Astrologers Jamboree III

AUGUST 21, 2010





Don’t miss this event! Astrologers Jamboree III may be the most interesting experience you may have on Internet Radio. This two hour New Age Astrological segment will be hosted by Maharani who will host Eastern Serendipity and welcome two of the most well-known astrologers. The guests include Toni Thomas and Rex Estell.

The show will promptly begin on Blog Talk Radio on August 21, 2010 at 9pm. Maharani will open the segment to open the discussion about Mercury Retrograde which officially began on August 20, 2010 and the ever so famous Astrologer’s pivotal event that has only happened 40 years ago and it is about to happen again on the day of the show and continue until August 24, 2010. Throughout the show both of the Astrologers will be taking your calls.

For your call to be prioritized you may send me your birth day, birth year, birth time and the place of your birth including your first name, the number you are calling from and your questions. Please note if you already have had a reading from Rex please allow another opinion by choosing Toni and if you never had a reading how about trying out Rex. Both of the Astrologers are outstanding and I highly respect them.

Little blurb about our guest speakers..

Toni Thomas

Private Website:

Toni’s Credentials:
“Toni has over 1700 private clients Nationwide.  She has appeared on National Television and has been featured in Newspapers and is continuously asked to speak and consult with groups large and small.” She believes that “Reading astrological charts are very complex and detailed art.  Toni pairs her astrological knowledge with her education and years of experience each time she does a translation of a client’s personal astrological chart.  Each client can be assured of her added insights in this translation as she guides them with deep and compassion.  She sees each session as a lesson in helping you understand your chart so that you, the client, can understand the cycles of your life.” –

The Cardinal Grand Cross:

“The Cardinal Grand Cross involving Jupiter and Uranus in Aries, the Moon in Cancer; Venus, Mars and Saturn in Libra, and Pluto in Capricorn begins to build the tension on August 6. This entire process is expected to last for 8 months.  During this time period Jupiter (the Planet of expansion and good fortune) will make you eager to experience new adventures and expand the horizons of your life. Uranus will intensify this urge.  Old behavior patterns in relationships will be triggered as your need for independence and fulfillment is in conflict with the needs of those around you.  Just remember that this energy creates the opportunity for growth.”

Mercury Retrograde:

“Mercury retrograde implies ‘backwards’ motion.  The planets don’t actually move backward.  The movement of the planet just slows down in relation to the movement of the Earth so it looks like the planet is moving backward in relation to how fast the Earth is moving.   Yet we still do feel the affects of the planetary motion as it feels as though you are in a speeding card and the driver just slammed on the brakes.  Mercury is the planet of communication, so you will see all sorts of communication issues going haywire.  You miss appointments, your computer equipment crashes, mail gets lost, you hate your haircut or you forget your sister’s birthday.  Since Mercury rules speech, make sure what you say is really what you mean. Mercury goes in this ‘retrograde’ motion 3 and sometimes 4 times a year and lasts for 3 weeks.  The next time Mercury will retrograde will be August 20 until September 12 as Mercury is moving through Virgo”

I suggest you visit Toni’s website at www. and read her testimonials or just to get know Toni.

If you wish to have Toni read for you on Eastern Serendipity please send me a private message with the subject labeled Astrologers Jamboree III attn Toni at All submission must be sent to me by August 19, 2010 so that I can forward your information to Toni to have your chart ready and you can have your reading as quickly as possible.

The second half of the show Rex Estell will invite your calls for your personal readings.

Rex Estell

Personal website

Rex’s Credentials:

“25 years plus experience doing live readings gives me insight and answers that only come with years of study, application, time and experience. I’ve done thousands of readings in my career, that’s about 3,000 readings a year, including many Psychic Fairs in Taos over the years. Using Astro*Cartography, the Astrology of location, I can easily explain what are your best and most natural career places and other options suited to your long and short term goals. Career choices and direction are easy to map out, as well as your fortune, luck, and path of greatest ease in life!” –

Cardinal Grand Cross:

“There are big changes on the horizon for August to talk about, analyze and intuit, as we are under the influence of a Cardinal Grand Square until the 21-24th. This is one of the more intense line-ups we get in the Stars, as Pluto, the transformer, squares Saturn on the 21st to bring the last of 5 squares to completion, and we are free to rebuild from the ashes of the old.”

Mercury Retrograde:

Though that we will talk about more in-depth of this subject on August 20, 2010, show Rex states, “Mercury Retrograde, joining 5 planets already in Retrograde. As we ‘tough it out’, we learn new skills, and begin a new phase in our lives, that parallels that of a great new civilization”

If you wish to have Rex read for you on Eastern Serendipity please send me a private message with the subject labeled Astrologers Jamboree III attn Rex at All submission must be sent to me by August 19, 2010 so that I can forward your information to Toni to have your chart ready and you can have your reading as quickly as possible.

Looking forward to hearing from you or reading for you.  Please remember if you wish to have your reading prioritized you must be on my mailing list and send your Astrological information no later than August 19, 2010 and must be present to have a reading done.  None of our speakers or host will do email reading for free.



Astrologer Jamboree II

July 10, 2010 9pm on Blog Talk Radio

This is a must listen to show two of the most welcomed Astrologers are coming to visit at her home of Eastern Serendipity . Maharani’s guest include the inspiring Rex Estell. The entire show is dedicated to the Total Solar Eclipse of the Sun
This transformation is crucial aspect our emotions, and the view of life. Rex has a breathtaking prospective of this transformation and things yet to come. Throughout the show we will be taking callers and answering discussing the most controversial issues of life embracing the paradigm shift into the Solar Eclipse of the sun and making our transition to the solar eclipse. Come, sit down, relax, listen and we welcome your questions. We have limited space on the switchboard, therefore, I highly encourage that you set up a private reading and mention Maharani and I am sure they will discount your reading if you wish to have your reading prior to the show. This two hour show will be riveting experience for those who wish to make a change in their lives or just simply want to know how it will affect them. Sit at the edge of because you in for a big surprise.

Here is a glimpse of the Rex and why he has been such a insperation to many and I welcome him with open arms to my home of  Eastern Serendipity

Rex’s credentials:

Rex has been doing Astrology for 35 years, professional readings for 25+ years. He has studied Astrology, sibling order and the I Ching as a teenager in Indianapolis, Indiana, expanded his knowledge base in Tucson, Arizona, beginning at the age of 19 and continued my practice and studies by moving to Los Angeles, California, at the age of 30. He has enjoyed great success in Taos, New Mexico for the last 14 years, as well as online worldwide for the last 10 years. He is a humanistic western Astrologer, and use progressions, transits, returns simultaneously in relationship to ones natal chart. His style is friendly, upbeat, insightful and most of all, helpful. Astrology is his life, the Stars guides him, as he feel they do everyone, and his role is to enlighten you to what is great about you, your past, present and future. Relationships, love and compatibility are my forte, along with Astro*Cartography, the Astrology of Location, and the effects of the planets on your life as determined by your birthplace and current place of residence. I do phone readings and appointments for in-person readings in Taos, New Mexico.

Rex Estelle~

 Here is abstract of what Rex says about the Solar eclipse :

“The New Moon Solar Eclipse @19 degrees Cancer, with Saturn opposing Uranus and Jupiter, squaring Pluto. Saturn is at 29 degrees Virgo.   The New Moon Solar Eclipse of July 11th, at 19 degrees Cancer, will not be visible from the U.S. as it is in the Southern Hemisphere.   The effects are felt the most in the area that is in its path. The effects, some which manifest in the weeks before and for weeks after, even months, are profound as they cause the day to turn to night, and that in and of itself should give you an idea of how transformational they are.

 We just had a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse/Grand Square on June 26th, as Eclipses take place two weeks apart, twice a year, in opposite signs.   The ramifications are reflected in the weather, our daily lives, and political overtures, creating massive side effects that wipe out what was once considered stable and solid.     Many are born, and just as many pass on these occasions.   I was born hours before the Cancer/Capricorn Eclipse of July 1954, when it was 118 degrees in five Midwestern states.

An Eclipse reveals or unveils what has been previously hidden, or kept secret, so much has been revealed since June 26th, and will continue to come out after July 11th.   A Grand ‘Cardinal’ Square flavors the energies, as this one is slow moving, as Pluto and Saturn are involved, so the wheels of change grind slowly, yet all must be ground to a fine dust, and it will.   Cardinal signs are known for their adaptability, so we are more than willing to do the work that must and will be done. 

 With Saturn at the last degree of Virgo, the ‘critical’ degree where we rise to the occasion, and become ‘heroes’ who flirt and then ‘skirt’ disaster, (which is Latin for ‘against the stars’), it is time to complete a 30-year cycle. All that has occurred over that period of time must be accounted for. And will be.

 Virgo relates to purity and purification, so we focus on all that needs purification, and it is imperative that we become our own angels now, as we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.  No one will rescue us, except ourselves. And we will, if we choose to claim our birthright, and clean our Karmic slates. Venus will have just entered Virgo two days before this event, the front door, and Saturn, is at the back door. By the 21st of July, Saturn will leave Virgo for Libra, and the square of June 26th is re-triggered, for the sake of ‘aftershocks’.
 Saturn rules the established, and the ‘establishment’, our purpose in life, and the careers we choose, and when it is located so close to an eclipse point, as it was on June 26th, it is activated, especially when triggered by a square to Jupiter and Uranus in early Aries, the Sun, Moon opposing, and of course, Pluto, in early Capricorn.

 The New Moon of July 11th allows us to put the changes we have initiated into a new movement, as we step up to the plate, and are ready to activate, adapt, mutate, and change.

  Everything that needs to be done before we ascend with the onset of 2012 will get done, as only now have we decided that it is the ‘time’ to do all of these things we put off until the last minute, as ‘we’ have created the last minute, for a last minute world!”

Come and Join us on July 10, 2010 at 9pm on Blog Talk Radio, and remember if you are opt-in my mailing list you will receive a priority reading.

