Diligent Dialogs: Last Lunar Eclipse 2020

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

Full Moon in Taurus/Gemini

November 29/30, 2020

By Maharani Rutan©

As the seasonal frost is due to cover the grasses of those living in the northern states through its Frosty moon. The southerners will finally get to see their own delights of flowers that blossom through Flower moon just a few days after Thanksgiving in the States.

The last Penumbral Lunar eclipse will begin to grace our sky on November 30, 2020 at 2:32 am EST and 11:32pm PST.  As the eclipse continues to move east, the Maximum Eclipse will bring forth a Full moon which will be gracing in Gemini/Taurus at 8 degrees, at 4:42am EST and 1:42am PST.  The full moon grace will be at its fullest at 6:53am PST when the full moon will be visible.

The eclipses don’t often come alone in one sign, rather, they are paired either with a lunar or a solar eclipse.  The paring of this eclipse will be coinciding with a Gemini eclipse in 2021. However, as we embrace the eclipse in Gemini, according to Vedic Philosophies, this is a Taurus eclipse at 8 degrees, even though the sun will be in Sagittarius.

The visibility will be vast; from Eastern U.S including NYC, and Washington D.C., to Canada, Mexico, China, Cuba, Philippines, and Australia. Unfortunately, those in view of the eclipse will be impacted, therefore, the cities of New York and District of Columbia, and within Puerto Rico will be affected.  However, this is not an ending, rather, it is a beginning.   Perhaps the change of power is something new we may all need.

In Vedic Philosophies, full moons are blessings allowing space in our lives to plant seeds, remove baggage, and give us clear vision. Thus, if there are endings this is because one refuses to live in the spiritual world whereas, if something does not fit in our lives it will be taken away.Read more here. As the full moon will bring natural beginnings and stubborn endings, I can say it is not like we have not seen this all before.

In my 2020 prediction post, which was written in December 2019, I had stated well prior to the election, “This energy will be exactly like the energy in November 2001 and 2012; can you see something already? Perhaps elections every 4 years? In 2001 the U.S Election was between (R) George W Bush (Cancer/Gemini) and (D) Al Gore (Aries/Sagittarius). Of course, there was a legal issue that was brought, arguing that all the votes were not counted, and the Supreme Court sided for George W. Bush.”Read more here.

Nevertheless, this eclipse will certainly impact both Trump and Biden, with the sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Gemini/Taurus it will be a heated battle for sure.

Full moon and the eclipse will influence people with mutable signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgos) including (Taurus and those with ascendant and decedent in Taurus), whom will have obscurity in organizing their understanding of themselves and their thoughts (according to Vedic Philosophies).  Wanting to differentiate that something or someone is not what it or they seem, and it is not as ardently related as they had expected.

During the eclipse, the sun and the moon will have an energetic role in areas of messages that are being brought by this eclipse.  It is time to use the symbols from the universe to recreate something that is over and start to build something new.

Often it means preparation until there is total fatigue and finally making a rational decision.

Many people will alter their strategies of the future by taking the time to look at all the things that they have not finalized and understand if it is worth it to put in any further energy.  This is especially true for examining what has held their tactics back for so long, thus not having their goals met.

Since the eclipse falls in the ruler of Sagittarius/Gemini/Taurus, we are looking for the truth through echoes in our minds to what our material losses and gains will be.

This eclipse brings delightful situations to the external forces, such as how we treat others, how we act toward others, and if our actions are in the best interests of all.  The eclipse liveliness brings Jupiter to effort (currently in Capricorn according to Vedic).  This is where what we do for a living will be based upon morals, skills, discipline, drive, and intellect to foster success.

Mutable signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgos), or those who have mutable signs in their charts, including fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) will be absorbed to do things that involve emotional fulfillment or chasing after their wishes while wasting their talents and skills trying to balance a war between their hunger and their desire.

According to Vedic astrology, during this eclipse, Rahu (Misunderstanding) and Ketu (Irritation) are activated to aspect the sun. Therefore, many unforeseen and sad events are possible all around the world.  Gemini’s are also the rulers of hesitations and thus producing situations to be a bit out of control. However, Rahu’s placement and Jupiter could make trivial things a bit more bearable.

This eclipse is geared toward schooling, knowledge, messaging and seeking genuineness.  The path that was unnoticed will not be complete discovered until next year’s eclipse.  Eclipses are all about starting something innovative when things have become old or dull. Realizing the depths of relationships which could have been emotionally, physically, and spiritually fatiguing while serving others and finding a center.  It will be a time to leave certain friends behind and start over.

Muddle through your past and see how occupation, money, and relationships changed you. What difficult decisions did you make? Did you absorb anything from them or are you at the same place, doing the same thing that you were doing during 2001, 2009, and 2012?

This eclipse falls in areas of communication and material gains and losses; whether it is news about your next-door neighbor, your ex, or global events, it will most definitely get your attention.  Every person will be talking, and it may even feel like you have information overload.

As the sun is in Sagittarius, the eclipse will also rule learning, training, and travel.  But it could also mean publication and writing, and it is about advancement of skills and learning something new. It can, however, be rather confusing for people who are born within 7 days before or after November 30th. This means all those who are born between the 21st of November through December 6, will be affected. This includes Geminis that were born May 20-30 (cusp count) and Taurus’ born April 19-26, Sagittarius November 21 through 29.

Though many will be interested in how eclipses are formed, this I will leave to astronomy. On a more mundane spiritual and karmic level, all eclipses, especially lunar eclipses, are relationship focused and our relations with others can be disengaged, challenged, or abruptly ended together.

Where the Moon (Gemini-communication and fickle-mindedness) & (Taurus-power and stubbornness) is located, we can confront our demons, old ways and doubts, and where the Sun (Sagittarius-truth and learning) is, we may find the means to hold or release from of any kind of tyranny we experience in life through our creative efforts. In any event, there are prospects for deeper understanding and finding a balance in our lives.

The secret of mysteries; the Moon cries to the visionary emotion to wake and drift in kingdoms outside the convincing, the well-spoken, and solar daylight self.  It is time to travel in the dream time, heeding to your sixth sense, and looking for answers in ancient remembrances deep within your insentient mind. Release your grip on the commonplace now; don’t attempt to have it all. Keep a vision diary and open to moon murmur. Work with intuition; don’t be in a hurry and hold forms of the magical that let the mind float free. It is time to be shocking and worship the ever-changing beauty of the night.

While the moon is in the dualistic sign Gemini, people may never make up their minds.  Also, through Vedic lenses, Taurus will certainly be geared toward money matters.  Both signs are prone to anger, resentment and holding grudges. Therefore, things that could be said may be said without thinking of how they will hurt others. 

There is a need to firmly express your feelings, as Gemini’s demand for communication and Taurus’ demand that they must always be right even if they are wrong. This could make people seem unpredictable or two-faced, but it is the sign of an open mind. The need is to cherish others by staying within welcoming communication.

The Gemini moon stimulates your imagination; inspiring ideas appear repeatedly, like doors opening to expose other doors. Now is the time to make contacts, perhaps via e-mail or telephone. Discover your garden, learn from it, but don’t plant. Meanwhile, moon in Taurus presents a brilliant time to oblige personal goals; the lessons revolve around security and contentedness. Emotional reactions are calm, firm, and shying away from confrontation.

The Moon in Gemini also transports time of communication and resistance. People may feel very talkative and intrusive, while Taurus ushers in a time of concentration and reasonableness. People may feel more conventional and steadier. This is a good time to endure or to finish projects that have already been ongoing, as people may be more dependable and thorough.

During every full and new moon, I bring forth tendencies specific to the astrological sign highlighted by the lunar events. As this eclipse is in the sign of Gemini/Taurus with sun in Sagittarius, they will be highlighted first.

Please note in Vedic Philosophies, the predictions which I bring forth to you are NOT astrology.  The named signs are place holders based on tendencies within those signs.  They are comprised of numerology, Vedic tendencies, and a portion of astral predictions.

The predictions are also not complete as all eclipses come in pairs to give an overall prediction.  Therefore, combining the December 14, 2020 total solar eclipse with this lunar eclipse will give the best overall picture. 

Additionally, Gemini’s will get the extended forecast, while Taurus predictions can be found here.  Therefore, Sagittarius will be elaborated on December 14, 2020.

I can truly say that it was not that bad of a year for you.  But it is not over for you yet, as the last eclipse you will have until 2030 will be next summer, so get prepared.  This is a beginning of something new for you.  Thank your stars that at least Rahu/Ketu transits have left. If you can get past this eclipse and the next, you will see so many new things happening and those who are trying for a child could see that occur as well.  Your health should also improve. If you are single don’t worry about your love life, trust me, it will happen.  By the spring you will see plenty of growth in your professional life and your creative juices are flowing. The biggest surprise for you will be that if you have conserved well last year, then you will see how your financial life improves even further by your birthday.  But be aware as May/June 2021 will be your test.  So, improve your life now.

Saturn: Relationship misunderstandings, stomach issues, promotions, or an increase in finances and exceptional educational skills are possible.

Rahu: Expenses will be on the rise, overworking, and great success in projects or new business.

Ketu: Family, health, and property issues are possible. Educational goals look fantastic.

Uranus: Contemplation, mis-perception, and reassessment.

Jupiter: Arguments, delays in money and property.  Unexpected luck will wow you.

Maharani’s Advise

This year you will be tested on how trustworthy you are.  How much unconditional love you have, and how patient you are.  The problem is not really them; it is that you have to also be right. Be careful with your loved ones as this could cause some unforeseen words that could create damage for a lifetime. There are possibilities you may argue with your loved one or even your mother, or a female that you look to for guidance. Be loving to your mother.  Healthier eating habits will help you from getting ill from now until May.  Your hard work will pay off, but it could take a minute or two.  Though your financial life looks good, you know that you spend more than you have, so if you do not want to go on that roller coaster do not get on the ride.

Lunar Eclipse predictions

(Make sure to combine the Lunar and Solar Eclipse predictions to get an overall picture)

Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius

Taurus: Be careful not to make any decisions without thinking things through. Misunderstandings and conflicts are very possible if you do not choose your words wisely.  Disagreements with your very dear ones should also be avoided.

Gemini: A surprising illness is possible related to distress from unexpected expenses.  Do not over-stress things when it comes to family or loved ones. Take care of your mother or other female that is like a mother to you. A lack of focus on projects or work-related issues are possible.

Scorpio: Be careful of any auto or potential slip and fall.  You may be the victim or person accused.  Take care with your spending.  Backing by your spouse or loved one is possible.  Be vigilant to any minor health issues. Do not overthink and keep focus.  There may be times you may feel lonely or isolated from your family.

Sagittarius: Be mindful to your partner, spouse, or others that you are in a relationship with.  Also, there could be heightened power struggles with your colleagues or those in business.

Capricorn and Virgo

Capricorn: Work life will be very beneficial, and promotions are possible.  Professional networks will assist in the advancement of your career, but don’t look for instant gratification.  Be mindful of your health and expenditures.

Virgo: Probability of spiritual advancements, past work will bring self-gratification. Be mindful of daily career routines and not to take anything for granted. Conflicts and misunderstandings with authority figures are possible. Take care that your decisions, actions, and reactions are honorable.

Aquarius, and Libra

Aquarius: Home improvements will finally get underway.  Mindfulness in areas of career, task orientation, and financial decisions are imperative.  Relationship issues are possible.

Libra: Financial difficulties are possible so be mindful on how you handle them. Take care of your health.  Tension in the family could cause stress. Doubts in your spiritual path could cause you discouragement.

Aries and Leo 

Aries: Be careful with your temper as it could cause financial losses, family disengagement, or relationship issues. Hard work will bring the completion of projects and plans which could bring financial gains.  Travel is also possible.

Leo: Financial increases are possible which could be more than one job or project.  Be mindful to your loved ones. However, your enthusiasm at the workplace could bring increases in income through creativity.  There is also a possibility of meeting powerful people. 

Pisces and Cancer 

Pisces: An increase in work responsibilities is possible.  But conflicts with siblings and neighbors are the source of your stresses.  You will have the energy to complete things that you have put off. Your temper may be short, and it may affect your health.  It is advised not to make large investments at this time but if you do, make sure you have someone read everything.

Cancer: Pressure, anxieties, and expenses on matters of health are possible.  Your consistency, honesty, and skills will be viewed very positively with superiors. Closeness to family members will bring less tension and financially, things will be smooth and steady.

Please remember these predictions are the most accurate when combined with the total solar eclipse in December 14, 2020.  Additionally, these are general tendencies, not exactly accurate to your astrological sign.  Therefore, it is my suggestion you speak to a western astrologer or Vedic astrologer for the most up to date predispositions.  

Let the substantial impediments of the past months drop away. You should fly like a bright being and an angel in the heavens, in the sweet seas of bliss and peace. I strongly suggest taking the aspirations that you made last month and cross them out one by one.  Remember, never begging for your aims.

Also, I suggest purchasing a Yellow candle – carve your name on it and smear it with sandalwood or frankincense oil and chant the following chant:

“I ask to find the inner light of my inspiration. I wish for the universe to help me accomplish the gratitude that I desire. I pray that I may find the gift to take chances with my imagination. 

Along with Psalm 7 every night until the next new moon-phase, which will be December 13, 2012. You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until the next moon cycle in Gemini in June 2021.

For every recitation of psalms and mantras, accomplishing the anticipated result is dependent upon the value of purpose. The mantra which I give you will help bring relief for all those signs directly impacted by the eclipse; you may also recite a mantra for your country or cities.  With the pandemic, it is important we heal together.

Countries that will be directly impacted are: South Africa, Ireland, Cuba, Cyprus, Sweden, Tongo, Norway, Kuwait, Australia, India, Mexico, New Zealand, Belgium, Spain, Kenya, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Panama, Turkey, and Vatican City.

U.S cities: Anchorage, Oakland, CA, San Francisco, Fort Collins, Honolulu, Springfield, Indianapolis, South Bend, Annapolis, Ann Arbor, Saint Paul, Jackson MS, Lincoln, Reno, Trenton, Charlotte, Bismarck, Canton, Cleveland, Salem, Portland, Greenville, Waco, Montpelier, Charleston, and Laramie.

This year I have chosen a Lunar eclipse Mantra to begin the healing of the world.

Om Mahalakshmi Cha Vidmahe Vishnu Patnyai Cha Dheemahi Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayaat

Aummm mahal ask shmi ch vyd ma he Vis nu Pat nivi cha dehe mahee ton no lak shmi Prac ho da ya a t

I will be offering 6-month personal in-depth readings starting Dec 01 through the 9th, encircling areas of life that may not be touched upon by an Astrologer.  Together you can strengthen the best of both worlds and create an intended path of your choice. To make an appointment follow the link here

Additionally, please note that I am not an Astrologer, nor claim to be one, and the conditions of this information are completely general so you may get a basic notion of what you can expect.

Vedic reading encompasses a basic notion of how we live in the physical world and how we can revolutionize our destiny to be written in pencil – never a pen. Vedic reading also holds the concept that for every action there is a reaction.  Vedic readings predetermine the actions so that your actions or reaction can be reactive and sustainable rather than over-reactive and unmanageable.

Wishing a safe journey through the passages of lunar eclipse.


Maharani Rutan©

Copyright ©2020 cosmicpsychic, cosmicpsychics, Maharani Rutan 2020 et all. All Rights Reserve

Bodacious, Boisterous Blue Moon on Halloween 2020

Blue Moon

Micro Full Moon in Aries/Taurus

October 31, 2020

By Maharani Rutan©

October 31, 2020 marks the most beautiful constellation, as I stated in my 2020 predictive blog (written in December 2019), “Our Halloween 2020 will come with the best surprise, which is not only a Blue moon but a Micro Full moon in Aries/Taurus. Goblins, Vampires, little faeries, and frozen characters will walk the streets for trick or treats and no need to worry about light as there will be light everywhere, just look at the sky and you shall see.” Read about it here

On October 31, 2020, we will have a full moon entering in Taurus at 8 degrees, give or take the position of the orb. This magnificent light may be visible around 10:55 am EST or 7:55 am PST and glisten down upon many to help realize what is important.

Even though some would say full moons are endings in Western ideology, instead Vedic ideology embraces the full moon and calls it light (read more about it here).

But the beauty of this moon is that it is the only blue moon in 2020. This happens when there are two full moons in a single month. I am sure you recall the full moon in Aries/Pisces on October 1, 2020 (read more here). Thus, this is the 2nd full moon in October, making it a blue moon. The second full moon now, will cause us to wake up and look at our resources and material attachment to things.

The planet of communication has already begun to move forward slowly to station direct. Yet we still have a long way to go. When planets retrograde, they bring us significant lessons. It is a time of feelings, obsession, awareness, letting go, and finding the truth. Read more about it here.

According to VPAT (Vedic Philosophical Ayurvedic Theories), this full moon is in Aries/Taurus; therefore, both signs will be affected by the new beginnings. With Jupiter still in Sagittarius until end of November, all fire signs should embrace this time as a gift.

During every full and new moon, I bring forth tendencies specific to the astrological sign highlighted by the lunar events. The principal placeholder affected by this moon is the sign of Taurus. For Aries, it is suggested to look at the full moon predisposition here.

Additionally, it is suggested that you combine that with the last lunar and solar eclipse in June and July. Within one month these will change, according to the eclipses in November and December.

From September 24 through November 19, including the Mercury retrograde, tendencies will give you an overall picture of the good, bad, and advice. Read more about it here.

For all others to gain the best prediction of your scopes, according to VPAT, it is suggested you find your full moon predisposition under “Vedic Post” on the main page here.


Dear Taurus, have I ever told you that you worry more than you need to? From the end of September, and moving forward, you should see that there may be conflicts in the workplace. However, this may all have to do with things that have been brewing since earlier this year. If you have made any investments during September, you could see some high returns at this time. And moving forward, on the love front, Mercury Retrograde always brings to you mixed messages and I would suggest not to be involved in conflicts as they could cause rifts in your relationships. But this is a short-lived scenario; just watch what happened from the 23rd of October until the middle of November. There does not seem to be any conflicts except for your temper and unnecessary worries.

Saturn: There could be dissatisfaction at the workplace. Patience will be your virtue soon. Be careful with what you say and making promises you cannot keep.

Rahu: Officially in Taurus now. Courageous decisions in your career will boost your career. Communication will be powerful. However, financial ups and downs are possible. Respecting other people’s space will be good for relationships.

Ketu: Relationships will go through difficulties. Take care not to escalate conflicts in the workplace or at home. The less you are heard or seen the better it will be for you.


Uranus: Retrograde in Taurus until 2021. A change of appearance, attitude, or direction are all possible. Now is the time to be honest to everyone, but not brutally.

Jupiter: Your financial life could get better either through inheritance or just hard work, but this is not the time to be with people, rather, spend time alone to heal rather than be co-dependent.

Chiron: Internal exploration and healing from within. Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Maharani’s Advice:

Dear Taurus, October is not, or was not, meant to make any logical or life changing decisions. You really need to be careful how your defiance affects others. Any kind of last-minute travel will cause a lot of headaches. You may see many changes in your career; changes which you may not like but require the use of “prudence.” Moving into November your focus may not be on areas of career; rather, in relationships of all kinds. There may be a little chaos in areas of career, and it may be advisable to seek counsel with higher ups. Be careful of any legal or health issues in the month of November as they may not pan out. Whatever you decide to do by the end of the year, make sure you do your due diligence before jumping into anything head first.

Right now, it is time to breathe out and in, as we move further into fall and embrace the winter which is not so far away. In less than 30 days we will have our first Lunar Eclipse (November 30, 2020) and two weeks later a Total Solar Eclipse. Also in the mix, Mercury will be direct just in time for Thanksgiving.

The Moon transiting Taurus gives us very diverse feelings. Moon in Taurus is motivated towards content, determination, concentration, and preservation. This is a good time to pull out or to plan a lazy day of respite and sensory enjoyment. It’s a time to get into your physical right mind and to enjoy the physical world around you through your mind. It is also a good time for conservation or conservancy efforts.

The theme note seems to be dependability and holding fast. This is not the time to clean out closets and drawers. You’ll want to keep everything.

You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until the next moon cycle. Remember that with all submissions of psalms and mantras attaining the anticipated result is contingent upon the eminence of intention. It is of the utmost importance to begin with a clear consideration of what your goal should be. The mantras can be hard to pronounce for many, but are an influential foundation of energy.

The mantra for Taurus moon is:

Om Shring Shriye Namaha

(om shriing sheeriivee namaha)

Don’t forget to light a white candle that day. Carve your name on the candle, anoint it with Frankincense oil, and chant Psalm 65 three times.

Please keep in mind that I am not an astrologer, nor do I claim to be, but the Astrological alteration is an essential value to incorporate the best results in Vedic Sanskrit readings. Vedic readings are based upon Indian sages who use the planetary stimuli to be more informative to aide mankind through honorably and thoughtful of karma’s. It is through Vedic Sanskrit readings that we can include how our actions cause reactions which confer conflicts which can be easily be avoided through kindness and adjustment of our egos.

May this moon bring you peace and productivity.



Copyright ©2020 cosmicpsychic, cosmicpsychics, Maharani Rutan 2020 et all. All Rights Reserve

Spiritual or Material Wisdom: Full Moon in Taurus 2018

Full Moon in Taurus

Blessings of Tjadomguit Festival

October 24, 2018

By Maharani Rutan©

We can officially say that autumn is here. The crisp air in the morning and cool breezes at night with a hint of moisture in the air surely can make a pathway to fall leaves. Soon it will be family time, as Thanksgiving (U.S) is only 39 days away and before we can relax it will be that time.

Hence, constant orbital energies have continued to impact each one of us. From the eclipses, planets moving retrograde and direct, as well as unbelievable forced transformation for many of us, these intense energies have caused us to think about where we want to be a year from now and what we will do. But most of all, the universe wants us to reconsider our options, as it is time to reform; whatever does not fit must leave. Read more about it here

Full moon in Taurus is not an ending, but a new beginning for many of us. As I have written in my blog which was posted on live advise forum, full moons bring a new direction and force many of us to end something, allowing something new to come into our lives

This moon is especially auspicious as Buddhists celebrate the “Tjadomguit Festival”. In honor of Buddha, it begins on the 23rd of October and ends on the 25th. In celebration, homes are adorning with candles and lights and people exchange gifts very much like Diwali (Hindu festival of lights). One of the special things of this tradition, unlike any other, is that it is a time of forgiveness. The Elders often tell stories to younger people, dismiss their wrongdoings, and bless them with money or things of value as gifts so they can understand the value of unconditional love.

On October 24, 2018, the full moon will enter Taurus at 24 degrees. This majestic Hunters Moon will be at its brightest at 12:45 pm EST and 9:45 am PST. In the writings of the folklore it has been said that the full moon in October gave enough light for hunters to get ready for the winter and hunt their prey. Meanwhile, the southern hemisphere enjoys beautiful flowers during October, thus naming it the “Flower Moon”.

If you wish to recall the energy of this moon, then think back to November 16, 2005, it was also a full moon in Taurus at 24 degrees.  As everything evolves and becomes more stabilize we must learn from our past.  On this day in 2005 Hurricane Wilma hit Florida hard and caused over 30 billion dollars in damages.  Now, NHC advises that Hurricane Willa could be making landfall.  Also it is 13 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina which caused the Engineers to consider the levies in Louisiana.  An  Australian photojournalist was killed by the Taliban, now there is a new information that Jamal Khashoggi was killed by the Turks or was he? These parallels should not be scrutinized-but should be a welcome for us to learn from and embrace.

As VPAT (Vedic Philosophical Ayurvedic Theory) is driven and theorized between the Sun and the Moon, the gray issues lie in the lie in the human condition. It signifies also Aries energy. Add to this, the Karmic energy of Saturn remains in Sagittarius and will finally move away from Scorpio very soon. With Mars in Capricorn, the Aries moon, and Saturn, one can be sure that many of us may become workaholics, with a driven tendency to reach and climb the ladder of success.

Advise for Taurus for the rest of 2018

Starting from this full moon onward you may find that work will be much smoother as you make new allies. It is high time that you do more promotion if you own your own business or network if you are working for others. Many of you could also see some developments in areas of love and if you are newly involved in a relationship you may see that it leads up to something even deeper than just a relationship. Only thing I can warn is stay away from gossip and conflicts at all cost. Avoid any impetuous decisions regarding investments or spending. If you do not want to wake up with bad confrontation hangovers, then it is best to leave any relationship issues until after Thanksgiving. I highly suggest that all those that have Taurus in their charts slow down, as I always say haste makes waste and this time you have issues with weight gain, stomach and lack of sleep.

According to VPAT, the universe wants us to slow down and reconsider many things. Mercury retrograde will be slowly moving retrograde starting October 28, 2018 and it will not be completely forwards until Christmas eve. It will begin in Scorpio (something hidden), move into Sagittarius (Justice), and finally go direct into Scorpio. I would not be surprised if there are conflicts between the United States and other nations, or at least the United Nations.

Jupiter(Guru), the planet of luck and expansion, has already moved into Scorpio, and it will bring with it much learning, investigating, and financial partnership. However, with this there can be revenge and power struggles in areas of money, home, and who you are becoming. Therefore, there will be plenty of mood swings to spread around.

This is just par for the course. Add to this Uranus, which is currently in Taurus and retrograding. Unexpected things could happen to all, including sudden liberation, where one is forced to give up anything that causes confinement. At the same time, instead of looking at unexpected things, Neptune is your helper, where one should be tapping into visions and all things that are spiritual and creative.

The light of the Full Moon brings a desire for, and feeling of, powerful energy while bringing more luminescent dreams. Taurus moon is quite exceptional. We are forced to delay our own happiness allowing our soul to evolve through fostering kindness to others. This personal evolution has oozed a lot of pain and sacrifice which, in fact, has allowed us to share our learned experiences with others. This also helps us to understand ourselves.

Under this full moon we are aware of our values and priorities to create our own world. The Scorpio/Taurus powers demonstrate a pure relationship between the seeds and their roots. In easier terms, it means that we are prone to look at the significance of Taurus and our mystic of Scorpio. There absolutely is disenchantment; however, there must be a complete focus and self-control in areas that require change; not just any change, but concrete change.

There may be predispositions to nurture people or simply accepting unusual behavior because after all, people are people.

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto (God of the underworld) which forces an uprising, causing us to re-consider ourselves. Taurus signifies things that are diffident and the roots that bind us to the physical world through our own wants, and pleasure through practicality.

The Moon in Taurus urges a time of caution and rationality. People may feel more agitated and persistent. This is a good time to finish projects that have lingered, as people may be more consistent and methodical. Like the stubborn Bull representative of Taurus, people may be bull-headed — uncertain to cooperation and be argumentative. Care needs to be taken to avoid decadence and inconsistent concerns or desires for material wealth.

There may be predispositions to nurture people or simply accepting unusual behavior because after all, people are people.

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto (God of the underworld) which forces an uprising, causing us to re-consider ourselves. Taurus signifies things that are diffident and the roots that bind us to the physical world through our own wants, and pleasure through practicality.

The Moon in Taurus urges a time of caution and rationality. People may feel more agitated and persistent. This is a good time to finish projects that have lingered, as people may be more consistent and methodical. Like the stubborn Bull representative of Taurus, people may be bull-headed — uncertain to cooperation and be argumentative. Care needs to be taken to avoid decadence and inconsistent concerns or desires for material wealth.

Since the moon in Taurus represents Quiet, Materialistic, Worldly, Lenient, and Persistent, we must use the applied senses. It will not matter if your sun sign is a Taurus, this moon will impact anyone that has Taurus in their VPAT chart.

The Moon transiting Taurus gives us a variety of feelings. Moon in Taurus is motivated toward fulfillment, determination, caution, and protection. This is a good time to take time out or to schedule a lazy day of rest and sensual enjoyment. It’s a time to get into your physical senses and to enjoy the physical world around you through your senses.

It is also a good time for environmental or preservation efforts. The theme seems to be dependability and holding fast. This is not the time to clean out closets and drawers. You’ll want to keep everything as Taurus wants to always go back to their memories.

Remember that with all applications of psalms and mantras, attaining the chosen result is reliant on upon the value of purpose.

This year I have been introducing advanced mantras for those who are affluent in Sanskrit mantras. The order which it will be presented is easy to expert. For those who have their sun sign or there 12th house in Taurus, these are powerful mantras which can bring peace and prosperity into your life.


Om Hreeng Kleeng Shreeng

(om Hriing Kliing Shriing)


Om Gopalaya Uttardhvajaya Namaha

Advance (train mantra)

Om draamg dreeng droung sah shukray namaha
Om Rajadabaaya vidmahe, Brigusuthaya dhimahi, tanno sukrah prachodayat


Om Sarvabaadhaa Vinirmukto, Dhan Dhaanyah Sutaanvitah.
Manushyo Matprasaaden Bhavishyati Na Sanshayah.
Om Shree Mahalakshmyai Cha Vidraahe Vishnu Patrayai Cha Dheemahi Tanno
Lakshmi Prachodayat Om

Please note, I am not an astrologer, nor do I claim to be. However, the Astrological transformation is an essential utility required to incorporate the best results in Vedic Sanskrit readings. Vedic readings are based upon Indian sages who use the planetary influences to be more enlightened of contributions to mankind through ethics and understanding of karma’s.

It is through Vedic Sanskrit readings that we can encompass how our actions cause reactions to conflicts which can be easily be avoided through understanding and standardizing our egos.

Enjoy this moon as if were the first moon of your life and know that people and places in your life that had to go, should have gone. No one will place undo pain that you cannot handle, and every pain brings strength of deliverance and knowledge.

Remember, if you are a Taurus Sun/Moon sign or your 12th house is in Taurus, then this is the opportune time to get an updated reading. The prices and memberships have changed, check out my new prices here and membership now is more relaxed (view more).

Since I am detached from Ingenio aka Keen, I will no longer have a conflict of interest therefore, receive a reading on this site will not be a issue in the future. Please contact me via Facebook or Twitter to book your reduced price reading for a update.

Wishing you and yours a warm, safe, and loving full moon.

Maharani Rutan

Copyright 2018© cosmicpsychic, cosmicpsychics, Maharani Rutan 2018. All Rights Reserved

Pierce your soul through rage or heal through the comfort of the Divine: Full Moon in Aries/Taurus 2017

Full Moon in Aries/Taurus

Full Beaver/Flower moon

November 3/4, 2017

By Maharani Rutan©

I have started, stopped, and started again to write this blog. It seemed that every time I started to write this blog, nearly every premonition which I had elaborated in my predictive post, as well as those following, had come to pass (read about it here).

I could not help but to exhale and consider homegrown terror attacks; the uselessness of lives being lost and the broken hearts of so many. Yet here we are. Those who are reading this have been impacted by many things, even if they were not a direct hit. It has been as if we were living in a real twilight zone, wondering if everything we are feeling and seeing is for real.

However, we know it is real. Everything hits home; it is a new era when the truth hits home. The eclipses in Aquarius, in the summer of 2016 and in summer, encouraged humanity to emancipate themselves from restrictions (Saturn). Knowing changes must happen, they did; with sudden changes causing disorder due to a lack of planning (Uranus). On the positive side, those suppressed are now speaking out against injustices that have been covert for so long; just to scream, “Listen to me!” as if it was the roar of a Lion.

The pair of eclipses with Aquarius with Leo in the spring and the fall also gave praise to people to express themselves, and the courage to pick themselves up to begin again. They learned to do things independently while developing their own humility for each other, irregardless of race, color or gender, and experienced the world together as a one.

Thus, together they have wept, beamed, giggled, and been astonished by all the changes with the eclipses, retrogrades, remarkable moons, and lunar energies. I continue to state that this will be a warm winter and water issues will continue throughout the winter and spring, as I first discussed during my eclipse blogs. Perhaps a little rain may help as Saturn has now entered Sagittarius. This does not mean that for all Scorpio’s Saturn is completely gone. It is vital for all those with VPAT chart or Western to look at the placement of Saturn before making an assumption that it is finished with a specific person.

For a deeper analysis, depending upon which focus one follows, my recommended Western astrologers can be found here. Please contact me personally for Vedic analysis as my Vedic contacts are personality driven.

Additionally, Vedic Philosophical Ayurvedic Theories state that our world does not revolve around the sun, rather than the moon; however, between the sidereal and tropical astrology there is a blank spot where the truth lives. Therefore, this can be considered a Fire and Earth moon (Aries in Vedic & Taurus in tropical). With the stubbornness of Taurus and combatant side of Aries you can be sure there will be many defensive arguments between people, and I would not be surprised if there is some political drama that will make many shake their heads.

This will only assist many people to finally end things which they should have ended during the spring lunar eclipse (read about it here) or summer eclipse (here). Nevertheless, there were opportunities to plant new seeds during the spring solar eclipse (read about it here) or summer eclipse (read about it here). Then again, if it was not meant to be it was supposed to be let go, and if it was not, things were made worse.

Whatever the path that was chosen by a person’s free will, it was a difficult path for sure. The Taurus moon now offers the vitality to examine decisions with a magnifying glass to see that we do not bleed again.

As those in the northern hemisphere, especially in the North Americas, prepare for Thanksgiving and begin to get ready for the winter, it has been known that the last full moon before the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere was named the beaver moon. Just as northerners get prepared for the winter so do the beavers. In the southern hemisphere, this is the best time for beautiful weather for some flowers where the flowers will now bloom and the corn will now begin to ripen.

If you looked at the sky on November 3, 2017, you should have seen how beautiful it was as the sun had a luminous glow. But the moon is not exactly full until November 4, 2017 in Taurus at 1:34am EST and 10:43pm November 3, 2017 PST, at approximately 12 degrees.

The last time the moon came close to this degree was on November 05, 2006 when it was 13 degrees in Taurus and 2009 at 10 degrees; both were full moons. If you are an avid reader of my blog you will notice the patterns as I have been saying most of the full moons are derived upon placements of 2006 and 2009 recollection and eclipses are based on 1994, 1998 issues. Keep a very close eye as most of the doors and issues of 2006 and 2009 are readdressed again. Perhaps the scenarios may not be the same but the issues are very close in nature. Within the next few days your dreams will tell it all.

All come to be cheerful under the elegance of the Full Moon – desire and confidence can become quite exaggerated and we may have more cognizance and attention on relationships. There may be a feeling of powerful energy by the light of the Moon opening the possibility for more luminous dreams.

Internal bleeding is more likely during a Full Moon, so take care. This is the time to gather, entreat and be Appreciative, and to work on pragmatism and triumph. Love and romance go wild under a Full Moon, particularly around midnight.

Venus is comfortably sitting in Scorpio until November 9, 2017. There is a yearning for profound and obsessive relationships with people. A possibility of deep intimate attachment through every connection – body, mind, and soul. Scorpio is an abysmal sign and it is easily able to cut off relationships if it does not seem right. Anything insincere won’t do – it must be adoring and deep.

This moon is quite exceptional in many ways. We are forced to postpone our own pleasure to allow our passion to evolve through fostering and kindness to others. This personal evolution has radiated a lot of agony and disadvantages which, in fact, has allowed us to share our learned familiarity with others; this also helps us to understand ourselves.

The moon in Taurus could give us the energy to connect more than usual. Philanthropic efforts will create a great sense of wholeness for many people and socialization is not out of the question. Relationships could be very smooth at this time because reliability brings a natural expression of emotions through love and understanding. These are great positives during the full moon but be careful – the obstinacy can cause differences and possible break-ups. The focus of struggle can be around stubbornness and failure to stay stable.

The Moon in Taurus pushes for a time of alertness and sensibleness. People may feel more old-fashioned and determined. This is a good time to finish tasks that have delayed as people may be more reliable and organized. Like the stubborn bull, representative of Taurus, people may be bull-headed; unsure in negotiation and be argumentative. Care needs to be taken to evade indulgence and erratic worries or cravings for material wealth.

Since the moon in Taurus represents moods and personalities that are Calm, Factual, Sophisticated, Merciful, and Stubborn, we must use the practical senses. No matter what astrological signs you hold, if there is Taurus anywhere in your natal or progressed chart you will be directly impacted by this energy. The Moon transiting Taurus gives us a varied assortment of feelings. Moon in Taurus is motivated towards self-actualization, perseverance, restraint, and safeguarding.

You may choose to recite a mantra every morning until the next moon cycle.
This year I have chosen three mantras; one that is easy for those who are learning Sanskrit mantra and two that are for learned Sanskrit announcers. For the full moon in Taurus:


Om Hreeng Kleeng Shreeng

(ooom Hriiing Kliiing Shriiing)


Om Gopalaya Uttardhvajaya Namah


Om draamg dreeng droung sah shukray namah.Om Rajadabaaya vidmahe, Brigusuthaya dhimahi, tanno sukrah prachodaya

Remember that with all applications of psalms and mantras, reaching the desired result is dependent upon the quality of intention. Don’t forget to light a white candle that day; carve your name on the candle, anoint it with Frankincense oil, and chant Psalm 65 three times.

Please remember, I am not an astrologer nor do I claim to be. However, the Astrological alteration is an essential purpose compulsory to integrating the best results in Vedic Sanskrit readings. Vedic readings are based upon Indian sages who use the planetary stimuli to be more enlightening and aid mankind through ethics and consideration of karmas. It is through Vedic Sanskrit readings that we can incorporate how our actions cause reactions to conflicts which can be easily be avoided through thoughtful and homogenizing our egos.

Enjoy this moon as if was the first moon of your life and know that people and places in your life that had to go, should have gone. No one will place undo pain that you cannot handle, but remember that every pain brings strength of liberation and awareness.

Just a bit of a reminder those who have had a solar/lunar eclipse reading done in Feb/Mar & Aug/Sept, it may be time for an update. I encourage all Earth Signs (Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo including those that have their 1, 7, and 10th house in their VPAT chart to have a recap done between now and November 14, 2017. Additionally, be advised that do not expect your relationship reading to change if your personal reading has not been checked prior. As I always state we can’t expect change if we are not willing to change.

Wishing you and yours a warm, safe, and loving first full moon in Taurus.

Yes, it’s that time of the year again, soon the giveaways will begin make sure you are signed up on my newsletter and Facebook. Please note the new website address has now changed to maharanirutan.com. additionally, the email to contact me has also changed please contact me through social media or your newsletter for the new email address.

Maharani Rutan©

Copyright © 2017 cosmicpsychic, cosmicpsychics, Maharani Rutan@ et. all All Rights Reserved