Resentful Endings and Loyal Beginnings: Scorpio New Moon 2020


November 14/15, 2020


By Maharani Rutan©

Of all the new moons that come and go during the year, there two new moons that are quite special to all of us. They always seem to come between October and November of every year.  It is the new moon during Navaratri read about it here and this moon, the New moon of Diwali.

On November 14, 2020, at approximately 9:07pm PST and 12:07am Est (November 15, 2020).  The moon will move into the avid energy of the new moon transiting Scorpio at 23 degrees. 

In normal circumstances new moons are always considered endings in the Vedic and new beginnings in Western culture (read more about it here).  This can also be true now as many Hindu’s end the year and begin a new year by putting the past behind them.

In literal terms Diwali often can be referred to as festival of lights, or rather, light that empowers humanity with the higher power.  Diwali always happens on a new moon when the celebration of Diwali is commemorated with light in every window of people’s homes.  This is to allow Devine energy to enter the homes.  It also symbolizes grace for our families, and a celebration of good and evil.

If you are a new moon baby, it triggers areas of your life which need your energy and focus. This means that to flourish, one must place importance on things that are spiritual; it also means spending time with elderly. This is an ideal time to finish things which were left unfinished.

However, like every moon this year, this moon also replicates areas of our lives which coincide with those issues in the autumns of 2001, 2006, 2009, and 2012.  Additionally, it finally puts to an end something that began in the summer of 2014.  

Could it be that, while there were pro-democracy protests occurring in China in the summer of 2014, that a similar situation occurs here after the election? In 2014, America was through contemplation mode, everything hung on the ballots; abortion, healthcare, climate policies, and racial injustice.  And here we are again in 2020, is this happening all over again? 

“I can’t help but to say something is really hidden in New Orleans, Baltimore, Washington, and Cincinnati. Could it be that votes were lost, or could it be there may have been some election fraud? Whatever it is, know that it won’t be long before it is uncovered.”- Read more here about my prediction of 2020

The Scorpio Moon can be complex for control impulses, which can often result in ferocity or even destructive urges. Mars and Pluto rule Scorpio thus their impact carries out vigorous cravings and Pluto shows some very robust desires. People often become aggressive, serious, annoyed, and temperamental while the Moon is in Scorpio.

Amplified attentiveness and a colored sensitivity to personal wrongdoings and verbal abuse are possible. Remember that Scorpio has a suspicious and mysterious nature. Avoid social problems. Beware of suspicion and watch out for the Scorpio Sting. Please remember to forgive and forget. Be cautious when interacting with the opposite sex. However, this could be a good time for intense merging with another on a deep emotional level!

At this time, Mercury is still retrograding until November 19, 2020, and nothing will seem as it is and so far, there are no finales (read more here).

After this moon, Venus will move into Libra, where it loves to be, where friendships and relationships are quite important.  At the same time, Mercury will move into Scorpio in 5 days, and Jupiter will be direct in Capricorn which will bring hard work, according to VPAT (Vedic Philosophical Ayurvedic Theories).  

Could it mean that we must differentiate between love and work? Whatever the case may be just remember, Mercury will not be direct until a couple of days after Thanksgiving and the Lunar eclipse will surely open our eyes at the end of the month.

During every full and new moon, I bring forth tendencies specific to the astrological sign highlighted by the lunar events. The principal placeholder affected by this moon is the sign of Scorpio.

To get a better overall picture, for the next 15 days it is suggested that you combine what I give you with the last lunar and solar eclipse in June and July. Within 15 days these predictions will change, according to the eclipses in November and December. From September 24 through November 19, including the Mercury retrograde, tendencies will give you an overall picture of the good, bad, and general advice. Read more about it here.

For all others to gain the best prediction of your scopes, according to VPAT, it is suggested you find your full moon predisposition under “Vedic Post” on the main page here.


Dear Scorpio, you may be overwhelmed with many issues in your life, therefore, it is suggested you take extra care of your health, especially with sweet, salty, and oily foods.  The remainder of the year is also your chance to build a stronger rapport with the ones you love.  For those who are taking exams or involved in education, you must stay focused, you must work hard and keep reading and practicing getting the concepts correct. Keep a close eye on your finances as you may lend or spend more than you have. Hard work in your career, including motivating things, will prompt positive work opportunities.  Do what you can to control your temper when things start to change before your eyes.

Saturn: Laziness and fatigue could cause negative results in the workplace.  Financially, things will turn around, but only if you have handled them mindfully.  Friendships will soar and academics will beam.

Rahu: Partnerships and relationships may undergo difficulties. Be careful not to trust everyone. Crossing your T and dotting your I’s in every agreement may be beneficial for positive outcome.

Ketu: Fickleness, difficulties in making decisions, and uncertainties at work are possible.  Take care with your spending.

Uranus: People will go through transformation; don’t assume and just let things happen naturally.  Financially, unexpected increases are possible.

Jupiter: Your financial life could get better.  Try not to make promises you cannot keep.  Gratitude at the workplace is possible.

Maharani’s Advise

If your relationships were stable, then they will sustain and become more stable as time moves forward.  If you did not put personal responsibilities first, then surely relationships may break up or go through a troublesome period.  This is the time to go back to school and study like you never have before and you shall see the results next year. Be careful not to get into difficulties with family members the rest of the year which could cause unnecessary problems next year.  Take care at the workplace as people may try to make trouble for you. Most of all, do not invest or borrow for the rest of the year.  Remember, next year you will have eclipses that will change who you are and whom you are becoming.

Since moon in Scorpio signifies Impetuous, Mindful, Unpredictable, Brave, and Feisty, it is my suggestion for us to remain balanced. It is my suggestion that you purchase a white candle and carve your name through to the wick. Anoint the candle with musk oil or sandalwood oil and chant the Psalm 39.

You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until the next moon cycle. Remember that with all applications of psalms and mantras achieving the desired result is dependent upon the quality of intention.

As Diwali and new moon fall on the same day it is advised to follow the Diwali mantra:

Om Hreem Shreem Kleen Maha Lakshmi Namaha

Auum hriim shriim Klaiin ma ha Lak sh mi namaha

This mantra is the to call to the goddess Lakshmi to bring overall abundance for 2021.

The intention of this mantra is the to keep us in balance and from losing our temper through darkness and unfocused energy.

Please note, I do not claim to be an astrologer, and these are all-purpose propensities. The values of astrology are used as rudiments into Vedic readings – they encircle and incorporate transformable changes into sublime bliss.

Dance Scorpio, like you never have before, and embrace this time like it was the first day of your life. 


Maharani Rutan©

Copyright ©2020 cosmicpsychic, cosmicpsychics, Maharani Rutan 2020 et all. All Rights Reserve

Obscured, Obsessive, Opportunities: New Moon in Scorpio

New Moon in Scorpio

Blessings of Diwali

November 7, 2018

By Maharani Rutan©

One of the most auspicious times is nearing; the only time when the New moon is a blessing in the Hindu culture. Hence, it may be somewhat intense, and the energy will be a push to many of us.

The new moon will enter Scorpio on November 7, 2018 at 11:02am Est and 8:02 PST, however about one half and hour before and after, the sun and the moon will conjunct, thus if you have something very important to complete this is the time to do so.

This new moon represents the last day of the lunar calendar for Hindus and it is named “Chandra Darshan” as it marks that before the light there is darkness. The actual light will begin on the 11th. However, since VPAT is based upon the lunar calendar, it is in the sign of Libra. Additionally, Venus is retrograding in Libra which is auspicious as it gives many of us a chance to be fair in all areas of life.

However, Diwali is the festivity of new beginnings and a new year for many Hindus. Also known as “Festival of Light”, Hindu homes will be adorned with lights and oil lamps. Poojas (prayers and rituals) are conducted to honor Goddess Lakshmi (Love and prosperity) and Ganesha (Wisdom and luck). Because many parts of India call their devotion to either Lakshmi, Durga, and some Parvati, all are honored; but mostly Lakshmi. Vivid colors, cultural costumes, art work made of sand, oil lamps, fireworks, social gatherings, and dancing is part of the festivities. Diwali officially begins on the new moon and ends 5 days later.

The New Moon signals a period of expression and autonomy. It’s time to question what your desires are. It is also a phase to take stock, getting rid of undesirable patterns of sentiments and any bad routines that keep you from gaining your goals and wishes. Additionally, blessings are available to take a chance at whatever that you want to make through the functions available. The influence will be focus driven and give energy to complete things that were unfinished.

The Scorpio energy is very demanding and determinate. It may might force challenges and be adversarial in order to be tougher than ever before. It’s like the Phoenix rising out of the ashes.

The new moon will give motivation to fly like never before. Scorpios and fixed signs will not disentangle the mystery and find the answers that no one ever could. Even though these are the inquiries that have sweltered the pages of history, the curtains will finally be drawn open. It’s time for improvements and recharging batteries. Do not fear the power of the new moon; allow and embrace everyone around you. Remember that Mercury, being in Scorpio, will also slow people down. Read more about my predictions of planetary inferences here, blog is soon to come.

Moon in Scorpio is not only about seeing your darker side, but being tolerant of the malevolent parts of us and purging ourselves so that our spirits can heal to help others like us through empathy and openness. We must go into our subconsciousness and find who we are to reach the plane of spirituality. Also, it enables us to go inside of ourselves and find out why people do what they do and to what end. Seek the deeper truth and don’t be afraid to change. You will have the opportunity to rise again through the fire which we call life.

When the moon is in SCORPIO, we become more comfortable to hidden or profound powers and our psychic probes may be triggered. This is a time for working to preserve emotional control, and for working on disabling internal obsessional judgments or desires. There can be a need for knowing behaviors and responses that keep you locked in power struggles.

This New Moon is most favorable for seeking assistance from your divine center and Higher Power to gently release yourself from inner negativity. Emotional Power is the focus and the physical power is the force.

My predictions for Scorpio’s for the remainder of the year:

A spike in romance is possible until the 20th of November. If you are single you may meet someone new. Your financial life should be getting better soon but spending wisely and thinking through major decisions will be beneficial in the long run. Keeping a healthy life style, such as proper diet and exercise, will keep you away from sicknesses. During November, through December, you may become restless as Mercury retrograde is still slowing you down. With patience you may find your health and financial structure will begin to rise. However, charisma will help you bring 2019 into a brighter and more positive outcome. Hence, expenses are high in December although they can be recovered by working hard and diligently.

The Moon in Scorpio marks a time of strengthened hunger and desire. People may be feeling more dynamic and more stimulating, as well as being forced and ingenious. In general, emotions at both ends of the spectrum are heightened and likely to vary quite a bit throughout this influence. Connections on a deep level could be made with members of the opposite sex with the Moon in Scorpio. Represented by the Scorpion, Scorpio possesses a secretive and penetrative nature. Feelings of envy and vengeance may arise, so special caution is needed to avoid altercations.

The Scorpio Moon can be a catalyst for power urges, which can often result in violence or even homicidal impulses. Remember that Scorpio has an apprehensive and mysterious nature. Avoid social difficulties. Beware of jealousy and watch out for the “Scorpio Sting”. Please remember to forgive and forget and be cautious interacting with the opposite sex.

Since moon in Scorpio represents Headstrong, Willful, Hot-Tempered, Brave, and Energetic, it is my suggestion for us to remain balanced. It is also my suggestion that you purchase a white candle and carve your name through to the wick. Anoint the candle with lavender oil or sandalwood oil and chant the Psalm 39.

You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until the next moon cycle. Remember that with all applications of psalms and mantras achieving the desired result is dependent upon the clarity of intention. I have chosen 4 mantras for this year and two mantras for Diwali; perhaps bringing Lakshmi into your life could bring peace.


Om Aing Kleeng Sauh

(om aiiing Kliiing Sauh)


Om Narayanaya Sursinmhaya Namah


Aum Angarkaya vidmahe bhoomipalaya dhimahi tanno kujah prachodayat

Aum Chitri Putrayai Vidmahe Loyhe Tangai dhimahi Tanno Bhooma Prachodayat


Om Shanno devīrabhistdaapo bhavantupītaye Aparadhasahastrani kriyanteharnisam maya Dasoyamiti maa matva kshamasva paramesvara.

Gatam papam gatam du Kham gatam daridraya meva ch.

Agatah Sukha

sampatti punyoham tava darsanat

Diwali Mantras

Diwali easy mantra

Om Shring Shriye Namaha

(om shriing shhriivee Namaha)

Diwali Difficult mantra

Om Shree Mahalakshmyai Cha Vidraahe Vishnu Patrayai Cha

Dheemahi Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayat Om

Advance Diwali mantra

Om Sarvabaadhaa Vinirmukto, Dhan Dhaanyah Sutaanvitah

Manushyo Matprasaaden Bhavishyati Na Sanshayah Om

Expert Diwali Mantra

Om Shring Hring Kling Tribhuvan Mahalakshmyai Asmaakam

Daaridray Naashay Prachur Dhan Dehi Dehi Kling Hring Shring Om

The intention of this mantra is the to keep us in balance and from losing our temper through darkness and unfocused energy.

Please note I do not claim to be an astrologer, these are general propensities. The utilities of astrology are used as one element of Vedic readings – it embraces and incorporates transformable changes into sublime bliss.

I would suggest if you are a fixed sign, especially Scorpio or have Scorpio energy in your chart, you should consider getting an in-depth reading with me to find out where this energy is moving.

Due to some changes and a disengagement from certain live advice, I am able to incorporate deeper discounts. Look here for your price reduction.

Wishing you the fruitful moon and the most wonderful Diwali ever!

Dance Scorpio, like you never have before and embrace this time like it was the first day of your life.



Copyright 2018© cosmicpsychic, cosmicpsychics, Maharani Rutan 2018. All Rights Reserved

Hidden Endings during a Spiritual Moon: Full moon in Scorpio 2018

Full Moon in Scorpio

Buddha Purnima/ Blessed Vesak Day

April 29/30, 2018

By Maharani Rutan

As we finally move away from the dreads of winter, and the unusual roller coaster of weather patterns, we are coming on to the most beautiful and spiritual moon of the spring.

April 29/30, 2018 marks a time for the last full moon in April. However, it also marks a time of the Scorpio moon in Taurus axis at 9 degrees depending upon the orb. The moon will be visible at approximately 8:58pm EST & 5:38pm PST.

This moon is known as the Pink moon in the Northern Hemisphere and the Blood moon in the Southern Hemisphere. Both names were given due to the hue of the reflection cast upon the grass. Making the moon even more auspicious is the fact that many countries will celebrate Buddha’s Birth during this period.

Whether you are Christian, Jewish, Catholic, Hindu, or even Muslim, Buddha’s teaching and philosophies have been adopted by many great thinkers and religious people. This moon will be a divine dedication all over the world. It will bring forth dynamism and devoutness to bring aspiration, beauty, and faith through awareness to enlighten and cleanse ourselves and join with the world around us.

Scorpio/Taurus moon is going to be especially pivotal for all those that have early degree Scorpio and Taurus in their VPAT chart. While Scorpios keep things hidden, Taurus loves to be transparent even though it may not be good for them. Thus, in representation for the inner battles some of us will face during this full moon, the following Buddha quote will best represent the mood we must place ourselves in.

“Three things cannot be long hidden: The sun, moon, and the truth”- Buddha

Many of the covert actions, reactions, and communications will now be out in the open, due to the energy of the full moon and planetary influences. Even if some of the short transits have beginning to move direct, this does not mean that some of us will remain unaffected. For example, on April 15, 2018, Mercury moved direct (read more here), however, by moving into Taurus it means that the residue is still open to the aggravation of people, being extremely stubborn until the end of April.

One of the most important transits is Chiron moving into Aries on April 17, 2018, and continuing to move back and forth between Aries and Pisces in 2018 and 2019. Ultimately, this transit will last for a full 8-year cycle. The mode of Chiron is that those who have fire signs in their charts (especially Aries) may feel shattered, insufficient, possibly depressed, difficulty with making or keeping friendships, or unable to explain yourself or your feelings. These are just the minor pretensions of Chiron, explaining why this moon will be very significant.

Chiron in Pisces was a very tough time for me, and those who have had similar planets could possibly relate. Go backwards to 2009/2010 then move forward slowly; think about all the wounds, pain, and doubts that you felt. Now, come back to today. You will have a chance in July one more time, to see what is like with, and without, Chiron. Therefore, take the time to meditate and be one with the Earth by practicing Yoga.

Setbacks will continue to be difficult for Fire signs as Saturn remains in Sagittarius (according to VPAT) until 2020, and it is retrograding. Therefore, all fire signs (Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius) may seem draining and lethargic to many. Remember, for everything that happens, there is a reason.

Instead of paying attention, there may be tendency to give people advice before hearing what is being spoken. Inflexibility, doubts, uncertainties, and rigidness can be avoided by taking things one step at a time.

However, in the eyes of Vedic readers, this moon will be quite substantial to Scorpios and those who have primary planets in Scorpio. Anxiety just adds to the pessimism; keep in mind that this moon is about rebirth, renewal, and integration.

Pluto rules Scorpios’ central areas of darkness and light. It is a rupture between decency and corruptness. Scorpios bloom on control, desire, and the unknown. Therefore, if anyone has the sun or the moon in Scorpio this event will be even more penetrating than any others. Ask yourself how much can you burn or rather, regain. From ashes to ashes, the Phoenix will rise.

Nonetheless, when Pluto is retrograding, it may be difficult to put the past behind you or to try something new. Past issues may repeat themselves to see how well you handle the situations yet to come. However, keep in mind that just because a chart does not have a sun in Scorpio does not mean that this moon will not affect you. As a matter of fact, if there are any planets in Scorpio they will be ignited by this. Do I have your attention now?

For Scorpios and ascendants of Scorpios, you may have misunderstandings with your partner; there is something hidden, but it was not really buried as it was preferred to be ignored. No matter what is discovered, it should not be a surprise. But, If you are in a healthy relationship it could mean that you have the edge this month. Communication with your partner will be genuine and close, with no shortage of romance.

Be very careful, however, as relationships are bound to end or go through hardship starting as early as April 19 through May 3, 2018.

Everything becomes less tainted and more powerful under the light of the Full Moon; desires and individualities can become quite embellished, and we may have more consciousness and focus on relationships. There is a gust of energy from the light of the moon, perhaps there may even be more powerful dreams at night. Flow of blood and hemorrhaging are more likely during a Full Moon, so take care. This is the time to Reap, Pray and be Thankful, and to work on productivity and success.

The moon in Scorpio marks a time of directing lust and cravings. People may be feeling more arrogant and more mystifying, as well as being sensitive and pragmatic. In general, emotions at both ends are sharp and likely to vary quite a bit.

Represented by the Scorpion, Scorpio owns a mysterious and unescapable nature. Feelings of dishonesty and revenge may rise, so special caution is needed to avoid struggles. The Scorpio full moon can be an element for uncontrolled impulses, which can often result in viciousness or even damaging coercion.

Remember that Scorpio has a distrustful and mysterious nature. Avoid social complications. Beware of distrust and watch out for the Scorpio Sting. Please remember to forgive and forget and be cautious when interacting with the opposite sex. However, this could be a good time for powerful integration with another person on a deep emotional level!

The moon in Scorpio represents Impulsive, Strong-minded, Unstable, Brave, and Robust. It is my suggestion for us to remain balanced. Because this full moon is extraordinary to many signs, it is my suggestion that you purchase a white candle and carve your name through to the wick. Anoint the candle with lavender oil and sandalwood oil, and chant the Psalm 39.

You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until the next moon cycle. Remember that with all applications of psalms and mantras achieving the desired result is dependent upon the quality of intention. The four mantras Scorpio moon are:


Om Aing Kleeng Sauh

(ommm iiing Kliing saaa uhaa)


Om Narayanaya Sursinmhaya Namah

(ommm Nara yana ya sur sin mha ya Nam ah)


Aum Angarkaya vidmahe bhoomipalaya dhimahi tanno kujah prachodayat…Aum Chitri Putrayai Vidmahe Loyhe Tangai dhimahi Tanno Bhooma Prachodayat


Yasya nke cha vibha:ti bhu dharsuta devapaga mastake, Bhale balbidhurgale cha garalam yasyorasi vyalraat Soyam bhumivibhisanah survarah sarvadhipah sarvada Sharvah sarvgatah shivah shashinibhah shri Shankar patu maam”

These mantras are to call to the lord of harmony and for the elimination of any difficulties in your way.

Please remember that I am NOT an astrologer. Rather, I am a Vedic reader; one who integrates Astronomy, Astrology, Numerology, Dharma, Karma, and Vedic predispositions to build the most accurate readings which lead to the pathway of transformation and confidence.

May the light of the moon help you to discover, and be one with, yourself…


Copyright 2018 © cosmicpsychic, cosmicpsychics, Maharani Rutan . All Rights Reserved.

Magnificent Shani : Saturn enters Scorpio


Saturn enters Scorpio

Post Saturn in Scorpio

Oct 5, 2012-Oct 20, 2014

Saturn Intensity in Scorpio

Oct, 21, 2014-Jan 11, 2017

Post Saturn in Scorpio

Jan 12, 2017-Oct 8, 2017

By Maharani Rutan ©

Many people will read about the Saturn transits through various resources and each article will encompass something unique.  However, perhaps a unique prospective of this transit or even interesting concept is to consider the notion that there are many ways that planets are views and how the effects of these planets impact humanity.  One the primogenital concept is through Vedic readings and astrology.

Vedic Astrology has been known to be one of the oldest forms of Astrology that has been practiced throughout the Eastern philosophies.   Through these studies forms a unique practice of what is known as a Vedic Readers.  However, to be able to understand what a Vedic Reader does, one has to understand the practice of Vedic Astrology in its formation, which is that every planet in the universe sits in every humans chart (very similar to Western Astrology).  However, in Western Astrology the Earth gravitates around the sun whereas in Vedic it gravitates around the moon.

This push and pull becomes a behavioral instability in every human through pressures of the sun, the moon, or the planets in general.  A Vedic reader focuses primarily on lessons being learned and adjustments which can bring positive results as well as extreme karmic forces.  This type is often referred to as ground work for Saturn.

“The season of Scorpio is upon us, encouraging us to dig beneath the surface of all matters and discover what actually lies beneath those things we take for granted and live with in the world. These are the feelings and energy we will be living under for the next two and a half years, and nothing will be superficial during the period Saturn is in the most intense of signs.” Leslie Hale

On October 5, 2012, Saturn will enter Scorpio.  Saturn is known as Shani in the Vedic scriptures.  Like many deities in the Hindu philosophy, this deity also has its own reasons for being and reasons magnifying during certain periods.  Shani is Devi (Deity, Avatar of God) and is prominent in many cultures and beliefs of Hinduism. Shani is a representation of the older deities as a son of Surya (the sun deity).  With its complex history Shani has been known to protect humans from sinful acts and help remove obstacles. However, many Hindus fear this deity and its presence, yet it is also present in every human’s chart.  The complex question arises when we ask how a deity enters a human’s chart.

“Saturn makes its grand entrance into the sign that rules the eighth house of death, transformation, taxes and sex on October 5, for the first time in 30 years.” Leslie Hale

It has been written that every Avatar enters a human’s chart through reincarnation of the sins in heaven, for every human is an image of God himself and every sin in heaven will be felt by the humans on earth.   Since every human has Saturn (Shani) in their charts just like Pisces (Gods birth chart in their chart or the creator himself) anyone who has been under the influence of Shani will be at a risk of bad luck or difficult lessons.

Shani has been known to be the greatest teacher of all. He wishes well for those that are humble and take the righteous path and punish those that are focused on greed and vengeance.    When Shani (Saturn) transits through one’s chart it takes a pass for about 2.5 years in total of 7 years when it reaches every astrological sign.  During a Shani (Saturn) period one could feel depressed, disappointed, alone, become agitated.  Or sometimes it can have a complete opposite affect where life is a pleasure.  This all depends upon the placement of Shani (Saturn) in ones chart.

Shani only prefers something or someone that is solid.  Anything that is altering or changing will not be allowed and Shani becomes angry.  Therefore it is advised not to start any project during the time Shani is orbiting your chart.  Always keep in mind Shani is not meant to cause harm but to bring harmony to your own Karma.   Once he leaves then he has taught us great lessons of our past sins which we knowingly committed and showers us with gifts at the door step for enduring his wrath.

Saturn last transited this sign November 30, 1982-November 18, 1985. Prior to this it was October of 1953-October of 1956. Anyone born during these periods will experience their first or second Saturn return during the next two and a half year cycle. Queen Elizabeth of England, God willing, and all others her age will experience their third Saturn return. This period always proves a pivotal point, as one prepares to make way for their next life phase, as the planet structure and limitation returns to its original place in our natal chart every 29.9 years. ” Leslie Hale

Shani has been orbiting Tula (Libra’s) for the past 2.5 years and up to 7 years and now moving into Scorpio (Vrischika). The rashi (Hindu Astrological name for a moon sign) Vrischika (Scorpio) will begin its path on the very structure of the rashi which is regarded in the Vedic philosophies as the head or the beginning of formation of one’s life. For most Scorpios this could begin as early as October 5 or as late as November 15, 2012, depending on the severity of natives (persons) chart according to Western Astrology.

Shani in Vrishika (Scorpio) refers to things unexpected and anything that has been hidden from ones self or eyes of another will go wrong. A good example of this could be while driving something unexpected falls on your windshield which blurs your vision and there is nothing that can be done. Be careful on 8, 17 and 26 of any month.  Also be extra careful during the spring.  Be careful with any sexual or personal diseases.  There are tendencies to loose things that are precious (as things that mean luck to you), there could be knee problems, reproductive issues, fractures and serious health or blood problems.

However, according to Vedic Astrology Shani period entered Libra on August 04, 2012 and will continue until November 2014 at which time it will enter Scorpio.  This is because Vedic Astrology focuses around the moon rather than the sun as practiced in Western Astrology.  It’s almost like imagining what sign you would be if one was born on the cusp.  For example if a person is born on October 24, this would be considered late Libra whereas in the western astrology it is a Scorpio.  In these case it is my suggestion to find out from a western astrologer what is your moon sign they will be able to tell you.

The beginning of Shani period is always the most difficult.  If it transits in your moon or sun sign it could be that one will have health problems, often it is a period of things unexpected or hidden.  It could result from financial losses because of legal issues, or that work will be too much to bear, or that no matter how hard one tries to make things work in their career, frustrations are overwhelming.  Shani also brings out enemies that you never knew you had.  Risky business will NOT work during this period; especially lies or deception or even hiding the truth just a little bit. But shani does not stop at only finances. Finances are the foundation of one’s life; as well as family or even any kind of relationships such as business, friendship or even love. Tensions could arise at work with co-workers, financial problems could arise unexpectedly, and risky business will fall by the way side.  However, remember the gifts of Shani.

“As Saturn moves through Scorpio it will take on the characteristics attributed to that sign. Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto. Mars is an aggressive planet, considered the God of War, and the energy it evokes is anything but passive. Scorpio energy is regenerative, not fond of compromise, emotional, determined, charismatic controlling and often takes on a ‘do or die’type of approach. The highest and best use of this energy is to heal or to transform. Scorpio energy can sink to the depths of depravity or soar to the highest of spiritual realms. It is a powerful sign.” Leslie Hale

Once this period is over, as are the lessons of shani, anything that forced hard work and extra patience, even to the point of biting your tongue, will fall into place.   But, to find out how intense or how long this period will last it is my recommendation that one talks to my preferred astrologer, Leslie Hale.

The best ways to reduce the intensity of Shani wrath and or the effects of Shani  is to recite a Mantra 108 times daily which is

Om Sham Shanaischaryaye Namaha

(Om Sham Shana ischa ryaye Nam a ha)

In addition those who practice the Hindu religion it is recommended that there is fasting on Saturdays (which represents the day of Shani) and do a Pooja to Hanuman every Saturday until this period ends.

However, those that will be affected during this Shani period will not just be Scorpio but all those who have Scorpio somewhere in their chart will be affected.

Remember a Vedic reader gives you notice of all your Saturn’s (important lessons) and provides solutions which brings a gateway to sublime resolutions.  It is up to you if you want to change the situation to your advantage or live behind rose colored glasses.

Wishing you well through this transformation please remember if you are a fixed sign (Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus) you could very well feel these affects.  Additionally, if you are a Libra your journey is over but not complete until next year in accordance to Vedic Philosophies.

