Resentful Endings and Loyal Beginnings: Scorpio New Moon 2020


November 14/15, 2020


By Maharani Rutan©

Of all the new moons that come and go during the year, there two new moons that are quite special to all of us. They always seem to come between October and November of every year.  It is the new moon during Navaratri read about it here and this moon, the New moon of Diwali.

On November 14, 2020, at approximately 9:07pm PST and 12:07am Est (November 15, 2020).  The moon will move into the avid energy of the new moon transiting Scorpio at 23 degrees. 

In normal circumstances new moons are always considered endings in the Vedic and new beginnings in Western culture (read more about it here).  This can also be true now as many Hindu’s end the year and begin a new year by putting the past behind them.

In literal terms Diwali often can be referred to as festival of lights, or rather, light that empowers humanity with the higher power.  Diwali always happens on a new moon when the celebration of Diwali is commemorated with light in every window of people’s homes.  This is to allow Devine energy to enter the homes.  It also symbolizes grace for our families, and a celebration of good and evil.

If you are a new moon baby, it triggers areas of your life which need your energy and focus. This means that to flourish, one must place importance on things that are spiritual; it also means spending time with elderly. This is an ideal time to finish things which were left unfinished.

However, like every moon this year, this moon also replicates areas of our lives which coincide with those issues in the autumns of 2001, 2006, 2009, and 2012.  Additionally, it finally puts to an end something that began in the summer of 2014.  

Could it be that, while there were pro-democracy protests occurring in China in the summer of 2014, that a similar situation occurs here after the election? In 2014, America was through contemplation mode, everything hung on the ballots; abortion, healthcare, climate policies, and racial injustice.  And here we are again in 2020, is this happening all over again? 

“I can’t help but to say something is really hidden in New Orleans, Baltimore, Washington, and Cincinnati. Could it be that votes were lost, or could it be there may have been some election fraud? Whatever it is, know that it won’t be long before it is uncovered.”- Read more here about my prediction of 2020

The Scorpio Moon can be complex for control impulses, which can often result in ferocity or even destructive urges. Mars and Pluto rule Scorpio thus their impact carries out vigorous cravings and Pluto shows some very robust desires. People often become aggressive, serious, annoyed, and temperamental while the Moon is in Scorpio.

Amplified attentiveness and a colored sensitivity to personal wrongdoings and verbal abuse are possible. Remember that Scorpio has a suspicious and mysterious nature. Avoid social problems. Beware of suspicion and watch out for the Scorpio Sting. Please remember to forgive and forget. Be cautious when interacting with the opposite sex. However, this could be a good time for intense merging with another on a deep emotional level!

At this time, Mercury is still retrograding until November 19, 2020, and nothing will seem as it is and so far, there are no finales (read more here).

After this moon, Venus will move into Libra, where it loves to be, where friendships and relationships are quite important.  At the same time, Mercury will move into Scorpio in 5 days, and Jupiter will be direct in Capricorn which will bring hard work, according to VPAT (Vedic Philosophical Ayurvedic Theories).  

Could it mean that we must differentiate between love and work? Whatever the case may be just remember, Mercury will not be direct until a couple of days after Thanksgiving and the Lunar eclipse will surely open our eyes at the end of the month.

During every full and new moon, I bring forth tendencies specific to the astrological sign highlighted by the lunar events. The principal placeholder affected by this moon is the sign of Scorpio.

To get a better overall picture, for the next 15 days it is suggested that you combine what I give you with the last lunar and solar eclipse in June and July. Within 15 days these predictions will change, according to the eclipses in November and December. From September 24 through November 19, including the Mercury retrograde, tendencies will give you an overall picture of the good, bad, and general advice. Read more about it here.

For all others to gain the best prediction of your scopes, according to VPAT, it is suggested you find your full moon predisposition under “Vedic Post” on the main page here.


Dear Scorpio, you may be overwhelmed with many issues in your life, therefore, it is suggested you take extra care of your health, especially with sweet, salty, and oily foods.  The remainder of the year is also your chance to build a stronger rapport with the ones you love.  For those who are taking exams or involved in education, you must stay focused, you must work hard and keep reading and practicing getting the concepts correct. Keep a close eye on your finances as you may lend or spend more than you have. Hard work in your career, including motivating things, will prompt positive work opportunities.  Do what you can to control your temper when things start to change before your eyes.

Saturn: Laziness and fatigue could cause negative results in the workplace.  Financially, things will turn around, but only if you have handled them mindfully.  Friendships will soar and academics will beam.

Rahu: Partnerships and relationships may undergo difficulties. Be careful not to trust everyone. Crossing your T and dotting your I’s in every agreement may be beneficial for positive outcome.

Ketu: Fickleness, difficulties in making decisions, and uncertainties at work are possible.  Take care with your spending.

Uranus: People will go through transformation; don’t assume and just let things happen naturally.  Financially, unexpected increases are possible.

Jupiter: Your financial life could get better.  Try not to make promises you cannot keep.  Gratitude at the workplace is possible.

Maharani’s Advise

If your relationships were stable, then they will sustain and become more stable as time moves forward.  If you did not put personal responsibilities first, then surely relationships may break up or go through a troublesome period.  This is the time to go back to school and study like you never have before and you shall see the results next year. Be careful not to get into difficulties with family members the rest of the year which could cause unnecessary problems next year.  Take care at the workplace as people may try to make trouble for you. Most of all, do not invest or borrow for the rest of the year.  Remember, next year you will have eclipses that will change who you are and whom you are becoming.

Since moon in Scorpio signifies Impetuous, Mindful, Unpredictable, Brave, and Feisty, it is my suggestion for us to remain balanced. It is my suggestion that you purchase a white candle and carve your name through to the wick. Anoint the candle with musk oil or sandalwood oil and chant the Psalm 39.

You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until the next moon cycle. Remember that with all applications of psalms and mantras achieving the desired result is dependent upon the quality of intention.

As Diwali and new moon fall on the same day it is advised to follow the Diwali mantra:

Om Hreem Shreem Kleen Maha Lakshmi Namaha

Auum hriim shriim Klaiin ma ha Lak sh mi namaha

This mantra is the to call to the goddess Lakshmi to bring overall abundance for 2021.

The intention of this mantra is the to keep us in balance and from losing our temper through darkness and unfocused energy.

Please note, I do not claim to be an astrologer, and these are all-purpose propensities. The values of astrology are used as rudiments into Vedic readings – they encircle and incorporate transformable changes into sublime bliss.

Dance Scorpio, like you never have before, and embrace this time like it was the first day of your life. 


Maharani Rutan©

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