Robust, Rage and Regression: New Moon in Aries April 2018

New Moon in Aries

April 15, 2018

By Maharani Rutan©

On April 15, 2018, at approximately 9:57pm EST and 6:57 PST, orbiting approximately 26 degrees depending upon the placement will be the new moon in Aries. This period will bring renewed thoughts and robustness through the fiery moon in Aries. The new beginning will transform all those who are born in the later sign of Aries. As this is such a unique transit it may feel like you are on antihistamines.

However, for some Bengali’s, this is a perfect reset button welcoming spring and a start of something new. Read more about New Years in the spring here.

In one hand there will be a burst of energy to hurry up on ideas and be bold. In the other hand Mercury moves direct now (read more here) and will slow you down to reconsider if this is really what you want. But be cautioned that the post regression period is as crucial and painstaking as if it was in retrograde station. Mercury tends to be the slowest planet but the fastest transit. Therefore, things can change in an instant.

As mother nature has been cruel to some northerners with sporadic snow and rain, it could be her way of letting us know that we have much to do. If you have not begun your projects, this new moon will give the dynamism to do so. It may also give you the strength needed to do things in a different way, or to examine what does not fit your lifestyle any longer. This means all that is out of order will be forced out or one may get signals of the want for change.

But watch out, all may look beautiful, however, Chiron (known as a wounded healer in Western Astrology) but in VPAT, (Vedic Philosophical Ayurvedic Theories) as a past life karma igniter, is moving into Aries for a little while. Ok. Ok…for a long while (10 years). But for now, it is a short while – from April 16, 2018 until July 2, 2018. Then it retrogrades back into Pisces again.

Chiron is a healer but he is also a teacher. This planet wants us to move away from the material world and look for more spiritual beliefs. It often causes loneliness, feeling left out, or it can cause enormous depression. In VPAT it can be called something of a mid-life crisis and happens around the age 50. Those babies that were born 1968 through 1978 will go through their Chiron, especially Aries’. The only way to lessen the severity is to devote yourself to more spiritual aspects such as yoga, meditation, mantras, and performing more holistic duties.

Perhaps April 15, Tax Day for many is just a glimpse of what we have coming. We must look at new projects, new way of earning money or even perhaps get a second job. We have already had Wall Street tank and many lost monies. This definitely is a preparation of what is coming in May 2018. Perchance could it be that history repeats itself again when Uranus enters Taurus? “The last time this magnificent planet entered Taurus, our world was not the same; it was the time of the Wall Street crash, the great financial depression, and World War II”. (Read more about it here).

Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius may help slightly and push away a little bit of pain? Remember, VPAT considers Saturn still in Sagittarius, NOT in Capricorn, at this time. Though the transit could last for 2.5 years, depending upon how many planets one has in Fire signs it could last up to 7 years.

With the mix of energies that was felt in March we are continuously directed to follow a path of self-reflection. It is time to have better control of things we can control, especially in the areas of other people’s money or professionalism.

The new moon gives prospective to put new things into action. The liveliness is influential enough to give the motivation that one needs to make accurate choices. Minor fluctuations will activate larger changes and taking chances will be wonderful. It is a time for manifestation, planting seeds, and the creation of plans.

When the moon is in Aries there is no time to contemplate; relativity it is balanced between taking action and making sure desires are met. Aries wishes passion and fire. In the same respect, there is a need for independence, poise, and disposition. There is a desire to take charge of emotional situations and find immediate resolution.

The Moon in Aries marks a time of augmented success and drive. People may feel more enthusiastic and be more spirited. This is a good time to begin new projects or to try to apply chosen transformation. Like the charging Ram that represents Aries, people may be motivated to rush vigorously and impulsively without seeing the potential outcome to both themselves and others.

Consideration needs to be well thought out to avoid narcissism and hot-blooded behavior. The Fiery Aries Moon brings eagerness to our emotions, instant reactions, and bravery in the face of any opponent! Give in to the energy and strive for new beginnings.

Since the moon in Aries represents impulsive, stubborn, short-tempered, daring, and eager inclinations, it is my suggestion for us to remain autonomous. I recommend that you purchase a white candle and carve your name through to the wick. Anoint the candle with lavender oil and sandalwood oil, and chant the Psalm 39.

You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until the next moon cycle. This year there are four mantras. Depending upon your capacity to learn and pronounce them, each mantra is more powerful than the next. The more complicated it is, the more powerful; however, proper pronunciation is necessary otherwise the purpose will be defeated. Therefore, start with the easiest and progress up the levels.

The mantra for Aries moon is:


Om Aing Kleeng Sauh

(ooom Ahhiiing Kliing Sa uuuh)


Om hrim shri lakshminarayana namah


Aum Angarkaya vidmahe bhoomipalaya dhimahi tanno kujah prachodayat…Aum Chitri Putrayai Vidmahe Loyhe Tangai dhimahi Tanno Bhooma Prachodayat


Yasya:nke cha vibha:ti bhu:dharsuta: devapaga: mastake, Bhale balbidhurgale cha garalam yasyorasi vyalraat Soyam bhumivibhisanah survarah sarvadhipah sarvada: Sharvah sarvgatah shivah shashinibhah shri Shankar patu maam

This mantra is the dis-speller of unconsciousness and unawareness.The intention of this mantra is to keep one in balance; from losing our temper through darkness and unfocused energy.

Affirmations for the energy of the New Moon in Aries:

I use my narrow-mindedness and anger constructively … to make productive changes in my life.
I respect the encouragement behind my passions and desires … and use this control sensibly.
I use my self-assertion to construct, control,
and uphold the conditions I want in my life.
I offer brave, positive direction to myself
and others with my choosing and actions.
With pleasure and gratitude, I launch my resourcefulness …
to begin the energetic makings and projects of my life.

This new moon will tug soul and spirit, carry confidence, and promote healing. However, it is also action-oriented. It prompts values in our lives to start something new; perhaps a new project or relationship (or bring back an old one). Perhaps you want your individual freedom now? It is about reinventing, reassessing, and allowing you to let the past go and be enthusiastic about what is yet to come.

It is time to let go of the ways that were not working and release poisonous relationships that are broken by concentrating on leniency and moving on. This new moon will bring forth those issues by forcing one to come to terms with severe realities and releases. These issues are the things that continue to hold you back.

Please note that I am not an astrologer; rather, I am a Vedic reader, and astrological venues are the groundwork utilities needed to enhance Vedic reading. If you wish to speak with a Western astrologer, it is my suggestion that you contact my recommended astrologer Leslie Hale or other colleagues of mine whom I highly respect and speak for.

May this moon bring you the energy that you need to begin new things and be inspired to be creative.

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If you like to schedule a reading with me after Mercury moves direct, I suggest you read about the types of readings avaliable and my background prior to making an appointment. Or you may go directly to my services page.


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