Detaching Darkness: New Moon in Aquarius

New Moon in Aquarius

February 11, 2021

By Maharani Rutan©

As the residue of 2020 slowly moves away from us, many of us are ready to move forward into 2021. But as Mercury continues to create a push and pull for us, it continues to perplex us with what could be or could have been.

On February 11, 2021, our moon will be voided and entering Aquarius at 23 degrees. The darkness will cover the sky at approximately 2:06 pm EST & 11:06 am PST.

The last time we felt this degree, or close to this degree, was in 2002. Unfortunately, it will never be at this degree again in our lifetime. Vedic philosophies state that humans cannot see in the darkness therefore it is not the time to start anything in the dark as we cannot see the conclusions without light.

Aquarius is a sign of innovation, science, and breakthroughs, and in 2002 a new protein was discovered for Rheumatoid arthritis, perhaps they can do the same with COVID and the new strains?

However, Mercury retrograde is forcing us to slow down, introspect, and most of all, take a deep breath (Read more about it here). Mercury continues its wrath until the middle of March (which includes the ghost period as well as the calculation of the Vedic transformation).

The new moon gives us energy to look at everything in a new perspective, however, it is not the time to act.  The Aquarius moon’s principal focus is on doing things which are group linked, whether they are large-scale plans or small things such as shopping. Every group action will be blessed to talk things over, see all the obstacles ahead, and talk about them.

Aquarius people are renovating and really seeing what they need to change. Not only is Mercury in Aquarius (read more about it here), but the sun is in Aquarius and Venus will be moving into Aquarius in less than two weeks.

Aquarius is the sign of the zodiac which signifies the supportive awareness, community mindfulness, and thorough preparations. It is to reflect what you can do by yourself; liberation and independence will unfetter those that have been trapped under other people’s philosophies.

This new moon asks us to echo, to find a way to reconcile another way, visualize your life another way, and how as a united humanity we can work in an organized manner to imagine how we will bond to repair old injuries and live by values rather than reactions.

Aquarius is a sign of emotive objectivity. Often, these people incline to continue impartiality toward almost everything because everything in their eyes has a motive. This is the time to do things that need the collective mind, fostering your friends, and remaining unbiased. The energy is just right to channel rational quests. You will find yourself most content being around friends, and their company may gratify the sensitive voids felt by letting go of things. Through appreciation and being sentimental there is a great care of nurturing and equality.

Hence, this energy is not just the individual focus of Aquarius, perhaps all fixed signs (Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, and Taurus) could disengage passionately and remain very detached to avoid arguments. There is a bottomless drive where expressiveness will be done with judgment and validation rather than emotions.

New moon in Aquarius is about uncertainties in our lives and finding stability through coherent rational things. Aquarius vigor often reasons us to be distant which can be central to seclusion or feeling helpless, but once we realize that entertaining, making fluctuations, and being repeatedly generous will be the cause of energy, we will feel less lonely.

During every full and new moon, I bring forth tendencies explicit to the astrological sign highlighted by the lunar events. The principal placeholder affected by this moon is the sign of Aquarius. 

For all those that have not had a full moon or a new moon in their sign, please look at the predispositions for your next 6 months here. During the Solar eclipse and Lunar Eclipse.


This may not be the best year for you.  Right now, until the spring, you may not be completely settled with a love relationship or that thing which is based upon self-gratification.  Any career advancements may be difficult, however, finding a new position which will better suite you is possible.  On the other hand, financially, you may have more expenses than rewards. Educational advances seem to go well for you, however, there are possibilities of mood swings which could lead to health issues.  Then again, Mercury is also doing a number on you for the next couple of weeks; read more about it here.

Saturn:  Sleepless nights, marital problems, and financial uncertainty is possible.

Ketu: Career and family fronts will have their ups and downs.

Rahu: Family tension and health issues are possible.  However, support from co-workers will lighten the load

Chiron:  Be careful with any relationships that begin in the workplace as they could damage your reputation

Neptune: You will have plenty of independence and creativity flowing

Jupiter: Even though things may be unsettling, come the spring and summer, you will feel content.

Maharani’s Advice

This is one of those years that will transform you.  If you work hard and play hard you will have the recognition you are searching for.  At the same time, you may have a habit of spending to feel good or take on undue expenses that should be avoided.  There is a possibility that you may not be residing near your family only because of unnecessary conflicts. Try hard not to raise your voice and sometimes in life, when we say nothing we have said enough.  You could find that your own temperament and jealousy could lead to failures in the workplace and relationships. Sleepiness nights could cause issues to your eyes or feet.  “Get rich quick” and “healthy miracles” could cause you plenty of disillusionment. It may be important for you to stay focused, real, and economical this year.

Since moon in Aquarius represents Defiant, Unforgiving, Lucid, Friendly, and Unsettled, it is my suggestion for us to continue being well-adjusted during this energy. This new moon is inexplicable to many astrological signs. It is my recommendation that you purchase an orange candle and carve your name through to the wick. Anoint the candle with lavender oil or sage oil and chant the Psalm 51. You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until the next moon cycle.

This year I have decided to do something different.  Not only will I bring forth a Sanskrit mantra but also a mantra to create change in the way one is viewing life, which can assist in making the transition easier for 2021.

Maharani’s Mantra for Aquarius

Challenges in my life whether negative or positive I will work my magic- there is nothing I cannot overcome.

Sanskrit Mantra

Om Hreeng Aing Kleeng Shreeng

This mantra produces the quality of friendship within oneself, including others.

The resolve of this mantra is to balance your path in life by serving you to understand the teachings you have set for yourself and through karma, the doubt will be overcome.

Please note, I am not an astrologer no claim to be one. For the most up to date astrological tendencies you may contact astrologer of your choice Vedic or Western.

Vedic reading is very exclusive where it shapes a diagram of choices and permits the receivers the influence to make selections based upon the planning. Astrology is also used, as groundwork to embrace the energy within the cosmos.

Wishing you the most wonderful journey through this friendly new moon. Be cautious of relationships and communication, and breathe through until mid-march.


Maharani Rutan©

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