Risky Mixed Messages: Moon in Gemini 2019

New Moon in Gemini

Jun 3, 2019

By Maharani Rutan©

The blessings of Spring and Summer season is upon us. Even though Summer Solstice is right around the corner, the May and June showers will make it feel like spring with the heat of the summer. It is almost as if it will be a monsoon season. Perhaps Mother Nature is giving us a blessing for our crops. But like they say, be careful what you wish for.

So why is it so difficult? No matter what is going on that is beautiful and kind, we seem to find a reason to find falsity or negate the most obvious and can’t learn to relax. When it’s beautiful outside the comment I often hear is, “Gosh it’s so bright/hot.” When it’s spring, “It’s so rainy and my allergies are acting up”. When it’s autumn, “It’s so cold and muddy” and in the winter, “It’s so cold and I am over the snow.” In any of these statements I have yet to hear “What a blessing of the rain, sun, the beauty of the leaves and change of season.” Now, I say, enjoy this because the planets are stronger than Mother Nature. If you have never seen a hurricane, tornado, or blizzard, then you are in for a big surprise.

Everything I elaborate here has been my prognosticator in my blog “Predictions of 2019.” – Read more here. Enjoy this beautiful energy as I warned, “Thus, giving us enough time to watch them grow until the second Mercury retrograde of summer-fall to make us slow down again in late June, in Cancer, and continuing to move backwards in time until the middle of August where it sits still in Leo.”-Read more here

However, it’s not just the past repeating itself, but the planets are also transforming humanity to understand that we must live differently than before. The way we are living our lives is no longer working as it seems we attach to negative thinking and conflicts.

According to VPAT (Vedic Philosophical Ayurvedic Theories), the planet Mars is currently in Gemini and will stay there until the next new moon. This transit will allow for flow of conversations and negotiation but at the same time there could be restlessness and boredom in every aspect of one’s life, including love life. So, if your love life becomes a little dull between now and June 24, remember this shall too pass.

Nevertheless, with Chiron in Aries, things from the past are bound to be a topic of intense discussion. Take for instance Roe v. Wade (guaranteeing a woman’s right to abortion in 1973) which is now being threatened by multiple states putting severe restrictions upon it. Adding to this reflection, Saturn is retrograding in Sagittarius (according to VPAT) making now the time to pay your karmic debts led by God of Justice. For a while now, there was no news about Presidential impeachment, but here we go again, the talks are on.

The planets and the universe are desperate and making sure we know that we are being looked at. Not only are our actions being looked at, but also how much we respect our resources of all kinds. With Uranus in Taurus for the next 8 years, our economy will change. These changes have already begun with the talks of Chinese tariffs. Hence, Uranus also controls the unexpected and uncontrollable which includes the weather, which has ripped across many states to bring destruction. Therefore, our main resources of money, crops, and habitat is being restructured.

The reorganization does not happen in a vacuum and this is where the powerful Rahu/Ketu will act upon us. With Rahu in Gemini, it takes the traits of a Gemini, wanting to talk and learn, and polish ourselves. Whereas, with Ketu in Sagittarius, now it’s time to accept circumstances as they are, even when we create our own situations. However, what we need to take away from these intense planets is that emancipation only happens when we have learned and communicate as we want others to do with us. Every aspect of our lives: body, mind, and soul, must be interconnected through wisdom and acceptance. This is why this moon is going to have such a great impact on us.

As I have always said, new moons are not blessings, rather, an ending to a situation so that we can plant a seed for a new tomorrow.

The New Moon in Gemini on June 03, 2019 at 6:01 a.m. EST, 3:01 a.m. PST will initiate transformation to many. This new moon settles itself at 182 degrees in Gemini, depending upon the Orb.

The closer you were born to the date, the more powerful the changes. Many of you may begin to feel this as early as 5 days before. But this is not really a new moon as we have been there before; this is, once again, the same degree, date, and time as the new moon in 2000. Furthermore, this moon correlates to the issues of 2008 when it was at 13 degrees, and 2011 when it was at 11 degrees.

I would also not be surprised if London, Kuwait, Sweden, Norway, and/or San Francisco were in the news. It may have to do with communication and how people are viewing it. It may also be changing and fluctuating communication which becomes blurred. Then again, weather patterns could bring very strong winds.

The New Moon signals a time of growth through discarding the old. There is a wish to take hostile action because the old actions are longer reasonable. The progression of transformation will come from the heart – believe in your heart and trust that every risk is worth taking as it is the first day of one’s life.

The chart of the individual is the key stimulus of this new moon for months to come. It is about planting seeds, taking risk, going for the most impossible, being of one mind, and giving it 100% so you never have to regret. However, Gemini’s will not be the only ones that will be affected by the combination of inventiveness. All those that are mutable signs (Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces) will also be touched. Also affected will be those that have ascendants or descendants in Gemini in their chart.

Many will be extremely autonomous. A drive to accomplish and achieve personal plans and standards is the focus of this energy. Hence, there is a propensity to respond impulsively and short. The Gemini vigor knows how to see both sides effortlessly; consequently, feeling more flexible, unpredictable, and verbose will be the theme of this moon. It is a good time to write, take care of tasks that are like mathematical puzzles, make speeches, or just let ideas fly through the clouds. Abstract quests and mind games may become more necessary to vindicate emotions. Take caution though, a thoughtless tongue may quickly express things that are only true for the moment.

A need to repeatedly express your feelings and quickly arrive at a rational solution to an emotional problem may not be acknowledged. This is because feelings will be substituting back and forth, as Gemini’s do. At the same, seeing the several facets of circumstances, and winding or changing to others may be good. This could however, make people appear inconsistent or two-sided, but it is really the sign of an open mind. Fostering others by remaining in welcoming communication will be a valuable superiority of this moon. You need to relate to your mother as a friend and keep in regular contact.

Every month highlights a certain Astrological sign and its energy; thus, I will bring to you the universal inclinations which could support in making the shift from full moon to new moon as smooth as possible so that each step is spiritual. While many would want each astrological sign to receive focus, each astrological energy is emphasized only during their peak time and it would not be fair to bring forth examination for every sign when one is more protruding than others.

Please note, this is not Vedic or Western Astrology, rather, it is based on VPAT, (Vedic Philosophical Ayurvedic Theories) which illustrate causality that contribute in making correct decisions for a positive future.


Since April, and until the fall, with Saturn retrograding, it may seem that you will have to be very diligent with your motivation and ambitions. This means that it may be difficult for you to focus. You will have plenty of choices and progress during this period. If you did not get a job promotion or a better career opportunity it may come to you right after the eclipses. But there are also chances of feeling lethargic, pressured, or bored in your career. This could cause conflict and hostility with higher authorities. Be careful if you are in a relationship as there could be some interpersonal arguments. Family relationships could end or begin anew; but your self-esteem will get better. Guiding yourself financially and spiritually will benefit you later in the year.

Saturn: April 2019-Sept 2019. If Saturn were direct, I would say hooray for you; however, being that it is retrograding, these are tough times. Old health issues may pop up. Minor tiffs with your relationships of all kinds could also hamper your life. However, this is the time you may allow the higher power’s hand in yours, but there could be issues with your home or property you own.

Ketu – Now that Ketu is in Sagittarius it is about looking at partnerships of all kinds. Minor spats with your partner could escalate into something that should not be. Allow yourself to look at both sides of the situation. There could also be differences in partnership when it comes to financial resources.

Rahu – As a twin yourself, Ketu and Rahu are also brother and sister, and this time Rahu is in your sign. Whereas twins copy each other, sometimes so will Rahu and Ketu. There may be health issues with either no cure or no real diagnosis. Your patience and temper will be tested at this time. Focus on the road when driving and every legal document should be read more than one time.

Uranus: It’s time to take a magnifying glass to your past. Look at all the decisions you have made and how they have molded you into who you are now. Though you may not like who you are every now and then because of past mistakes, it’s best to stop dwelling and keep on moving. It is about noting you can’t change the past. It is also a time for you put your best foot forward where you will be appreciated. Your communication and listening skills with the people who don’t have what you have will bring the forgiveness and appreciation you are seeking.

Jupiter – Currently Jupiter is in Scorpio, going backwards until August 2019. This may not present Jupiter’s best advantages for you. There may be some issues at the work place and ups and down with those that you may have to work with on a daily basis. Furthermore, this may cause some health issues and there could be separation or physical space between you and your partner.

Mars: As Mars moves into your sign, it’s too bad that it won’t last until the end of June. This will be a positive aspect for you. You will have plenty of energy but too much of it may cause assertiveness and this could cause conflicts with your loved ones. This may be because you want your success to be grand through material and resource gains. You must be extra cautious walking and driving as the energy is so unsettled that it could cause unnecessary issues.

Maharani’s Advice

Keep your cool Dear Gemini, pointless arguments with your partner and family will not be helpful. Additionally, you must be vigilant in everything you do as there could be unforeseen theft or even litigation which you may feel you are not responsible for. Be choosy in the company you keep as your reputation may be lost. The distance, physically or emotionally, between you and your partner is a possibility because you want space and this may cause disturbed relations. Do not get yourself involved in issues which are no concern of yours as competitors will have an advantage over you. Due to lack of sleep you may become accident prone. Do not be egotistical and be very vigilant with your words and actions.

The Gemini moon will arouse interest. Enthralling ideas seem endless. Enjoy this ride because retrograde in two weeks will make people look at their decisions to make sure they were correct for the situation.

The Moon in Gemini also brings a time of communications and flexibility. People may feel very chatty and attentive. This is a time to pursue academic interests and to take care of communications, both verbal and written. Like the twins that symbolize Gemini, people may be able to see both sides of a problem, but they may also be unpredictable and fidgety, unable to make up their minds. Caution needs to be taken to avoid saying something in haste that will be regretted later.

I suggest that you obtain a yellow candle; carve your name on it and anoint it with sandalwood or frankincense oil and chant the following chant:

“I ask to find the inner light of my creativity. I wish for the universe to help me achieve the recognition that I desire. I pray that I may find the strength to take chances with my creativity.”

Along with the chant, recite Psalm 7 every night until the next moon phase. Also, in the mix and headed our way is Mercury retrograde in Cancer/Leo. Not only will mutable signs (Gemini, Pisces, Virgo and Sagittarius) be affected naturally, but Cancers and those that have Cancer anywhere in their astrological chart will also feel the effect. Be prepared. More information will be coming.

This year I have chosen two mantras which will allow those that are just learning to be more proficient and those who are much more advance to have the speed needed to recite even more.

The mantra for this new moon is:


Aum Kleeng Krishnay Namaha

(Ommm Kliing Krish nay Namaha)


“Aum Narayanaye Vidmahe Vasudavaye Dhimahi Tanno Vishnu Prachodayat”

This Mantra opens the universal forces in your life and allows the virtuous changes to occur.

Please recognize that these are universal predispositions and in no way replicate accuracy in one specific astrological sign. For those seeking Western Astrology specifics please contact my recommended astrologers here. If you are interested in Hindu Kundali please contact me; the turn-around time is 30-40 days however, as it is hand written and calculated directly from India.

Please note, I am NOT an Western or Eastern Astrologer nor claim to be one. As a Hindu Sanskrit reader, I use these efficiencies to begin beginning every reading. In the Hindu philosophy, planets push the power of resistance and our free will instigate the actions. Therefore, anything done through humility and nature will play a great importance in life’s positive outcomes.

Stay calm and focused. Call to the higher power to make your way through the tendencies of radicals.

As this is a Gemini moon, if you have not had a reading done since the last eclipse and you are a Gemini or have planets in Gemini, be advised this will be the last reading until the eclipse. Both eclipses in July will be impacting you.

Thank you once again.


Maharani Rutan©

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