your family life will surely improve; however, it would not surprise me if you must travel. If you have self-confidence, you will realize you can accomplish almost anything. (Your 6-month forecast can be located here during your new moon)

Sagittarius: Because of Ketu/Rahu/Saturn influences you will transform. Just think, soon Jupiter will be moving into your sign and you too will go through an eclipse next year. By the end of 2020 you will be a new person. Opportunities will come to you in many aspects of your life. If you decide to go back to school or learn something new this will be an opportune time. I would not be surprised if you take on a new client or have a job offer coming your way. However, after the Cancer eclipse, there will exist the possibility that you may have minor conflicts with masculine figures in your life. You may find that small or large tasks are almost impossible due to minor glitches. Be careful with your social skills in public as you may find some ridicule. (Your 6-month transit report can be found here during the full moon in June.)

Virgo & Pisces

By association and being a mutable sign, it is quite difficult for you to be in flux, especially during retrograde. As far as I can see there is no real danger for both of you this year as both of your eclipses are behind you. Virgos have already pealed their skin during their eclipse 2015-2016, and Jupiter brought them luck. If you resisted your changes, then this year may seem difficult for you, if not, you may have seen increases in finances, moves, and academia. Thus, it may be advisable to sit back and relax a little bit Dear Virgo. Hence, Pisces also went through their eclipse around the same time; however, Chiron was really forcing Pisces to become more spiritual. The catch here was not to suppress.

Virgo: It may be possible that you become very melancholy and this may cause you to become depressed about the things you have not done in the past for people; even to the point of how you could have done things differently. There may be very deep memories of a father figure or fatherly figure in your life who may not be around any longer, and these memories could spiral your emotions. When the eclipse in Capricorn becomes magnified your focus may detour towards finances as there is a part of you that may want to travel. Physical fitness may be in the works for you but have some savings as unexpected expenses may cause issues. You might just feel the more successful you are the more difficult it becomes to balance your resources, but remember, with every confusion there is a massive clarity. (your six-month projection can be found here with the full moon in Virgo in February)

Pisces: As the fish swim in the sea going from here to there and everywhere, your mind may be mixed with all kinds of opportunities or business tactics you may want to try. But this is not the time or the place to try these opportunities. Be careful with your communication with female figures, especially mothers and wives. Your reputation will highly depend upon your actions in public as your character may be questioned if you initiate conflicts or question policies. However, after July 22, you will find it’s a whole new world. You will find plenty of collaboration with subordinates and co-workers. Competitors may want to be on your side. Business will be much more profitable; however, the tension and pressure of the work could cause unnecessary arguments in marriage or partnership. (Your 6-month transit report can be found here during the new moon in Pisces in March)

Aquarius, Taurus & Scorpio

Due to the pull of Leo being a fixed sign, and Cancer energies, the effects of Mercury retrograde will be just as impacting as Virgo and Pisces if not more. One of the most transformative characters of the zodiac has been Aquarius. Their eclipses of 2017-2018 have set the stage for their own longevity. Some Aquarius’ have come down with unknown or incurable diseases or illness only to find out it was not as bad as it had appeared. However, their view of life has altered their personal and financial power and it’s time for a spiritual retreat. But this is not so for Scorpios. Even if Scorpios are not going through any eclipses, there is still a pull of Saturn which is molding Scorpios. The best thing that continues to assist Scorpios at this time, according to VPAT, is that Jupiter is back in Scorpio and will remain there until August. Therefore, planting seeds of the future is the best one can do. Unfortunately, I cannot say that about Taurus as Uranus is making its journey through Taurus for the next 7 years and taking all of humanity with her.

Aquarius: There is an old saying, if you argue less and be more collaborative, you will see how things just start to appear with your own eyes. Focus may be difficult around this time. It may be better to avoid all conflicts in partnership and marriage. Be very careful with your investments as there is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme and you will soon find this out for yourself. The watery energy is much too much to handle for you. But rest assured as the end of July comes closer you will see that this too shall pass. Relationships of all kinds will straighten themselves out and you will find that you have more support than you think. However, if you question everything you will find people will be more argumentative with you. The eclipses of 2017-2018 were supposed to transform you into being more humble and forgiving; the more you wrestled with this the more it will affect your life. It’s better to say nothing than to say something that would be eventually be hurtful. (your 6 months transit can be found here during the new moon in Aquarius in February)

Scorpio: Being a water sign you can be an emotional sponge to many people, and you can tell if something is wrong. Often you have been known to feel things no one else could. Perhaps Mercury retrograde will give you ample time to make progress with your friends, family, and health. However, you need to take caution in areas of finances; it is not that you have added expenses it is that you are paying off too much and not saving enough. But that will soon end. After July 24, 2019, self-employed Scorpios should do well financially. Work environment will be very cordial and cooperative. Admiration and stature are also in the future for Scorpios as they hand the torch of Jupiter back to Sagittarius in August. (Your 6-moth transit report can be found during the full moon in May 2019)

Taurus: Everyone can say you are mother nature, but you surely have a way with people and materialism. 2013-2014 eclipses woke you up and tore you up. You are now on the other side, ready to transform society with your power of change. Even though you do not have any eclipses until 2021 in your sign you will continue to change the social aspect of your life. However, your stubbornness and pride may create some obstacles in family and financial matters. Do not invest in anything currently and stay focused on learning new things, even if they are difficult. After the Capricorn eclipse, things may seem a bit better as you work through family issues and your positive attitude will assist in bringing happier times for the family. Watch out for unnecessary worries and assuming things as they will bring needless conflicts. (Your 6-month transit can be found here. During the new moon in Taurus in May)

Capricorn, Aries & Libra

Dear Capricorn, your eclipses will soon be completed. This has been a difficult ride for you with Pluto in the mix, but once they are finished you will find your sigh of relief at the end of the year. Remember Dear Capricorn, new moons are not beginnings but endings to make room for beginnings. Nevertheless, your pain is not as great as Aries who is going through their Chrion which is forcing them to look at their past life karma and often feeling very alone. Overall, the only one that can sit back and watch everything would be Libra who is just passing time and enjoying their time for a bit.

Capricorn: Yes, this is a difficult transit, and there is a transformation coming up for you. Look back at your life during 2000-2002, 2009-2011. Every eclipse brings a new person to you, and I realize it’s not easy with Pluto pounding on you. But for every road you pave, a new one begins and during this retrograde you will find work, family health, and spiritual avenues are going to be blissful. However, everything may not be rosy as conflicts and difficulties in areas of career may be possible. This is not the time to rely on luck; it’s time to control what you have. Take good care of your health as you may not feel good. Because of irritability you may not be as collaborative with your subordinates due to interruptions in your projects and this will affect your relationships of all kinds. But perhaps after the eclipses you will feel a little better. (Your last 6-month transits can be located here during the Solar eclipse in January)

Aries: Sometimes its ok to think about your life and what you have done. As much as you do not want to, it’s time to pay back karma. Sometimes your temperament and inability to control what you say have hurt people. Mercury retrograde and Chiron is are forcing you to look at your actions and reactions. You will find that your friends and family circle will progress and soon your work life will bring some needed relief which will assist in helping you with your health. Nonetheless, you stay tuned in to your work and you will notice that those that work with you may not be cooperative. Once we pass all the eclipses you will find that people are more supportive and financial gains will be in order. (Your 6-month transit can be found here during the new moon in Aries)

Libra: By now you should be feeling better as your eclipses are behind you. Jupiter is also behind you, but what have learned from this fiasco? This is what this Mercury retrograde is all about. It’s about expecting the unexpected. Be careful with your health and it is not a time for travel even if it is short spiritual retreat. You may have minor sickness which could cause financial losses. Once we reach July 25, 2019 you will see that you will socialize and network with much greater ease. You will make new friends and financial gains are very possible for you. (your 6-month transit can be found here during the super full moon in Libra)

The predispositions which I have described above are general tendencies, not to be mistaken as 100% accurate for all. For individual dispositions, I would suggest you contact a westernor eastern astrologer. The information above is not astrology, rather, it is used as a place holder for characteristic overview.

A more expanded 6-month overview will be given during the Solar and Lunar eclipse in July which will incorporate further details.

As Mercury is a very slow-moving planet, it affects almost all planetary signs. It is my suggestion that you purchase a yellow candle and carve your name through to the wick. Anoint the candle with Inspiration oil or Eucalyptus oil and chant the Psalm 70 every single night. This period will last for 9 weeks and it will be hard on all of us. This will allow friendly communications as well as understandings in situations.

You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until August 15, 2019. Remember that with all applications of psalms and mantras achieving the desired result is dependent upon the quality of intention. When it comes to finding satisfying relationships, it is of the greatest importance to begin with a clear understanding of what your goal should be.

The mantras can be hard to pronounce for many but are a powerful source of energy.

I have chosen two mantras for you during this Mercury retrograde. The first mantra is easier to recite and the second is meant for advanced chanters.


Om Mani Padme Hum

(omm Ma nee Pud mee Hmm)


Om Muni Muni Mahamuni Shakyamuniye Svaha Om

This mantra is used to achieve emotional transparency, to avoid and overcome confusions, and to keep friendly communications flowing.

Please note I am not an astrologer, nor do I claim to be. I am a Vedic reader. The privileges of a Vedic reader are to take planetary dispositions, as well as insolence and behavior patterns of the reading, and bring forth reflection of the truth. It is about cautionary preparation and to understand that not every human is an exact science. This means that for every deed there is a response; however, we all have the free will, and skill, to change our future.

I wish you the most rewarding retrograde period, that you get plenty of rest, and you have the chance to rethink and renovate yourself after this period is over.

For those who wish to book their appointments for the Solar and Lunar Eclipse in July, the schedule will be posted by Jun 25, 2019. Additionally July Giveaways will be in the email boxes of those that are up to date on their information and reading.



Copyright 2019© cosmicpsychic, cosmicpsychics, Maharani Rutan 2019 et all. All Rights Reserved

Be Fastidious, Modest and Conservative: Red Super Moon in Virgo

Red Moon

Supermoon in Virgo/Leo

February 19, 2019


By Maharani Rutan©

As the groundhog predicted it will be an early spring, then why does it seem like the winter has just began? Yet think, in one month and one day from February 19, 2019, the beautiful spring equinox will usher another seasonal change.

The cool Hunger Red Super moon will blast our skies, waking us all up for a few days, just to put us back to sleep again. This will be one of the largest super moons in 2019, and the brightness of its beauty will grace us at approximately, 10:53am EST and 7:53 am PST time. VPAT (Vedic Philosophical Ayurvedic Theories) have always claimed that a full moon brings luck and prosperity, and it always marks an auspicious time for religious ceremonies.

According to the ancient theories, sidereal not tropical, this is also a Leo moon. However, the eminence of Virgo is present and very active during this time. Therefore, this energy will lead us into discussions and changes within the home and workplace. Could it be that we are in for another shut down or will there be a compromise? If there is a compromise, let’s hope it will last, because the energy of the ghost period of Mercury retrograde, which also begins on the same day, could cause confusion and at its worse, force us back to the drawing table in the middle of March (Read more here)

Nevertheless, this is a time to plant karmic seeds for all those that have a placement of Cancer and Capricorn in their chart. This will be the last full moon, or rather, most auspicious time for forgiveness. Rahu and Ketu are both planets of past and present karma, therefore, anything that may have happened, good or bad, was, and is, karmically driven. Depending upon the placement, this is where there were unexpected and unforeseen issues which triggered something to bring forth what must change.

Recall all the issues from July of 2000 through March 2002. What did you take with you? How did you apply it for the past two years, Dear Cancer and Capricorn? One cannot, however, put these two signs in a single box as it was a collective change. Thus, it’s time to think back at everything.

The experiences of Rahu/Ketu can be detrimental to the longevity and outlook of everyone’s life. Perhaps these experiences can be shared with your fellow Gemini and Sagittarius as they too now pay the consequences of their actions. Whatever you can remember, you can be sure similar situations are bound to occur, and with them, you must apply what you have learned so your actions appease the cosmos, not the other way around. For Gemini and Sagittarius, rewind to November 2009 through June 2011; the situations may be so similar that it will be eerie.

Often, history must repeat itself to make sure that we don’t keep repeating the same mistakes over and over. This moon is predictive to the situations which are same as they were at the exact time in 2000. Something powerful may have been happening behind the scenes for some earth signs. Possibly it was unrealistic, or uncertain, then the answers could have come very clearly to you around the 7th-9th of February. This may have a lot to do with your work, money, career, family, as well as what your future may hold.

Perhaps this full moon will also be transmuting where it is a chance to nurture, change and advance. To assist in getting rid of access negative energy as well as baggage we all hold on to. The pull of the energy you experience could be good or bad, but if you take a modest and spiritual path all will work out in your favor.

Nevertheless, as we move through the icy winter, the cold weather suits its name correctly this time as the northern hemisphere of this moon is named as the Snow moon; however, I don’t feel that it will suit the southern hemisphere as much for it is known as the Grain moon. Often, it has been theorized that the full moon energy can be felt as early as 7 days before and 7 days after.

The slushy, wet, and cold winter hit us hard, causing wipe outs and near misses on the road on February 12, 2019. The full moon, no matter how boundless or small, is very favorable to the Hindu culture as it is also known as Poonam.

Full moon is Pournami which is usually considered very peaceable and heavenly. In the Gita (Old Scriptures) it is said that God’s full moons are created for spiritual development. The lunar rays and solar rays aid our souls and implement these important rituals. Additionally, those who help create or write the Vedas (scriptures from God) to be read by humans were all born on a full moon, therefore, they should be worshiped as such.

This full moon in Leo/Virgo may be considered very heavy. It brings up lessons that we should have learned in the past and how we continue to repeat the errors that cause us, and our family, harm. Think of the texture of the Earth after there has been a fire.

However, if you are a mutable sign, especially Virgo or an Earth sign, it may be worthwhile for you to take that spiritual journey. It won’t hurt as you, and those with Virgo in their charts, will be affected by this full moon. Leo’s will also be going through something significant. Therefore, by proxy all mutable signs (Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, and Sagittarius) as well as Fire Signs (Leo, Aries or Sagittarius) will find something auspicious to experience or something that is being closed for something new to begin.

Consider the next 6 months as a test, dear Virgo’s and Leo’s. It is about what changes you have made since the new moon last year in August/September and how the eclipses affected you last year and this year; this is the question that is the most important in your life.

The Full Moon carries a time of brilliance and nascence. It is a period of personal accomplishment, but also a time to study for the deeper meaning in what you’ve created. How can you integrate your dream into the world for the greater good of all? The Full Moon impulses you to distinguish and honor the significance of the “other” – other people, other ideas, and other values.

Due to Leo/Virgo energy, relationships are of great importance at this time, and you feel a need to share, to merge, and to partner, whether lovingly or through other channels. You are called upon now to work toward attaining stability – balance of your inner nature and outer personality, balance of your need to take with your ability to give; the balance of your ultimate ideals with what is possible in the world.

Detach yourself of all external roles, worries, and insignificant quests, and dive into the ocean of light, soaking in all life. Inhale in light; exhale out light. Feel the cells of your body become incandescent and luminous with the powerful glow of God. Allow the substantial problems of the past months to drop away.

The Moon in Virgo carries a time of realism, scrutiny, and competence. People may feel more diligent and detail-oriented. As a result, this is a good time to complete plans, mainly smaller scale projects that need organization and attention to detail. Due to Virgo’s association with health, food and fitness may be a concern during this time. Also, people may be wary as they are absorbed in thought and academic pursuits. Because serious thinking is highlighted, caution needs to be taken to evade being too serious or condemnatory.

Every month emphasizes a certain Astrological sign, thus I will bring to you general propensities which could assist making the transition from full moon to new moon as smooth as possible so that each step is spiritual.

Please note this is not Vedic or Western Astrology, rather, it is based on VPAT (Vedic Philosophical Ayurvedic Theories), which depict causation that assists in making correct decisions in the future.


This will be a year to remember. You will have some challenges, but you overcome any hurdles with a smile on your face. The more you succeed in your career growth the more bliss you will feel inside. Now you will realize the need to put public interest first in your life. You will soon be given opportunities to act as a mediator and you will receive assistance from the higher ups. You will soon discover what is causing your subordinates’ dissatisfaction. If there any building renovations that go wrong, you may become unnecessarily upset. You may have difficulties with women in the work place. You may have a difficult time trusting people. But be aware that mercury retrograde may put some dampers on your plans

Saturn: April 2019-Sept 2019. Saturn is in Sagittarius, this means it won’t be rosy, nor will it be dull. There is a good possibility you may have a career relocation and finally get into the profession of your dreams. However, you will have some opposition from rivals. The opposition is nothing you cannot handle and as your year progresses, your social circle will give you all the appreciation you desire. On the other hand, things that may have happened in the past may cause you to feel distressed resulting in feeling lonely with a lack of support from family members. A huge prospect of work and career is possible.

Ketu – Since Ketu is changing signs as of March, you will now analyze your reactions to things, which may cause you to feel very empty in some areas of married life. Don’t doubt loved ones. Think before you invest. You may lack focus.

Ketu: March 30, 2019-. You need to be on the lookout for illnesses to your close relatives. You may work harder with more on your plate than you know what to do with. Because of exhausting overworked issues, you may miss important family dates and celebrations. You may be over stressed and may feel discontent. This could cause your expenses to be more than what you are bringing home.

Rahu – there is a change of sign in March, therefore this prediction reflects everything until March 30, 2019. You will overcome challenges through vigor and focused professionalism. Your financial situation looks good. However, you may have health issues, which you will overcome, and any legal issues will go in your favor.

Rahu: March 30, 2019-. You will have financial increases and will be able to bring in more resources from other avenues. However, due to work demands you may not be able to spend quality time with your loved ones. Do not take short cuts when it comes to your finances as they will result in more difficulties than anything else.

Uranus: Aug 2019. You will now go back to the actions of your past and realize you were tougher on yourself than you needed to be. You will recognize how you were able to overcome things in your life and it’s time to stand up for yourself. It is time to take out the journal and write down new ideas.

Jupiter – There will also be a change of signs at the end of March. Now is the time to adapt and alter the way you communicate your ideas and thoughts to people; you will soon realize that they are listening. You could also get rid of old material things and replace them with the latest and greatest. You will soon get distinction in society. Your thoughts are provoking, and brilliance comes from out of the blue.

Jupiter: March 30, 2019-. You may undergo stress which means you must take good care of your health and not let go of your health regime. A balanced diet and daily exercise will help you in moving forward with freshness and vibrancy.

Mars: March 30, 2019- Be careful of your health and avoid minor quarrels with your partner. You may feel that you are not getting the support you need in your career or profession. Your temper may rise and most of all, you may be accident prone where you are no looking both ways before crossing.

This is a blissful year for you if you can recognize that you cannot be perfect at everything and you have higher expectations on yourself than others do. Move forward and be optimistic. Be careful, however, around August that you don’t invest incorrectly. Do not neglect family and take care of the ones you love. Try to not bring work home and control a conflicting situation. Be careful of neighbors; don’t raise your voice and you will get further by maintaining a distance.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, as is Gemini. While the Moon is in Virgo it also a virtuous time for educational pursuits, but not it is better for those challenging serious details rather than unique creativity. This is a good time for taking care of any matter that requires scrupulous attention. People may become shy and retrieving with Moon passing through Virgo and will tend to be sensible, fussy, and even excessively serious at times.

Also starting on the full moon, Mercury will begin to motion backwards, and the most critical time will during mid-March. At that time there could be communication issues and things could break down, so be patient.

You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until the next moon cycle. Remember that with all applications of psalms and mantras achieving the desired result is dependent upon the quality of intention. It is of the utmost importance to begin with a clear understanding of what your goal should be.

The mantras can be hard to pronounce for many but are a powerful source of energy. This year there are two mantras, one for those who are just now getting into learning about Sanskrit mantras and those who are fluent.

The mantras for Virgo moon are:


Om Shreeng Aing Sauh |

(Ommm Shreeng Aiiiing Sauhhh)


Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

This mantra invokes energy for making any plans fruitful and successful.

The intention of this mantra is to keep us in balance and from becoming irritable through obscurity and blurred energy.

Please be cautious to understand that some of this energy can be felt as early as 5 days before the full moon. There can be breakups, confusion, and people can act just plain weird.

May this moon bring you joy, love, and tenderness. Always remember for every ending there is a new beginning.

Please note that I am not an astrologer, I am a Vedic reader. These are Vedic inferences of astrological tendencies. They are not to be exact to an individual sign but characteristics of environmental changes and predispositions. These elements are used as ground rules for Vedic readings. If you are looking for a personalized Western Astrological reading you may contact my recommended Astrologer here or choose the ones that you are comfortable with here.



Copyright 2019© cosmicpsychic, cosmicpsychics, Maharani Rutan 2019 et all. All Rights Reserved

Steamy Past and Unpredictable Future: Mercury Retrograde Winter/Spring 2019

Mercury Retrograde Winter/Spring 2019


Pre-Progression: February 19-March 1 (Pisces)

Pre-Progression Juncture: March 2-4(Pisces)

Mercury Station Retrograde: March 5(Pisces)

Mercury Station Regression: March 6-9 (Pisces)

Mercury Retrograde Juncture: March 10-23 (Aries)

Mercury Direct Regression: March 24-27(Aries)

Mercury Direct: Mar 28 2019 (Pisces)

Post-Regression Juncture: March 29-April 2 (Pisces)

Post-Juncture: April 3-16 (Pisces)

By Maharani Rutan©

As I was editing this blog while watching Nightly News NBC they had 4 featured stories. I turned to my husband and I said, “I knew it!” I know share with you some things which have an earie resemblance.

In my predictions of 2019, I had stated, “I also would not be surprised if Morocco, England, Kuwait, Sweden, and Belgium are in the news for the first few months of 2019. But more so London, Melbourne, or San FranciscoRead more here. As of 2/2/2019, Nightly news reported, “On Monday, seven supermarkets, three fast food chains and the British Retail Consortium trade group begged lawmakers to avoid leaving the E.U. without an agreement.” Read more here

The second story relates to flooding and snow, I stated in my predictions in December 2018, “On January 18-30, 2000 a powerful snow storm hit North Carolina dropping 10 inches of snow in 24 hours. Perhaps due to the mild winter, there could possibly be shocking snow or monsoon rainfall.Read more here. Nightly news claimed that there could be more flooding read more here

Third story was reflecting about the how the American people are handling he shut down. My prediction was that “Since Leo represents leadership, home, and strength, I surely would not be surprised if issues of family, security, leadership, and home are highlighted.” Many Americans with jobs were forced stand in line at pantries because they could not make ends meet. Watch more here

Lastly, the financial front will foresee many things, “there could be possible promotions, job changes, financial buy outs, purchasing of new businesses to solidify investments, and finances through hard work.”Read more here. Hence Nightly News concluded even though many were impacted by the government shut down, many new jobs were created. Read more here

Here we are today, in a couple of weeks just when the full moon graces us, Mercury retrograde begins its sluggish voyage backwards in time and the initial ghost period begins on the 19th, continuing until March 04, 2019. On March 05, 2019, it is still conveying its mis-perception, misunderstandings, separations, reunions and forces each one of us to re-visit our past to see if we made accurate choices.

Mercury is a very slow planet; therefore, the intensity will lesson slowly with the most crucial time between March 5 and 9. Some of us could feel the relief as early as March 10, 2019 but then it becomes intense again March 24-27, 2019. While the sign of real relief will not make any noticeable energy move until March 28, 2019, it endures its journey until 17th of March when it begins to move forward again to let us know that whatever decisions were made, we must stick by them. Thereafter, from March 29, 2019 to April 16, 2019 will be an adjustment period where our decisions must stick, otherwise, by the next retrograde they will be recalled again.

Remember, if you meet someone new during retrograde it may be a very unclear and slow period. Unless you or the other person have strong planets, which could negate the energy, the unclear nature will continue. Nevertheless, if there is a reconnection it may be short lived, or you might reconnect with the past only to find out after the retrograde phase is over it is finished. This is the time to introspect if the person from the past can meet your expectations and for how long. If it’s someone new you may discover their real personality after the retrograde is over. Whatever happens, reminisce, it is a journey not a path.

This retrograde is placed in the planets of Pisces and Aries (according VPAT) so whichever house Pisces/Aries is in you VPAT chart is where the energy will be the most intense. Hence, as VPAT states, everyone has Pisces somewhere in their chart which means almost every one of us will be impacted in one way or the other.

A planet is defined as retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. This traditional impression arises in the illusory planetary motion created by the orbital rotation of the earth with relation to other planets in our solar system. Planets are never actually retrograde or stationary, they just seem that way.

Even though it seems that this will be a horrible journey, remember, for every window that closes, a door opens. With the new moon in Aquarius energy behind us, and the Full moon in Virgo energy ahead of us, something beautiful may occur. Confident, free, and loving energy could bring new and old friendships while hard work and deep analyzation will bring forth new ideas and possible new places to work.

However, as Mercury begins to move slowly in retrograde within the first week, we could all feel a very serious undertone. This is all due to Venus moving into Capricorn according to VPAT. Many of us will find new ways to network or influence their energy towards financial structures and may be very prone to focusing on career and professions. Every connection which is linked to financial or resources will be respected as long as there is consistency and transparency. Every emotion will have an analytical approach until such time as we feel comfortable with our connections; but most of all, things may be very quiet on the interpersonal front.

Retrograde periods, although often thought-provoking for us, are not principally uncommon. Each planet retrogrades, except the Sun and Moon. Mercury, much like the winged messenger of the gods, comes in on feather-light wings and orders us to express. Communication, understanding and awareness are all within Mercury’s domain, as are perception and rational thinking in the matter of philosophy and how we create and express our thought processes.

Remember, we can use this influential energy in positive ways. Use this time to do activities that start with “re”: restart, reparation, review, renegotiate, and research…

In general, Mercury rules contemplation and consciousness, giving out and circulating information and all means of communication, commerce, and transportation. By extension, Mercury rules people who work in these areas, especially people who work with their thoughts or their wits: writers and speakers, reporters and censors, gossips and spin doctors, tricksters, and thieves.

As a rule, Mercury retrogrades every quarter and this year will be the fire and water action. Per VPAT, it will be resonating in fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) and in water signs (Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio). The fire and water combination can cause some uproar in relationships, professions, and the way we communicate with one another. Mercury is the ruler of Gemini, a planet of communications however, Gemini is mutable sign. Mercury usually affects all that are mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Pisces and Sagittarius), and even if Mercury retrograde does not fall in a mutable sign, these people will definitely feel the jolt and lethargy of this slow period.

When Mercury is in Aries, there is a tendency to make swift decisions. The energy may be impulsive at times due to Mars’ (ruling planet of Aries) provocation, leading to catastrophic situations. There is a tendency to jump at implications. This will be especially true for those that have Aries in their VPAT chart, including all fire signs, Leo, and Sagittarius.

Add to this Mercury retrograde in Pisces which creates spiritual and sensitive misperception with bizarre visions, sometimes leading to psychic experiences. As mental processes are tangled with emotions, we find it hard to detached concepts and thoughts from desire and impracticality. Our psychological alignment can be unhinged, idealistic, and overly-spiritual, but it also gradients to sluggishness and upsurges in the impulse to consume alcohol or anything that alters our moods. Anxiety and pressure, even baseless doubts and suspicion, are stirred particularly from working or existing in antagonistic environments, rising to a sharp, sarcastic tongue.

When we merge Pisces (Watery, Dreamy, and Visionary) with Aries (Dominate, Prorogation, and Driven) it is bound to be a very steamy passage. Thus, we now inter-mix Air from the past moon (in Aquarius), Earth from the full moon in Virgo, and Water and Fire from the Pisces/ Aries Mercury retrograde, resulting in the entire spectrum of emotions.

During this time the mixed energy will surely cause plenty of confusion. Whereas, many will feel that this is the most intense planetary flux that they have ever felt. This flux could cause carelessness with those that have primary planets in Fire (Aries, Sagittarius or Leo), amplified by the retrograde energy. Confrontations could escalate whereas choosing your words will be your saving grace. These words will cut people like a knife and hurt those we don’t mean to hurt.

Uphold discretion and dignity in your professional environment and do not try to read between the lines when there is really nothing to find. The rigidity of Mercury retrograde gives rise to personal delusions; unpredictable, dislocated, or delayed communications, negotiations and trade; glitches and breakdowns with phones, computers, cars, buses, and trains. All of these problems usually arise because some vital portion of information, or element, has gone off track or askew.

When Mercury is retrograde, everyone’s thinking is more introspective, and we tend to think about matters and concerns that relate to the sign involved. There is, however, the prospect to gain insight into one’s own ego. Mercury sets out to reorganize our thinking processes and for many of us this is painful and frustrating. Moreover, these understandings expose mistakes in our inner organization as well as our external development, which can make us feel irresponsible and inadequate.

All areas of communication are pretentious. Approaches and inspiration for education, communication, and transportation are subject to complications under this aspect. It brings travel delays and missed appointments of all kinds. Documents can go astray. Be sure to carry a diary and refer to it often. The good things to do when Mercury is retrograde: meditate, contemplate, edit the book/poem/song/essay you’ve been writing, clean house, talk to your pet, listen to music, paint, and catch up on sleep!

Below, you will find a predisposition to retrograde energy for every astrological sign. Please note this is neither sidereal nor tropical astrology. Rather this is based upon VPAT predictive predispositions which are based upon the universal energies.

It is recommended that you view your VPAT chart for the position of Aries/Pisces planets, which will give you an overall focus of what should and will be expected during this time. I will highlight the two signs which will be the most effected, followed by others.

Most effected


Dear Aries, life has not been a cup of tea for you for the past 7 years. You may have gone through jobs, relationships, and perhaps even relocation. There also could have been health issues with family as well as yourself. Now you must look upon 2019 as the fruit of your own seeds. You may find that there is a lot of confusion right now and this is due to Uranus in Aries which always involves the unexpected. This year will not be like any other. During this time, you must be cautious of a few things which are listed below, however, this the time to get out of any relationships that do not benefit you. Let go of the past and be sure you are honest with yourself. Some of the things you want may not be likely to occur until after your birthday. But Mercury is the time to clean up your mess, especially in the area of hurt feelings, and make amends. This is something you learn from your Pisces brother/Sister. Dear Pisces, though Mercury retrograde has always been, and will continue to be, problematic for you, the eclipses are now behind you. Chrion is also behind you and now is the time to look at yourself during retrograde and see what you have learned. Jupiter, the planet of luck, has continued to bring you luck and you should enjoy this as much as possible, especially when it comes to your career. During retrograde you must consider your temperament, your covert dealings, and how both of these have affected your life.

Affected areas and negative tendencies.

Aries: Communications, family issues, temper, and finances

Pisces: Minor family illness, attentiveness, communication, and reckless spending

Mutable Signs

Many astrological theorists claim that mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Pisces and Sagittarius) have the most difficult time. However, this is not because of the energy, but rather, it is about adjustment. Mercury affects communication, intellect, and change. Hence, being a mutable sign, change is nothing you are unfamiliar with. Gemini’s have two sides to every situation especially when things are a bit difficult and sudden. Since they look at different concepts all the time, this is nothing new to them. But Mercury also affects understanding and often the speed of the work. Virgo’s are known to be very particular with what they do; they are constantly crossing their T’s and dotting their I’s, thus even when things are crazy it does not matter what day it is, they just get on with what they need to do and do it as meticulously as they possibly can. Pisces are so in tuned that once they get a feeling something bad is going to happen, they will alter their path and get to their destination without any stress. Finally, the sweet Sagittarius; they hate boredom and the same daily routine, so when Mercury kicks them or knocks them off their chair, they just laugh and say, “that was fun, let’s do it again.” The problems occur when it comes to the things that they cannot control, and this is when Mercury is difficult for them, three times a year.

Affected areas and negative tendencies.

Gemini: Ego, children, lethargy, and zeal

Virgo: Relationship disagreements, communication, comprehension, and financial risk

Pisces: See above

Sagittarius: Ego, haste, moodiness, and lack of professional drive

Earth Signs

Taurus is the most stubborn sign of the zodiac; they have a difficult time with change. They tend to hold on to habits, people, and things, even if they are poison to them, because they want to be able to have the control to do it when they can, or rather, when they want to. Capricorns can be just as stubborn, however, the difference is they work hard and think too much at times, thus Mercury causes confusion through their analysis

Affected areas and negative tendencies.

Taurus: Reckless spending, technology, unclear intentions, and communication with aggression

Capricorn: Assertiveness, lack of planning, lack of recognition, and reckless responsibilities

Air Signs

Like their sister Gemini, Libra and Aquarius shrug their shoulders when it comes to difficulties. If it is broken it usually gets replaced, if is something they can’t figure out they will find a manual online. They make their adjustments any way they know how, however, they cannot handle hiccups very well.

Affected areas and negative tendencies.

Libra: Lack of success, hiccups in projects or work-related assignments, lack of passion, and communication

Gemini: see above

Aquarius: Analyzing too much, finances, decisions through haste, and lack of motivation

Water Signs

Unlike the other astrological signs, water signs (Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio) are among the most intuitively active astrological signs in the zodiac system. Therefore, they are more in tune with the moods of their environment and the world. Their waver, spiritual, and comforting personality usually picks up on any tragic turmoil around them, therefore becoming emotional sponges; which, in turn, causes chaos and confusion in their lives. This year will be a year of Mercury retrograde in water and fire which means it is currently Aries/Pisces, in the summer it will be Leo/Cancer, and in the Autumn, it transitions to Sagittarius/Scorpio. Therefore, there will plenty of time for personal introspection.

Affected areas and negative tendencies.

Pisces: See above

Cancer: Communication, family illness, wavering intentions, and work-related issues

Scorpio: Health issues, communication, children’s health, and financial investments

The best thing to do during Mercury retrograde is to think before you act, not to do things in haste, be supple, but most of all, actions do not have to be bad. During Mercury retrograde in Pisces/Aries, there is a great tendency to be fiery, intuitive, compassionate, and driven. These tendencies usually cause people to feel a lack of confidence and distrust.

Since, Mercury is a very slow planet and it effects almost all planetary signs, it is my suggestion that you purchase a yellow candle and carve your name through to the wick. Smear the candle with Inspiration oil or Eucalyptus oil and chant the Psalm 70 every night.

This period will last for 6-9 weeks and will be difficult on all of us. Through prayers and mantra recitation, the energy will allow friendly communication as well as consideration in all situations. You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until April 10, 2019.

Remember that with all submissions of psalms and mantras accomplishing the anticipated result is contingent upon the eminence of the goal. The mantras can be hard to pronounce for many but are a powerful source of energy.

I have chosen two mantras for you during this Mercury retrograde:


Om Mani Padme Hum

(ommm Maaani Paud maee hum)


Om Amitabha Hrin

This mantra is used to achieve rational clarity, to evade and overcome confusions, and to keep welcoming dialogs continuing.

Please note that everyone has Pisces somewhere in their chart, but those that will be affected the most during this transitional period are mutable signs (Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini). However, Aries will also be pushed to their limits. This means those with mutable signs and fire signs, such as the sun or the moon, or even ascendants, will be affected.

I am not an astrologer, nor do I claim to be. Vedic readings are fixated and geared to provide a pathway and the importance of actions and feedback, and uses the sun and the moon as groundwork giving you the best potential. This is so you can make your own free will decision which is not prejudiced by another, rather, what is in your best interest.

Take this time to nap, relax, and enjoy the slowness and “ahhh” later…



Copyright 2019© cosmicpsychic, cosmicpsychics, Maharani Rutan 2019 et all. All Rights Reserved

Slow Journey to Truth & Justice: Final Mercury Retrograde 2017

Mercury Retrograde


Pre-Progression: Nov 14-20, 2017 (Begins in Scorpio)

Pre-Progression Continued: Nov 21-28, 2017 (Sagittarius)

Pre-Regression : Nov 29-Dec 1, 2017

Mercury Station: Dec 2 & 3, 2017 (Sagittarius)

Mercury Retrograde Regression: Dec 4-6, 2017

Mercury Retrograde Juncture: Dec 7-18 , 2017

Mercury Direct Regression: Dec 19-21, 2017

Mercury Direct: Dec 22/23, 2017 (Sagittarius)

Post-Regression Juncture: Dec 24-26, 2017 (Capricorn)

Post-Juncture: Dec 27-Jan 10, 2018

By Maharani Rutan©

As we observe the twists and turns in our lives, the Universe now holds us responsible for our actions and reactions to things we often take for granted. Some of our lives have been turned upside down having to build and rebuild. Others can only stand by and watch, while some could not help but to get involved in the rebuilding processes. The structures we once knew to be a stable part of our lives are now dust – all due to the eclipses.

We were destined to rebuild though it may not seem to be real right now. The two Leo Eclipses in the Spring and Summer questioned our structures of family and home. While the last eclipse in Pisces paved the way to a new era of spirituality and new beginnings. However, the universe is not done with us yet.

Like everything in life, there will, and should be, a magnificent transformation. Our freedom and ability to seek truth and justice is being questioned as Saturn moves into Sagittarius. Meanwhile, the Aquarius eclipse brings the collective “US” and the willingness to accept during the fall. All of us in one way or another have changed how we collectively look at life. Yet, the universe is not satisfied. Now the time comes for humanity to consider all aspects of life; to see what we can resolve, reflect, repair, reconsider and be responsible for. But it cannot be done while we are too busy living life. Therefore, the only solution is to slow it all down and let it happen on its own.

The universe is now using his messenger to make sure all humanity reconsiders the issues of January 2017, November 2012, and November 2009; making sure there is no unfinished business and all aspects are as they should be, without regrets. It must be done in such a way that when this phase is re-tested in November 2018 we know exactly where we stand.

The Pre-progression period of Mercury retrograde has already begun in Sagittarius/Capricorn on the 15th of November 2017-where it begins the journey through Scorpio then to Sagittarius. This journey will begin at 03 degrees in Sagittarius moving backwards, therefore making things a little bit more complicated for all mutable signs. The intensification of Mercury will be at its toughest December 2, 2017 to December 09, 2017, at 29 degrees in Sagittarius while continuing its journey backwards. Finally, on January 10, 2017 Mercury will stop and station direct in Capricorn/Sagittarius at 13 degrees.

VPAT (Vedic Philosophical Ayurvedic Theories) have studied Mercury (planet) very intensely and recognized that every planet, except the moon and sun, retrograde. However, Mercury is a very slow planet, therefore regression periods must be considered, and anomalies may occur 2 to 3 weeks before or 2 to 3 weeks after the actual period. Equaling that, the entire phase is an 8 to 10-week progression period. Even with the difference of opinions some Western astrologers do agree that it may be necessary to identify this as a science rather than a 2 to 3-week period.

Therefore, I would consider that many of you may have started feeling the effects as early as 15th of November. This phase may be considered a predisposition to predictive inferences. Even though Mercury is retrograde at 29 degrees in Sagittarius, there is no doubt that it will affect Mutable Signs (Virgo, Pisces, Gemini an Sagittarius). It will also affect earlier and later signs of Sagittarius, as well as early signs of Capricorn.

Especially with Mercury’s predisposition, all Mutable signs and Cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn) will be affected by this chaos, including those that have planets in their VPAT chart of those signs mentioned above.

The effects of Mercury act as a vehicle out of gas. Though it can move, it is not accelerating until the engine has gasoline. We are looking for all kinds of gas stations, but they are closing one by one and will not reopen until after the 10th of January 2018. Trust me when I say Mercury Retrograde takes everyone as a prisoner.

Since Vedic theories are based upon the moon placement and Western astrology focuses primarily on the placement by the sun, VPAT considers that somewhere in the middle is the true answer. Therefore, the placement of Mercury, according to VPAT, begins in Scorpio/Sagittarius and ends in Capricorn/Sagittarius.

Mercury, while in Sagittarius, expects that information will flow naturally, but at the same time, it is information overload. As a result, Scorpios are natural investigators and Sagittarius is hasty. All the information that may come to us between November 15, 2017 and January 10, 2018 may seem either black or white. But the falsehood of the phase is due to the freestyle Sagittarius, meaning this information is not correct.

Just because something says it is so does not justify it being so. Sagittarius is an honest sign and expects everything to be honest and trustworthy. At the same time, Scorpio has a tendency of hiding things, suspecting everyone; sometimes not even trusting themselves. This period brings to life information of discrimination, philosophies, hope, and continues trying to pursue things, even if they are wrong.

Since Mercury already rules Gemini and Virgo, it will disturb our communication and applied skills. However, the difficulty is often through Pisces who controls our spirituality and feelings. Additionally, Sagittarius controls how well we receive the truth and information. All of this means that almost everyone will be provoked.

Love affairs will be inconsistent and unpredictable. All areas of communication are offensive; especially matters relating to families, profession, and particularly anyone who is doing home business, travel, relationships, and estate purchases or sales. Documents can also be out-of-place. Gossip concerning friends, partners, and coworkers should be discounted; particularly if sex or money is involved. Like the soap operas, the plot will solidify with ambiguities which lead up to December 29, 2017 when Mercury begins to move forward.

We must re-examine our specific image and arrogance about who we are. We can make it better by making minor changes to our character. When Mercury is retrograding it’s like living the life of a Gemini who tends to have articulate and communicative emphasis; grounding us during an ascent into something new and exceptional. Excitement, exploration, and travel to places new and uncharted may be yearned for. But it is not about running away; rather, it is to re-examine your past. Thus, history may haunt you or give you a better awareness into your psyche, which will be based upon the truth.

However, this can often cause many people to regress from moving forward because they fear change. These tendencies will be disposed to misunderstanding, hesitancy, inconsistency, and obstructions. Often, there are biases toward not becoming vile towards condemnation and not taking it personally. This period can also hurt any business dealings, legal issues, and especially matters of connections which may be blocked in some way. Writers may have a block of some kind. It is a time for a break if you can.

Distinguishing Mercury is about the desires of two parties when it comes to romance. Since relationships are based upon wants of two people, there may be a choice between the past and the present relationship. It will be a time where people from the past reconnect, thus having to make a choice to move forward or go back and start over. It is about the unfinished business from the past which I spoke about earlier. The energy of Mercury gives everyone a chance to know precisely what to consider when faced with closing doors or re-opening them. Many relationships that do not have a rock-hard foundation could break up during Mercury Retrograde because re-examination it has run its course.

If there is yearning to keep a relationship solid, then it is prudent to reflect upon every other relationship with kid gloves, because it is bound to end. Additionally, if there is an ending, the communication may not straighten out until January 10, 2018. Waiting too long may be subject one to “too little too late”. However, relationships are not the only subject of concern during retrograde period.

Communication of all kinds, whether it be personal, business, legal, political, or even governmental will have problems. Scattered energies and defeats can occur because of arguments, suspensions, minor faults, delayed communications, getting lost, missed appointments, power-driven outages, computer issues, and most of all, accidents.

To see how this retrograde will distress you, especially for those who hold any planets in Cardinal and Mutable signs, I would suggest contacting my suggested astrologers for remedies (here). Please note, the information which I am rendering below is VPAT predispositions, not astrology, but rather a place holder to characteristics found in the VPAT ideology.

According to VPAT, Mercury retrograde will begin in the sign of Scorpio where it last left in 2016. This is where the Sagittarius series began in January 2017. Therefore, I will focus upon those that will be affected first, and what to expect during the transit. This transit will again effect all those that have primary and secondary planets in Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn. Included, by association, are those in the same astrological family. All I can say is this is a season not to be taken lightly.

Fixed Signs

Scorpio, Leo, Taurus and Aquarius

Dear Scorpio, you have moved past some of the toughest transits, however, there is still more road to travel. Mercury retrograde begins in your sign, therefore, you must analyze and look at the past with a different set of glasses. According to VPAT, Saturn is associated with Karma and past life Karma, and therefore, it must move past almost every sign to make a person whole or complete. All in all, it is a 7-year transit, unlike Western Astrology which claims 2-5 years depending upon what is included in their interpretation. Saturn movement is just like Mercury Retrograde; there is a Regression period, Station, Direct, and post period. Think of Saturn in those means; the transit for Scorpios began in 2012 and as of October 25, 2017 think of Saturn as Direct. But for the next 2 years there will still be Post Period and it will move through each cycle of a person’s VPAT chart. This means not only will Scorpios be affected, but all those in association, such as Leo, Taurus, and Aquarius. Leo’s had some positives when Jupiter in Leo gave the seeds and knowledge necessary to plant the seeds for their future, but Mercury really frustrates Leo. Of course, frustrations are nothing new to Taurus as you must do what you can at this time to plant the seeds as well. Your focus should also be in areas of work and creating an environment which only you can live with.

Scorpio: Remember the transit of Saturn will still put some damper and heaviness on your shoulders while Mercury retrograde wants you to slow down and think about what you have learned.
Caution: With communication, ego-centric attitudes, loss of reputation, and disregarded actions.
Considerations: Focus on your money, how the way you speak to others influences actions, and savings for the future.
Recommendation: Light a diva with camphor on Saturdays and donate moong (recipe can be found on the net) to your local temple.

Leo: You have all the utilities and knowledge you need now to create a foundation of your choice. Saturn is moving away, and Jupiter ignited your soul. Only you know what you will do with your gifts. But the Eclipse in Spring and Fall has continued to transform you and it will do so until summer of 2018 possible 2019.
Caution: Spend more time with your spouse or family and watch your frustrations and slowdowns.
Considerations: Stay focused on learning new skills, try to digest what you learn and be creative, humor and laughter will take you a long way.
Recommendation: Do Vishnu pooja and Mantra daily.

Aquarius: It has been a continual uphill battle for you in areas of health and finances. Perhaps even in areas of family. This is all due to the eclipses in fall of 2016 and fall of 2017. However, there is some distance to go yet, it is possible that by winter of next year you will feel differently than you feel at this time.
Caution: Take care of your health and slow yourself down but do not become lazy. Use your wisdom in every decision you make rather than making decisions on a whim.
Considerations: Continue to foster family and friends, your finances can only get better if you invest smart and use common sense to do so.
Recommendation: Buddha mantra will serve your purpose.

Taurus: Sometimes you focus on things that do not work rather than perfecting what does. But sometimes your worries get the best of you and you indulge in spending or doing things which are reckless and based on your emotions.
Caution: Indulgence, over spending, financial losses, unplanned travel, and over thinking.
Considerations: Look at your own career/business as whatever you put out there is what you may get. You may have expensive tastes. Learn to understand you are the creator of your life.
Recommendation: Do Durga mantra and pooja.

Mercury moving into Sagittarius moon November 22, 2017
The intensity will shift to Sagittarius and all who have those personal planets

Mutable Signs

Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces & Gemini

Mercury is a ruler of Gemini and as much as Gemini may not appreciate the slow down, for them it is quite necessary as dual perspectives do not always work. The full moon in December, Dear Gemini, will finally put some things to rest, yet Jupiter in Libra will continue to shine upon you and give you a heads up. While Virgos continue to plant their seeds as they were graced by Jupiter, Pisces has them now recreating themselves as their Eclipse in the Spring brought unforeseen changes. However, this transit is a double take for Sagittarius. Not only will Sagittarius continue to be affected by Saturn as it entered their sign on October 25, 2017, but it will be direct in December. Some of you who have any planets in Sagittarius would have been/ will be affected. Nonetheless, Mercury may be your friend to breathe out the negativity and contemplate what you must change in the next 3 years.

Sagittarius: Though this will be the most trying time, just hang on if you can and focus on everything as a needed transformation. Saturn in your sign may not help you but Mercury will give you peace if you let it.
Caution: Slowdowns and difficulties in travel, finances, anger, agitation, high expectations of self-worth, and people criticizing you and taking behind your back is a possibility.
Considerations: Focus on your health, relationship, and be cautious of clutter.
Recommendation: Light a diva on Wednesday and Saturday with a grain of camphor to clear negative energy

Gemini: Mercury is always difficult but at least take this time to really embrace it. You may need some down time as time and opportunity is here.
Caution: Lack of confidence, unnecessary disagreements with people you care for, and minor glitches.
Considerations: Focus on every relationship, including yourself. Spend, have more discussions with your mother, and balance your work and personal life.
Recommendation: Do Krishna mantras daily and especially on Fridays, adorn him with butter and flowers.

Virgo: It seems at least 3 times a year you get a bit perplexed because things slow down and get frustrated with electronics that do not function properly. Breathe as much as possible because you may become reckless.
Caution: Analyzing childhood experiences, making hasty decisions regarding property, and family disputes or misunderstandings are possible.
Considerations: Focus on looking at the interpersonal relationship between your parents as viewed by you. Take time to look at how much different you are. Spend quality time with the ones you love.
Recommendation: Do Buddha mantra daily until this phase passes.

Pisces: Mercury is not a time to dread but a time for worship. You are now being given a chance to slow down and meditate as Pisces do best.
Caution: Useless spending, reconnecting with people from the past even if they are toxic, and hard work or difficulties with your work due to mixed messages.
Considerations: Focus on overcoming adversaries with kindness. Spend time with family and spouse. The more solid your work, the more benefits to you.
Recommendation: Donate green leafy vegetables to your local charity, food bank, or religious church.

Mercury moves into the moon of Capricorn December 21, 2017

Cardinal Signs

Aries, Capricorn, Libra and Cancer

Though I would like to say things will be a little more settled Dear Aries, I must say Uranus in Aries does not settle well with you. As things may happen unexpectedly and from nowhere, I would not be surprised if you are uncertain what it is you want to do, or feel heaviness from time to time. Saturn is nudging you to change just like it is doing to Sagittarius, Uranus keeps you on your toes and now Mercury may be causing everything to combust. Unfortunately, Uranus will not be leaving your sign for another year and you will continue to transform with it. This is not a bad thing. At least not from the prospective of Capricorn who has a long journey in Pluto (God of underworld and negative karma) and now Mercury numbing at their shoulders. But be sure to cross your T’s and dot your I’s as secrets are due to come out. Meanwhile, the only two characteristics that may not feel too much are Libra and Cancer. Libras are flying high as Jupiter just now entered their sign and they are looking at their options in areas of money and relationships. But they can get lazy very easily. Whereas Cancers are appreciating any down time they have as they love their time, even if it means to veg with a gallon of Ice Cream. Enjoy yourself Dear Cancer, and just remember your eclipses will be beginning in the summer of next year which will be a remarkable change (hint remember 2009).

Aries: It seems that every time you take 2 steps forward you take 3 backward. You may not be sure at this time what you want to do and your temper and words will get the best of you.
Caution: Difficulties in career/employment, slow progress in moving forward, travel plans may be postponed or delayed.
Considerations: Focus on how you speak to people, legal issues, and carefully analyze, you may feel people are not respecting you (at work or regarding work).
Recommendation: Try to spend time on a farm and feed the cows.

Capricorn: Pluto is currently having you consider your past actions and how they affect every relationship you are in. But use the gift you were given during the Jupiter transit and plant those seeds. It is necessary to move past thinking too much.
Caution: Relationship, health, and financial hindrances.
Considerations: Look at your support system, you may be too naïve, paying back karma and legal issues.
Recommendation: Do Vishnu mantra daily with 101 mala beads.

Libra: Even if Mercury is here, you have something many do not right now; Jupiter is gleaming at you. Use this to your best interest and remember, what you do with the gift is exactly what you will get.
Caution: Governmental issues, spending less time at home, feeling lethargic or lazy.
Considerations: Focus on your friends, take some time to go on short trips alone.
Recommendation: Be kind to transgender people and learn how they can balance.

Cancer: Much of your focus this year has been re-stabilizing, you may have possibly moved, got a new job or quit a job. It is time to get re-adjusted and relax a bit as those transits in the summer could cause some grief.
Caution: Over expenditures, confrontations, and legal issues.
Considerations: Focus on your work or a job change. Remember to communicate with those who support you.
Recommendation: If you can go to a farm every now and then and feed some cows, mother nature will thank you

The predictions above are based upon VPAT values and not to be considered an exact prediction to any one person; they are a generalization of characteristics only. To find out how they relate to you personally I suggest you contact my recommended western astrologers here. If you are interested in a Vedic Astrology reading, please contact me via email and I will be happy to direct you to some names and links.

Through Mercury energy you will be tough, especially in how to communicate as messages will misguided. Discussions will be problematic to interpret where what is meant to be said and what is said may confuse simple negotiations. This why signing contracts and being involved in legal issues may not be desirable. Hence, with a little caution and being careful in your communication with steady and slow communication the point will work better. Have a secondary or back-up route while traveling. There may be a chance that flights get cancelled or problems with a vehicle while you are traveling – during this time remain calm. As always, have a back-up plan. When you do have a back-up plan, perhaps if you are single you might meet someone new or if you are attached it might be a chance to get a little romantic. Use this time to do activities that start with “re”: renovate, revamp, review, renegotiate, and research.

Mercury retrograde gives rise to personal misinterpretation; faulty, disorder, or behind communications, talks and trade; glitches and breakdown of phones, computers, cars, buses, and trains. These problems usually rise because some critical piece, or section, of information has been lost, or is wrong. When Mercury is retrograde, everyone’s thinking is more pondering, and we tend to think about topics and concerns that relate to the sign involved. Artistic inclinations, including crafts, music, art, or design, tend to be congested by conditions beyond one’s control. Legal matters will proceed bit by bit and unexpected blockades tend to appear.

The good things to do when Mercury is Retrograde: consider, study, amend the book/poem/song/essay you’ve been writing, clean house, talk to your pet, listen to music, paint, go for a walk, learn yoga, exercise, and most of all catch up on sleep! As Mercury is a very slow-moving planet affecting almost every sign with no discrimination, it is my suggestion that you buy a yellow candle and carve your name through to the wick. Smear the candle with Inspiration oil or Eucalyptus oil and chant the Psalm 70 every single night. This period will last for 6 weeks (2 weeks prior 2 weeks retrograde and 2 weeks moving) and it will be hard on all of us. These are minor suggestions which will allow friendly interactions as well as compassion in circumstances.

You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until January 12, 2018. Remember that with all meanings of psalms and mantras achieving the desired signification is dependent upon the quality of intention, and when it comes to finding satisfying relationships, it is of the greatest importance to begin with a clear perceptive of what your goal should be.

The mantras can be hard to voice for various people but are a powerful foundation of energy. I have chosen three mantras for this period. The mantras for Mercury energy are:


Om bum budhaya namah

Om bumm budha ya nam aha


Om bram brim brom saha somaya namaha


Om Chanderputraya vidyamahe Rohinipriyaya dhimahi tannoo Budha Parchodayat
“Om and salutations to Buddha, presiding spirit of planet mercury”

These mantras should be recited November 22, 2017 through January 10, 2018. They are used to achieve rational clarity, to shun and conquer confusion, and keep welcoming interactions flowing.

It is my recommendation to re-visit areas of your life that need the utmost attention – those which are all about you. In this life, even though people in our lives do play a great role, we must take into consideration how we act towards them. We must also take into consideration if our reaction or actions create unnecessary conflicts. All humans are given an ego and through our egos we can create either a sublime bliss in our relationship, or we create chaos. It is my suggestion to set up an in-depth reading for yourself through Vedic philosophies or reach out to your Astrologer.

Wishing you the most peaceful, blessed Mercury retrograde period. And a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.

Maharani Rutan©

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