Unpredictable and Pessimistic Discussions: First Mercury Retrograde 2021

First Mercury Retrograde for 2021


Pre-Juncture: January 15-20, 2021 (Capricorn)

Pre-Junction: January 20-26, 2021 (Aquarius)

Pre-Progression Juncture: January 27-29, 2021 (Aquarius)

Mercury Retrograde (Station): January 30, 2021 (Aquarius)

Mercury Station Regression: Jan 31- Feb 3, 2021 (Aquarius)

Mercury Retrograde Junction: Feb 04-Feb 16, 2021 (Aquarius)

Mercury Retrograde Juncture: Feb 17-19, 2021 (Aquarius)

Mercury Direct: Feb 20/21, 2021 (Aquarius/Pisces)

Post-Regression Juncture: February 22-25, 2021(Pisces)

Post-Juncture: February 26-March 13(Aquarius)

By Maharani Rutan©

On January 15, 2021 the trickster of disorder, hindrance and suspensions goes backwards in time. This shadow period, often referred to as the ghost period, began to motion backwards on January 15, 2021. This is where Mercury will continue to move backwards in time even quicker, forming strength, sluggishness, and weary feelings. The most powerful time will be from January 30, 2021 through February 20, 2021, and this is where Mercury will stay for approximately 3 weeks, starting to motion forward February 22 through March 13, 2021.

If you recall, last year’s first Mercury retrograde was on the February 1, 2020 and if you can recall how you felt during that time you will also be able to understand this year’s Mercury retrograde. If you are a mutable sign (Gemini, Pisces, Virgo, or Sagittarius) Mercury can be very problematic for you.

The attentiveness of Mercury retrograde will fall more on-Air signs (Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius). The best way to comprehend this energy is not to create too many responsibilities as there may be things that will cause them to go erratic. Blame it on Mercury.

This retrograde begins its passage in the Capricorn/Aquarius axis which typically represents doubts, relationships, and governments, until January 29, 2021. Thereafter it moves backwards in motion until March 13, 2021 where it will end the journey in the Aquarius/Pisces Axis.

So many astrological implications are going on right now that it would not surprise me that we feel a little faint every now and then. Saturn recently moved away from Sagittarius and moved into Capricorn on the 20th of January and retrograding on and off all last year and this year.  Jupiter, being a planet of luck and expansion, also moved from Sagittarius on to Capricorn as well.  Therefore, much of this has to do with government work, communication, and friendships.

Mercury rules mutable signs, but this time everyone will be imprisoned. Expect communication mis-perception, deceit, and confusion. Those that will be impacted by Mercury will be almost everyone, including but not limited to Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and all those that have any of these planets as their primary in their charts, especially Aquarius in their chart. Planets are never actually retrograde or stationary, they just seem that way due to this visual delusion.

Retrograde times, while often thought-provoking, are not chiefly rare. Each planet retrogrades, except the Sun and Moon. Mercury, much like the feathered messenger of the Gods, comes in on feather-light wings and orders us to speak. Communication, sentiment, and consciousness are all within Mercury’s terrain, as are goals and lucidity, our technique of rational, and how we express our thought progressions will be highlighted.

A changeable nature transports normal consideration into annoyance and motion. Rat-a-tat-tat — things happen frantically. Mercury is about a fast wit, attitude, choices, defiance, understanding and the competence to defend things. Mercurial energy can be ethical or callous, but it will surely be stimulating! This Planet also encourages us to transfer from one thing to the next and to get responses on both a physical and psychological level. Further, Mercury’s vigor is both energetic and observant. Consequently, it pushes things so fast that, sporadically, we can say or do things without justification and regret them later.

To be able to understand the energy of this mercury it may be wise to look back at mercury was in the same sign and similar energies.  The last time mercury was in Aquarius/Pisces was in February of 2020.  “As the bird flu cause an epidemic, now the coronavirus flu has caused alarms across the world” (read more about it here). 

Scientist and researchers alike can not understand how it was that the Spanish Flue of 1918 infected and killed 50 million people and people were able to get vaccinated by the millions and now our infrastructure is not able to handle it as advanced as we are? Perhaps it may be time to review the past and see how it was done and do it all over again.

Mercury is about short trips: a social call to a neighbor or a friend at a short distance, the daily travel, and a weekend retreat. Relatives and transportation over-all are also within Mercury’s realm. Communications, letters, paperwork, online communications, and education are also within Mercury’s domain. This Planet begs us to be hasty — and well — just be yourself.

Discussions might be more interesting, as crossed signs and blurred consequences cloud generally straightforward discussions. Still, with minor care and reflection, you’ll get your details across. Likewise, be ready with a back-up plan when you’re traveling. If your trip gets put off or your car won’t start, stay passive and make the best of it.

After the 20th of February, Mercury retro in Pisces produces numerous and fervent confusion, with strange views upon occasion, protuberant to psychic capabilities. Psychological methods being tangled with feelings, we find it hard to separate perceptions and ideas from yearning and clumsiness. Our psychological shape can be unbalanced, improbable, and overly spiritual but it also disposes to fatigue and surges the impulse to drink liquor or do things to suppress, either through eating, smoking, or even doing drugs.

With all these energies, it is bound to get a little confused; be very well prepared.

The inferences which I am focusing on are ideally from Vedic readings as these are NOT Western Astrology or Eastern Astrology predictions. Rather, all inferences below are universal tendencies. Each tendency will be unique to that individual.

I will begin the over-all tendencies on the astrological signs that will be affected the most. But remember that everyone will be a hostage here. Air signs & Mutable signs, listed in order below, will be taking the pain for many of us. If a chart has air or mutable signs anywhere those planets will be activated.


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: This is not a negative transit for you; actually, your creative juices will flow, and your charisma will allow praise and honors that wish to be received.

Feb 21-25: Impressive communication will assist you to increase your financial flow.


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: Careless spending and investments could cause you to get into difficult situations which you may not be able to get out of.  Being overconfident will also not help you. Do not spend or invest beyond your limits.

Feb 21-25: You will have plenty of support from your partner, additionally, you may want to build a home or invite people for a celebration.

Secondary influences


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: A new project will lead to a successful completion and your confidence will soar.

Feb 21-25: A possible move or relocation.  Your temperament could land you in big difficulties.


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: High energy and doing good deeds will surely bring you luck.  However, instead of looking at all that does not work, focus on your goals.

Feb 21-25: Your expenses could rise and struggles at the workplace are possible.

Third Influence


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: Stress at the workplace is possible.  Maneuver the negativity as it may harm your health.

Feb 21-25: Your professional and romantic life could soar.


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: Your financial structure will become strong during this time and you can do it with great confidence and a realistic approach.

Feb 21-25: Your thoughts may revolve around a new house, car, or something that you really want.  But remember to stay focused as all the ideas in your mind regarding a better way of working will give you the recognition in your career.

Fourth Influence


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: Projects will finally be completed, and you will have major success in your career life due to hard work and focus.

Feb 21-25: Your financial structure will bring sustainability and you will accept and cherish what you have in areas of love and relationships.


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: Positive energy in your love life is possible and transparent communication will help build a stronger foundation.

Feb 21-25: Financial losses or unexpected gains are possible.  Be careful not to overwork yourself, causing you stress.


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: Family and personal life is going to be very peaceful.  Property, vehicle, or land purchases are possible. 

Feb 21-25: Refrain from unnecessary arguments with your loved ones as they could cause major rifts.

Fifth Influence


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: Focus in areas of complicated projects. Ideas will give the financial uplift you seek.  Your negotiation abilities will soar which could lead to advancement in your work or career.

Feb 21-25: Ideas will assist your loved ones and family to have a better blissful life.


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: Hard work will finally pay off.  Confidence and enthusiasm will soar which will enhance new financial growth.

Feb 21-25: Refrain from making any investment decisions as they may not work in your favor.


January 15-Feb 20 & Feb 26 through March 13: Tedious work will give you the most rewards and you may have the energy to complete pending projects. Try to be mindful regarding higher ups.

Feb 21-25: There is a possibility of being more spiritually inclined and you may receive the support from your siblings.

Remember that these are just universal propensities; for a deeper look at your own planets and the intensity that you will experience, you may want to contact an astrologer.

Anxiety and substance, even groundless worries and distrust, are stirred, especially from employment or if you are living in a hostile situation. You may be inclined toward being cold with a pessimistic tongue. Support privacy and poise in your employment and do not try to interpret written things too much.

Mercury retrograde gives rise to distinct misunderstandings; hurt, anxious, or suspended communications, talks and occupation; breakdowns and catastrophes with telephones, PCs, automobiles, and transportation in general are possible. All these malfunctions often rise because some serious element or piece of data has gone askew. When Mercury is retrograde, everyone’s awareness is more inattentive, and we are motivated to reason problems. Worries around communication can be attributed to the sign involved.

Mercury is very lethargic, and it touches almost all planetary signs. It is my suggestion that you purchase a yellow candle and carve your name through to the wick. Anoint the candle with Inspiration oil or Eucalyptus oil and chant Psalm 70 every single night. This period will last for 6-7 weeks total and it will be hard on all of us.

This year I have decided to do something different.  Not only will I bring forth a Sanskrit mantra, but also a mantra to create change in the way one is viewing life that can assist in making the transition easier for 2021.

Maharani’s Mantra for Mercury retrograde:

Give me the power to make the right decision at the right time

Sanskrit Mantra

Om Braam Brim Braum sah budhaya namaha

This will allow friendly communication as well as understanding in situations. You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until March 13, 2021. Remember that with all applications of psalms and mantras, achieving the anticipated outcome is reliant on upon the eminence of purpose. The mantras can be hard to pronounce for many but are a powerful source of energy.

Vedic readings offer a distinguishing possibility. We discover the incorrect and catch answers by producing a characteristic of gratitude through engagements and responses. Astrology is just the groundwork to Vedic readings. I am not an astrologer nor do I claim to be, however, a basic understanding in astrology does assist us in applying what we know to what we need to know in order to embrace the energy and direct it to the most positive outcome.

Please use this energy well to restart and find your solutions because there is an uncomfortable path ahead with the eclipses.

Be gentle with yourself.


Maharani Rutan©

Copyright ©2021 cosmicpsychic, cosmicpsychics, Maharani Rutan 2021 et all. All Rights Reserve

Unforgivable Darkness: First New moon 2021

New Moon in Capricorn

January 13, 2021

By Maharani Rutan©

As we still struggle to realize that we are in 2021, the universe will continue to make sure we are still sleeping a little and blind us with the its glory.  However, it seems for many of us, when we asked the universe to give us a little slow down, it never occurred to us that it would be taken to such extreme.  

Just like you, I have been doing a lot of work from home; however, it seems that even though I try to accomplish a lot I still have so much still left to do.  Soon I will be posting my predictions for 2021; however, as I re-read and re-analyze how many of 2020 predictions came to pass (Read more about it here),  I am a bit fearful if I should even bother writing about the predictions of 2021.

The polite new moon will enter the sign of Capricorn, which will marvel through the cosmos at 23 degrees on January 13, 2021 at approximately 2:22am EST and 11:22pm PST.

To sanctify this transit, Venus moved into Sagittarius (per VPAT, Vedic Philosophical Ayurveda Theory) on January 4, 2021. Some of us will enjoy Venus being in Sagittarius, it will be a glorious time for keeping things playful and free. However, do not get surprised if communication with our loved ones, and those around us, becomes more drawn to serious talks as Mercury also moved into Capricorn on January 4, 2021 (Per VPAT).

 On the other hand, I would suggest for you to enjoy your time with loved ones as Mercury retrograde will be moving into its ghost period in Capricorn/Aquarius on January 15, 2021 where anything is possible.

But this is nothing compared to Uranus shaking things up for Aries and Taurus.  While Capricorn is riding the wings of Saturn dazed and confused, Pluto is also inspecting Sagittarius and Capricorn to make sure they understand things are still hidden in their lives.  Then again, almost everything is hidden when you are swimming in the sea of Neptune, sorry Aquarius/Pisces but it seems like a dream, so keep dreaming.

Nevertheless, nothing is as hard as the aspects of Rahu in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio.  This is karma baby! As the old saying goes, whatever you do will come back to you or you will change through it.  Almost everyone comes out a deeper, richer, and more spiritual being so this road is not as difficult.

The Earthy New Moon brings a time of splendor and maturing. It is a period of distinct serenity and a time to introspect. It’s time to reflect.  In the darkness, often we cannot see beyond our faces, therefore, this is not a time to start anything, rather, something will definitely come to an end. (Read more about Vedic moons here).

The New Moon motions a time for being brave and taking plenty of risks as long as they are divine. Remember that perfect career? Manifest it, draw it, and picture it. Remember the flawless relationship you wanted? Think about it and ask – does it happen or is it trickery that the cosmos is playing?

Hesitancy and egotism in all things will be the determination, thus, communication may be difficult to express. Take all delicate situations honestly, seeing the conclusion of opinions and actions.

With the moon in Capricorn, the energetic of Saturn is stressed. It is time for determinate energy and an awareness of work and responsibility. In the pursuit of status and financial security, people might become intimidating, even emotionless hostile, but the self-centeredness is a condition rather than actual aggression.

Just one week from now a new President will be inaugurated; but unlike the normalcy that many of us are accustomed to, such as big crowds and mounds of energy, this inauguration will be much quieter as only 1,000 attendees will be welcomed instead of 20,000.  The President-elect is encouraging people to watch from home and continue to practice social distancing.

Just like many years in the past, this year will also replicate all those aspects of 2002.  To familiarize yourself and understand the circumstances that will repeat is to recall January 2002 when the moon was in the exact degree and astrological sign.  Additionally, issues of January 2005, 2010, and 2013 could be recalled.

In 2002, the republican party ruled the Senate, by only one vote and it stayed that way until 2004 and 2005. As we moved in 2010 the parties flipped where the democrats held the majority in the Senate.  As our current President leaves, he leaves as the republican majority has been flipped again.

For many readers, politics is not crucial, however, it should be, as the U.S Senate controls how the Government should spend their money or how it should be distributed. It also confirms appointments nominated by the President.  It will determine how the United States will operate in 2021; if it will be politically driven presidency like its predecessor or for the people.

Areas of technology also saw a glimpse of the future.  Apple introduced the first iMac 64 to the world in 2002, and in 2004, Apple introduced the Mini Mac while Google Maps launched.  These inventions opened the gate to the next generation of technology, from digital store scanners to Google glasses, the flood gates opened.

I also would not be surprised if U.K, Mexico and Delhi make the news.  Furthermore, New York, Florida and Texas make some headlines also.  But the most obvious would be issues of data, accounting, supply chain and finances will be headlines for the next two weeks

The Saturn effects of Capricorn often causes cynicism or pessimism to creep in, and while the moon is in Capricorn energy is lethargic. It is time for carefully applying yourself to errands while living solely in the present.

During every full and new moon, I bring forth tendencies specific to the astrological sign highlighted by the lunar events. The principal placeholder affected by this moon is the sign of Capricorn.

Remember, this is an ending, therefore, something that began during the last full moon, which was the lunar eclipse on 4th and 5th of July, in this case it was the fitness of the President, is now being recalled read more about it here.

Additionally, it is suggested that you combine that with the last lunar and solar eclipse in November and December, to understand the overall tendencies. 

All general tendencies can be found here for the lunar eclipse and solar eclipse here.


Nothing will be easy in the beginning of the year but at the end of the day it will make you much wiser and more put together.  There are possibilities of new career advancements.  Try to control your temper when things become difficult for you, and continue to push forward.  Remember the old saying, the harder you work the more you will gain.  Unfortunately, your finances could be status quo until spring.  Lucrative gains are possible, but I would not suggest you gamble. A few challenges in your love life are possible this winter to spring, due to agitation. Take care with your eating habits in winter and spring, especially with junk food.

Saturn: Unexpected financial gains, however tension could arise in the area of interpersonal relationships.

Rahu: Education and training will be excellent; however, health and mental stress could cause further trauma.

Ketu: Increase in income, successful projects, and honors are possible.

Uranus: You will be forced to keep things light and fun.

Jupiter: Financial success and family bliss.

Maharani’s Advice

Try to maintain a good budget for spending and don’t waste unnecessarily as things may go from bad to ugly.  You might find that the beginning of this year is a struggle for work but don’t worry; see what happens after Mercury leaves your sign after March / April. Though making big purchases will be profitable for you in the beginning of this year, be careful after March; if you can wait until the summer, do so. Try not to have disputes with your colleagues or business partners, not everyone will favor your ideas. Between now and the summer remember, if you decide to advance in your occupation through learning new skills you will do fantastic.  As long as you maintain good eating habits, there may not be that many illness issues for this period.

The moon in Capricorn is Attentive, Melancholy, Vigorous, Concrete, and Whimsical.

This year I have decided to do something different.  Not only will I bring forth a Sanskrit mantra but also a mantra to create change in the way one is viewing life that can assist in making the transition easier for 2021.

Maharani’s Mantra for Capricorn for 2021

Sometimes in life anxiety and hesitation is a part of growth.  Do not be afraid of taking chances.

Sanskrit Mantra

Om Aing Kleeng Hreeng Shreeng Sauh

Please note that I am not an Astrologer. These are universal tendencies which are combined in Vedic forethought which improves and brings division between the East and West.

Vedic reading is exclusive; the assessments and outcomes are based upon enhancing actions beyond words, transporting enlightenment, and theories.

It brings difficulties to the head to bring calmer resolves. It brings two pathways which motivations are on what is in the present day and what could be in the future. But most of all, it stops time, like it is in warp energy, so that fitting assessment can be made as to which path could deliver positive or manifested results.

I wish you the best of the new moon. Just remember to plant those seeds that can sustain you through chaos as there will be a lot of shaking and stirring the pot at the end of the month.



Copyright ©2021 cosmicpsychic, cosmicpsychics, Maharani Rutan 2021 et all. All Rights Reserve