Final Lunar Eclipse 2021

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Full Beaver/ Snow Moon

November 19, 2021

By Maharani Rutan

As I sit here and write this blog, I am sure you may have wondered why I have not posted any blogs since July 2021. For most of the part, there was nothing I could possibly say to make things any better.  I also don’t like to bring negativity into a world that has the amount of uncertainty that we currently have.  However, I can say, like I always say, history will repeat itself.  

Because of the tensions, restraints, and sadness of many events worldwide, I decided to take a break from it all and dedicate my time to helping children and families. The energy was taking every bit of me, and I used a humanistic outlet instead of destruction. But changes were unavoidable, and the powerful cosmic energy was unbearable. So, now, here I’m pouring into my systemic viewpoint of the eclipse. Every now and then, I will bring the past into the future and vice versa. This will be the only way to explain the tension of the cosmos.


On November 19, 2021, a beautiful partial lunar eclipse will occur in Taurus. The Penumbral Eclipse will begin its journey at 1:02 am EST, 10:02am PST.  This will transit to the partial eclipse at 2:18am and slowly move towards the full moon at 3:28am EST. The bright moon will then be partially blocked by the maximum eclipse at 4:02am EST. After that, the partial eclipse will end at 5:47am, moving towards the eclipse ending at 7:03am EST.

The bright eclipse will be visible almost everywhere, especially in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas, and the Oceans. However, it will be visible in nearly every part of the world, but it is the longest lunar eclipse of this year, and the last. 


This means we must be even more in tune than ever with the energy of the cosmos. During the eclipse, the most crucial part is that we need to separate the true and spiritual self from the materialistic one. Also remember, we must not fear what the eclipse will bring. Instead, remembering whatever was hidden from us in the last 6 to 12 months is now opening our eyes and gravitating us into a beautiful transformational self.

The effects of this eclipse can be felt as early as five days before (November 14, 2021). The intensity of the eclipse depends upon the house that the eclipse falls in an astrological chart. For example, this eclipse is geared towards Taurus and later degrees of Scorpio.  But every eclipse brings some sort of a change. Often these changes are not apparent right away, and sometimes it is not evident for at least 6 months afterwards. This eclipse is particular to those born in the later months in the sign of Taurus, fixed signs, and those with primary planets in Taurus may feel this effect more so than ever. 


Eclipse is not the only role that will play in the inter-connect level of humanity. The full beaver moon will bring forth light and new beginnings for many. Those that believe that the moon brings endings are most likely following western astrology.  However, unlike western astrology, eastern astrology states that when the moon is bright, we can see everything clearly (read more about it here).

Vedic philosophies dictate that eclipses are never a good time to decide on relationships, jobs, or essential decisions. Some people could already feel confusion and chaos, possibly 2 to 3 weeks later, just in time for the solar eclipse on December 3, 2021. But one thing to remember is that this is the longest eclipse to occur for well over 500 years. Because of this, I would not be surprised that some unexpected events in areas of weather bring some chaotic circumstances.  Could it be that the snow comes early? Could it be that the rain does not stop?


While every eclipse is relationship tailored, this eclipse also involves money, career, and something unexpected so surreal that there will be a lot of shaking.

Eclipses are often considered triggers, a process that is necessary for change in humanity. As this is an earth sign (Taurus) falling in the axis of a water sign (Scorpio), muddy waters may be the theme of the eclipse. The weather patterns could uproot trees, roads could ripple in half, or tornadoes could possibly lift homes. Even though it may seem that destruction is on its way, we must think of it as something old that must go to pave the way for new infrastructure.


The eclipse in mid-Taurus is geared toward money matters and deciding between what we love to do and who we love.  It may also have us wondering if there will be enough resources available to do what needs to be done. No matter what is being thought about, it’s time to gather everything needed to make plans but don’t put them into action as you may change your mind again. Go back to the goals you made in April/May of this year; I am almost certain something has changed. 

The eclipses do not have to all be horrific; eclipses can bring a new social position, a need to take account, make improvements, and have firmness.  It is a time for advancement, inspiring information, and understanding the spiritual and experienced information from people.   Working hard is a good thing. The heavens will support you. If work has been mechanical, without passion and deliverance, then the angle of the eclipse will show you the direction. Either there could be a loss of a job or a change of career altogether.


This particular Eclipse chart places a huge planetary emphasis on one area of the Zodiac – Taurus; however, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius are significantly highlighted by shielding against out-of-control dogmatism, confusions, and over-sensitivity about restrictions. Tiny details can overrun long-term goals.

A moon in Taurus offers an exceptional time to devote to individual ambitions as the experiences circle around self-assurance and content. Emotional reactions are relaxed but firm and shying away from disagreement.  There is a more significant need for a serene environment. Encouraging others by delivering for their desires is the theme for this eclipse.


The Moon in Taurus ushers in a time of kindness and wisdom. People may feel more moderate and steadier. This is an excellent time to persist or wrap up projects that have already begun, as people may be more reliable and thorough. On the other hand, like the stubborn Bull representative of Taurus, people may be bull-headed; reluctant to cooperate and belligerent. Avoid self-extravagance and unnecessary fear or longing for material possessions.

It does not matter how one analyzes what I have written; it is essential to take this time and relax because we are in for a bumpy ride. There will be another eclipse in two weeks.  Nevertheless, many planetary inferences change the projection of many people.


Jupiter (lord of knowledge and prosperity) will be moving into Aquarius, per Vedic Philosophies, just a day after this eclipse.  This means that for the next 18 months or so, there will be plenty of focus on medical advancements, friendships, and keeping things airy and new. Additionally, Saturn moved into Capricorn as of October 11, 2021, and this is where it loves to be. Saturn brought us news regarding the pandemic. It ushered in more vaccination availability, and now all of us will be much more vigilant with our health, which will pave the way to a better tomorrow.

On the other hand, Ketu in Scorpio (Transformation) and Rahu in Taurus (Humanity through love) will continue to impact all our lives one way or another. Go back to 2002 to 2003, if you can recall. During those times the economy was terrible. During those times there were job losses, companies went under, and a significant economic recession. My advice is to remember that if it is too good to be true, then it probably is.


To obtain an overall prediction, I recommend combining the lunar eclipse prediction with the solar eclipse on December 3, 2021, to get the best overall predictability.  Please remember the projections are not based on astrology, but rather, a combination of Vedic philosophies and numerological inferences.  The characteristics are labeled according to astrology. However, the predictions are based upon philosophical virtues. 

I will begin the overall prediction for the lunar eclipse from the most affected to those with the slightest effect. First, the focal point is Taurus, followed by Scorpio and the fixed signs (Aquarius & Leo).  After that, mutable signs (Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius) then cardinal signs (Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, and Libra).




Dear Taurus, you may have had some significant changes in your life since 2018.  You must have now come to some awakening on how you need to see things differently. Your destiny is to make your own life without the assistance of others.  There is no such thing as life staying the same for you since Uranus has been in your life. Nevertheless, Ketu has not been easy for you either as your love life may have caused you difficulties, and family may also not have been the best.  The stagnant energy may have caused you to put off things, and your ego may not have always been working well with this. You may have your high highs and low lows in your finances, but all you want is contentment. Even if your professional life is growing, you will need recognition, and there may be times when you do not feel motivated, but it surely will be better than last year and even better in 2022.  You will love the first quarter of 2022 as stability and patience will help you move forward.  Recognition will be at your beck and call.  Saturn will beam at you and Jupiter will kiss your forehead with blessings of a good career/profits. Just be very cautious in the middle of January to February. If you want to continue your career and growth, be calm and collective as this is the time of your life.

Saturn: Your continued hard work will bring you good news in 2021 but reaping those rewards will come in 2022. You will get recognition, but it will be a slow process.


Rahu: Even though you may have ups and downs in 2021, you will continue to reap the rewards of your hard work. However, be careful at the beginning of 2022; you could have stress, and you cannot trust everyone. So, take self-accountability for your own actions, otherwise, you will find that thing you are doing more complicated than necessary.

Ketu: There is an influence of positivity in the areas of relationship and fame in 2021. However, in 2022, conflicts are possible where there may be too much negative feedback and it may affect your health.


Uranus: Thank goodness, for now, it is going backward, and you may decide to take a humanitarian role. However, not everyone is going to agree with you in 2021. But in 2022, you may change the way you view your life and the direction you are taking it as if you woke up from a bad dream. 

Chiron: It is still retrograding in Aries, which is an eye-opener. The sadness is so you can let it all out and not hold onto pain for a better tomorrow.


Jupiter: As Jupiter moves into Aquarius you will find a career; money flow will be great, and your relationship will go through a healing process. In 2022, however, you may decide to move in an entirely different career perspective, possibly move with new friends, and learn something new.

As the eclipse is leaning towards transformational changes for all fixed signs, the intensity moves from discomfort to transformational changes.



Fixed Signs

Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius

Scorpio: Assertiveness in areas of advancement and education is possible. Take care of your health and your finances currently. You will go further with honey than vinegar at this time. 

Leo: Defend yourself and never suffer. Focus on your health and money. New career prospects are possible, but not suitable for self-employed but don’t worry you will receive support from your family.

Aquarius: Stay focused in areas of interpersonal relationships; it’s time to look if you are single. If not, have lots of fun. Investing in anything is not a good idea. Be careful of enemies as they are all around you and it’s important to support hard work as it will pay great rewards. Take caution with being sarcastic to the ones you love.


Mutable Signs

Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini

Sagittarius: Stay focused; your eclipse is heading your way on December 03, 2021. It may be an excellent time to travel, but not the best time for relationships. Be careful with your finances and most of all, with those whom you love. Your words could cut like a knife.

Pisces: Pay attention to your health, eat well, and take good care of yourself. Unnecessary spending will bring anxieties. Although sudden changes are expected, avoid unnecessary conflicts as you may create issues with those you love.

Virgo: Health regimes can be good for you; transparency, courage, and transformation will be on the rise for you. However, pay close attention to your health and be careful with your money.

Gemini: Confidence and passion is the theme of this lunar eclipse. Traveling, siblings, and exchanging ideas will be your focus. Though you may have a financial setback, you will jump right back and overcome conflicts.


Cardinal Signs

Cancer, Aries, Capricorn, Libra

Cancer: There is a possible move to a new home or location. Family life will be bliss. Going with the flow will cause a less stressful life. Financially, things will get even better. There are chances of unexpected financial increases from an inheritance. Unnecessary expenses may harm you; however, business and economic profits are significant. 

Aries: Career growth is possible; however, it may take hard work to complete what you started. New relationships are potential. Take care of your health. 

Capricorn: A new career is possible. Work conflicts will be resolved, and education will prevail as a focus. 

Libra: Financial situations may become challenging due to unexpected expenses, and relationships may go through tests.


The predictions above are generalizations and not exact to all the characteristics.  They are based on numerological instances and predetermined by the values of those determinate.

The moon in Taurus represents Calm, Tangible, Earthly, Persistent, and Tenacious. We must use sensible moods. The energy between the moon and eclipse may cause the need to constantly convey feelings. Coming to a clever rational explanation for any emotional problem will jump right in to provide a helpful opinion.


Emotions are not reliable and often switch between on again and off again. This could make people appear unpredictable or two-sided but is it you or them?  Be open-minded.

The flip side of this energy may be the encouragement of being extremely welcoming in interaction and a need to stay in touch with your mother or a female guardian becomes a must.


Also, I suggest purchasing a white candle, carving your name on it, and anointing it with sandalwood or frankincense oil. Then chant the following: “I ask to find the inner light of my creativity” I wish for the universe to help me achieve the recognition that I desire.” Finally, “I pray that I may find the strength to take chances with my creativity.”

The Sanskrit mantras can be difficult to pronounce but are a powerful source of energy arising from sounds through the creator and us.  For the Lunar eclipse, it is suggested that the mantra of Chandra Jap be chanted every morning and every night for the entire transit (6 months).


Om Shram Shreem Shrom Sah Chandramase Namah

For those who practice spiritual baths and spiritual discarding, please contact me personally on how to dispose of your prior readings and what you need to purchase for the spiritual baths.

During this lunar eclipse, I will be doing 6-month readings starting the 20th of November until the 25th. The schedule is posted here.


Vedic readings concentrate on transformational changes which are triggered by actions and reactions. One ounce of prevention brings solace in understanding the future. 

Please contact me before making an appointment to be sure the slot for your appointment is available.

Wishing you the best of the transitions through eclipses.




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