Merciless in the Dark: Last Solar Eclipse in Gemini until 2029

New Moon in Gemini

Annular Solar Eclipse

New Moon in Gemini

By Maharani Rutan©

As the relief of Mercury retrograde begins to ease, Gemini’s and those that have Gemini anywhere in their chart will be walking blind through the shadow and darkness.  One by one they will notice the doors that were once opened will begin to close as the moon voids through the Annular Solar Eclipse on June 10, 2021.

According to the ancient Vedic philosophies, unlike western philosophies, new moons are not a new beginning, rather, they bring a time of confusion.  How can humanity possibly understand their path without the light to guide them? Vedic Philosophies state that human eyes need light and without the light we can only guess the seeds we are planting; but nothing grows in the darkness.  Therefore, now is the time when Gemini’s can exhale because they will not be pushed by eclipses again for another 8 years.  Perhaps its karmic next time.

Nevertheless, Vedic Philosophies always believe in the concept that any eclipses are an omen of one kind or another.  There is an old saying where those that view the eclipse often have a curse that follows them.  Call it superstition, but I am sure many of us recall August 2017 when the Trumps viewed it from the White House. Perhaps it was coincidental, or it was celestial, but Hindus are so particular that even pregnant women should stay indoors and usually many fast for forgiveness.

This eclipse will be viewed in many parts of North America, including parts of Canada, many parts of Europe, Asia, and the northern and western parts of Africa. If there was any kind of prediction, I would say that due to this eclipse, keep an awfully close eye on UK, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Brazil, Japan, Mexico and Vatican City. Also included here at home are San Francisco, Indianapolis, Charlotte, NC, Ohio, Oregon, SC, TX.  For sure, something will be revealed within the next six months which could make many of us say “What?” or “Wow!”

This beautiful event is not a total solar eclipse, rather, an annular eclipse. A beautiful ring will appear in our skies with the new moon in Gemini. The new moon will begin this journey at approximately 3:24 am EST in 19 degrees in Gemini creating the beginning of a solar eclipse. The magnificent ring will begin the partial eclipse which can be viewed with the clear skies at 4:12am EST and 1:12 PST.

This is the second pair of eclipses that have affected Gemini; read the about the last eclipse in Gemini here.  Those that will have direct impact from this eclipse will be those that have planets in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces).

The effects of this eclipse can be felt as early as 5 days before (June 5, 2021). The uneasiness of the energy of this eclipse will be felt by the whole world; nonetheless, the concentration of the eclipse varies upon the house that the eclipse falls in your astrological chart.

Every eclipse has a substantial impact on transformation in our lives for at least 6 months; therefore, Gemini’s, as well as those that have primary planets in Gemini, may feel this effect more so than ever as well as late mutable signs.

This eclipse does not separate out just Gemini’s or mutable signs; it will affect countless numbers, specifically those that are in connections that are toxic in nature.  Every eclipse is relationship based, focused on whether it is romantic, family, business or associates, or it has no impact.

In earliest times, eclipses were deemed as omens and problems during the time of the eclipse, and often in modern times they continue to be thought of in the manner. Eclipses typically spark major destruction such as adverse weather forms which could be such things as downpours, earthquakes, and snowstorms.  Often they are seen as an ill-tempered time even for humans as the vitality could create conflict politically, financially, and even emotionally. The solar eclipse is an eye opener or a bump, as I had mentioned, to realize that the earth we once knew is altering and we either change with it or fight it.

The eclipse in Gemini is pitched towards growth through trust and endeavors. There is a need to ask ourselves what have we done, what needs to be done, and what more is needed to get where we want to go. It is time to gather information, form a strategy, and make choices.  Because the proof to form plans in our lives is so sporadic, the predisposition to be disturbed could make it difficult to make choices. 

The eclipses do not have to all be devastating; eclipses can bring new social position and a need to take stock to make improvements toward permanency.  It is a time for experience, breathe in information, and develop knowledge of the mystical and well-informed information, as well as people while breathing out the significance of sustainability and constancy.  If in a career there was a great deal of work and hard work then certainly the heavens will promote you, however, if it was turning around and just getting by, then the angle of the eclipse will show you the direction your deficit.  

Solar energy is incidental, protecting, contrite, dynamic, and endorsed and conveyed from inside our life force. This eclipse is especially purpose and intention oriented, and our principles and determination can be improved and deepened. We begin to profoundly deem our influences in the world and the full representation of our civilization.

This 6-month period is a time to place emphasis on professional status, social status, and achievements. This Eclipse chart places a huge planetary importance in one area of the Zodiac, Gemini; however, Virgo, Pisces, and Sagittarius are extremely emphasized, safeguarding against out-of-control partisanship, disagreements, and over-sensitivity about limits. Small elements can overrun long-term goals.

The new moon comes just in time as the energy of Mercury has already begun to move into being stationed direct (read more about it here).

This is an extremely hot chair for Gemini’s as Mercury is still hanging in the Gemini planets. Soon, Mars and Venus have moved into Cancer which can be extremely challenging, between attempting not to be emotional and being more practical.

This is the time to Welcome, Meditate and be Grateful, and to work on abundance and prosperity. Many will be extremely autonomous in their nature. A push to achieve and fulfill specific thoughts and values is the focus of this energy. Hence, there is a tendency to react recklessly and dramatically. The Gemini energy understands how to see both sides instinctively, consequently, feeling more sinuous, unpredictable, and pompous will be the subject of this moon.

What do you want to build in your life? What idea do you wish to show? The chart of the New Moon is the key to inspiration in the coming lunar month.  The New Moon is an asking (invocation) time, and a time to prepare what our needs are according to the opportunities available (through Gemini this month).

The moon in Gemini is the sign of the Pairs, on one side is the natural aspect of your life and on the other is your passion.  Research, Decorate, Procure, Assemble, and most of all, converse.  Open yourself up for the most influential dialogues; get together with companies –  think.  After all, the information is collected to make a new start but be sure to bounce opinions back and forth with people.

It is a good time to create, take care of everyday tasks and things that remind you of logical puzzles, make speeches, or just let suggestions fly through the clouds. Educational activities and mind games may become more important to rationalize emotions. An impulsive talk may immediately convey things that are only true for the instant.

The Gemini moon stimulates your curiosity. Alluring ideas seem intermittently fascinating; like a small doll within a larger one. Now is the time to make friends, possibly via e-mail or telephone. Go into your garden, study from it, but don’t plant.

Moon in Gemini also creates a time of letters and flexibility. People may feel very conversational and considerate. This is a time to pursue intellectual pleasure and to take care of messages, both traditional and written. Like the twins that symbolize Gemini, individuals may be able to see both sides of a dilemma but they may also be contradictory and nervous, unable to make up their minds. Caution needs to be taken to avoid saying something in a rush that will be grieved later.

Gemini’s are quite reckless, smart, inspirational, resourceful, imaginative, creative, and lethal in their artistic power.   Gemini’s are known for their wisdom and it’s the most critical signs, but they are oddly quirky and unwelcoming at times. Sometimes the energy is such an annoyance its best to ignore it at times. Their famous question is “but why?” even when sometimes, there are no answers.

The energy between the moon and eclipse may cause the need to repeatedly express feelings, coming to a quick and reasonable solution for any emotional problem – and will jump right in to providing a beneficial attitude. Feelings are not reliable and often change between on again and off again. This could make people seem unpredictable or two-sided but is it you, or them?  Be honest-minded. The reverse side of this energy may be that the urges of being super sociable in interaction and a need to stay in touch with your mother or a female guardian becomes a must.

No matter how it is examined. The new moon concentrates upon combat.  Take this time and unwind because we are in for a bumpy ride.The eclipse can be a very tough time even when things are perfect.  Be thankful for the rewards that have been given upon you by the cosmos.  Namaste the name of the sun, accept the obstacles, and ask for mercy when irritations have overcome humility.

Every full moon and new moon I bring tendencies to how the energy will interweave through the next 6 months.  This is not astrology, rather, it is a mixture of numerology and Vedic Philosophies, whereas each zodiac sign is a personality of the cosmos and should be regarded as such.

For an overall projection, it is recommended to blend the lunar eclipse (read about it here), this solar eclipse, Mercury retrograde (read about here), and your own full moon prediction for the best scenario of the 6-month forecast.

I will start with the main traits which will be impacted the most during this eclipse, followed by those that will be impacted from the most to the least. However, as this is a Gemini New moon, I will also be focused first on Gemini 6-month predictions in all aspects of their lives following with eclipse predictions.


Be thankful, this is your last eclipse for another 8 years.  The cosmos knows that you also go through hiccups 3 to 4 times a year with Mercury retrograde, therefore, you are the blessed one. This year may have continued to be lucky for you.  Perhaps a promotion or increase in financial stability.  The problem is that it is difficult for you to forget the past.  The more religious and spiritual you are the more the universe will continue to bless you. But you often worry too much, thus, it will impact your health if you are not careful. You could find spring and summer to be best for financial increase or promotion. In areas of relationships, act mature and have realistic thoughts if you want things to be smooth sailing.  On the other hand, keep in mind that the eclipse often changes the path.  There could be ongoing issues regarding your health if you are not careful.  There will be frustrations with your family as well.

Saturn: Hard work, stress and health issues are possible.

Rahu:  Unexpected expenses and travel are possible.

Ketu: Legal issues going well, but health financial issues could worsen.

Uranus:  Changes will be difficult for you.

Chrion: A negative past or thoughts will spoil your future.

Jupiter: Your highs in career/finances will be very high but also, lows will be deep lows, so prepare!

Maharani’s advice

Nothing in life is consistently stable and because of this you may take on unnecessary stresses.  Plan well, spend right, and work hard so that you can avoid this.  But Gemini’s can be lazy too, therefore, for those going to school, focus will be needed.  Often, you may choose a partner who is well spoken and high strung; this time, egotistical attitudes could cause a problem so to be well prepared that this is their personality, and you choose it.

Maharani’s Mantra for Gemini for the remaining of the year;

I have no doubt that there is nothing I cannot do.

Eclipse Predictions

Mutable Signs

Pisces, Gemini, Virgo Sagittarius

Pisces: Issues regarding property or new business will be resolved.  Stress will cause digestive and skin related issues for many months.

Gemini: Frustrations with family members and career could cause stress.  This will, in fact, cause muscle issues in your back and stomach, as well as eye discomfort.

Virgo: Positive aspects of your work and finances, however, it will not rule out your worries of family members which could cause fears and agitation.

Sagittarius: Increases in work obligations are possible and worries regarding family members are also possible.  However, this time it will not affect your health but may affect your focus. Be careful during travel. Do not forget to combine the Lunar eclipse predictions (read more here) with the predictions listed here to get an overall prediction.

Fixed Signs

Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio

Aquarius: Unnecessary expenses, legal issues and heavy responsibilities at work are possible, including a change in your work or a transfer.  You may even find that past illness disappears or soothes a bit.

Taurus: Financial situations improve but you may add unnecessary expenses, thus causing your physical and mental health to be on a roller coaster.

Leo: Career and business issues are possible, yet a change in location or departments is not out of scope.  Due to the stress, there could be issues with aches and pains, stomach, back, and eyes.

Scorpio: Be sure to check the Lunar eclipse predictions, your full moon predisposition and combine with these predictions: Be cautious with signing any legal documents and be mindful of your expenses.  Don’t borrow money for business related expenses or risks. You may lose a friend unexpectedly. No concerns on health issues currently.

Cardinal Sign

Capricorn, Aries, Cancer Libra

Capricorn: Your moon is coming up soon, for now, combine the last eclipse and this to get a semi-glimpse at the trajectory of the next 6 months.  Be careful signing any legal documents. Financially, things will get better, allowing some debts can be paid.  A new job or other opportunities are on their way.  No illness or concerns for the next 6 months.

Aries: Financially, you may spend more than you have. Family issues are possible. There is a possibility of leaving a current position or other travel. Unnecessary worries and headaches are also possible.

Cancer: Financial gains are possible, and you may purchase a new property. Unnecessary outbursts of anger towards older siblings or family members are also possible.

Libra: Interest and motivation in a career is possible.  Family issues are possible, along with the potential of experiencing low self-confidence.  Stomach related issues are on the rise.

The above predictions are possibilities and not necessarily true to individual signs or people.  For the best overall predictions, it is suggested you seek either a Western or Eastern Astrologer, but not both as results could vary from one extreme to the other.

Moon in Gemini is polite, clever, sensible, articulate, and unpredictable. The Airy Gemini Moon gives our soul arms of joy, gregarious conversations, friendly visits, community activity, and a bit of a shift with your inconsistency.

Remember the 12 aspirations.  Light a white candle that day and carve your name on the candle. Anoint it with Frankincense oil and chant Psalm 65 three times.

The Sanskrit mantras can be challenging to articulate but are a potent source of energy on levels of sounds through us and the creator.  For the Solar Eclipse it is suggested that the mantra of Surya be chanted every morning and every night for the entire transit (6 months). The solar eclipse mantra for the next 6 months, especially for those that have Gemini planets:

Om bhur, bhuvah, svah tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat

This mantra is adapted from the ancient test, Rag Vedas.  It is a direct message through Gayatri who honors surya (the sun).  The translation follows all the planets, especially earth, sky, and the heavens: May we (humanity) place within ourselves the radiance of the divine Savitri, the Sun God (the divine) we shall then awaken our insight.

As the philosophies state, when the moon is blocked, we cannot see in front of us. Thus, it has been bestowed upon celestial bodies to give us the light to walk a straight path through our intuition and faith.

This solar eclipse I will be doing 6-month in-depth readings to prepare us for the energy of Gemini eclipse starting June 13 through July 7, 2021. Read more about how to make appointments here. The schedule will not be posted until June 12, 2021.

Being a Vedic reader does not make me an Astrologer.  Vedic reading is centered towards transformational alterations which are embarked upon by behaviors and responses.  One ounce of deterrence brings solace and understanding of the future.

Wishing you the best of the transitions through the eclipses.



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