Darkness blessed with Grace: New Moon in Pisces 2018

New Moon in Pisces

St. Patrick’s Day

March 17, 2018

By Maharani Rutan©

During this sluggish time as Mercury makes is way to retrograde, we are given an opportunity to turn every dream into reality. Hand in hand with St. Patrick’s Day, wishes also could be granted.

As the luck of the Irish brings joy to many with celebrations and laughter, the New Moon brings forth return, reappearance, and rebirth. In VPAT (Vedic Philosophical Ayurvedic Theories) no matter what cycle the moon is orbiting in, the sun, moon and the earth are significant parts of our ancestors. The New Moon in Pisces also represents returning to ones roots.

On March 17, 2018 we will have a New Moon in Pisces at 27 degrees, at approximately 9:12am EST, 6:12 am PST depending upon the orb. Those that will be affected by this moon will be just about everyone, especially those that have primary planets in Pisces.

There is an old saying in the VPAT, that 92% of the human population has Pisces somewhere in their chart, therefore, all would be affected. Those that do not have Pisces in their chart will continue to return to earth until such time there is Pisces placement in their birth chart.

Although many people may say that the New Moon is a is time to take action, VPAT will relay that it’s time to come up with ideas and the desire and not to act upon them yet. It could be as simple as changing one’s way of living, or how they are living. But it is not the time to plant seeds. Seeds should always be planted on the full moon as the moon blesses it.

This is the time to act from your soul and trust the universe will lead you in the right direction. Please remember that we are still under Mercury energy and relationships may have problems while communications may be a bit confusing (read more here).

The New Moon sanctifies the “new”; an invitation to understand that even crazy ideas can be profitable. It is about formations, ideas, and prospects, especially for a higher spiritual level.

Pisces moon is generally a time of congruence, love, and the rooting of every seed; whether it is a life or in the ground. It is a time of earth rejuvenation as the first traces of spring are so mischievously close. It’s also a moon of Shiva who destroys our imperfection to bring spiritual development and evolution.

The Pisces New Moon signifies a time of very exaggerated dispositions and replies. The influence of sensitive energy can be beneficial if focused into ingenious activities and self-healing, but there is often a strong desire to simply slip into interference. It is better to contemplate in optimistic interests, rather than produce a more harmful distracting activity.

Gloomy predispositions can easily take control of one’s life under this New Moon. Its influence can be particularly tough or confusing for those who were born under a New Moon PHASE, as well as for those of the mutable Sun Signs Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius. Also, for those whose birth Moon is in Pisces, this New Moon can represent a serious time for probable accidents, injuries, disorder, and the responsibility of hasty choices or decisions.

The Watery Pisces Moon touches every person suffering with a caring and subtle heart. Careful what you put to others, share your dreams, and tap into your deepest imaginations. Don’t let your wandering heart get lost!

The Moon in Pisces marks a time of zealous kindness, downheartedness, and spirituality. People may become more indirect, sympathetic, or creative. Intuitiveness will be heightened. This is a good time to discover musical talents and other artistic actions.

Represented by a Pair of Fish. Pisces are philanthropically and spiritual, often strongly intuitive, and they are willing to the collective insensible. While the Moon moves through Pisces, people may feel loyal and quiet, but also fragile, submissive, and fearful. Visions and recollections may be stimulated during this affect.

Since the moon in Pisces is Deep, Inspired, Psychic, Mediated, and Ingenious, it is my suggestion that you purchase a Purple candle and carve your name through to the wick. Anoint the candle with Sage oil or Lavender oil and chant the Psalm 08.

You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until the next moon cycle (March 31, 2018). Remember that with all submissions of psalms and mantras, accomplishing the anticipated outcome is dependent upon the eminence of purpose. When it comes to finding satisfying relationships, it is of extreme importance to begin with a clear understanding of what your goal should be. The mantras can be hard to pronounce for many but are a powerful source of energy.

This year, as many are becoming more advanced in Sanskrit mantras, moving into more powerful mantras and proper pronunciation will be the key to better manifestations. The mantras for the Pisces moon are:


Om Hreeng Kleeng Sauh

(oom hiring kliing sauuuh)


Om Kleem Uddhritaya Udharine Namah


Gurubrihaspatirjeevah suracharyo vidaanvarah vaagisho dhishadon dirshashamshruh pitambaro yuvaa


“Om Namo Bhagavathe Dakshinaamoorthaye…Mahyam Medhaam Pragnyaam Prayachas Swaha Vrushabath Vajaaya VidhMahe Kruni Hastaaya DheeMahee-Thanno Guru: Prachodayaath…ApraMeyathva ya theedha Nirmala Nyaana Moorthaye…Manogi raam Vidhooraaya Dakshinaa Moorthaye Namaha”

This Siddha mantra uses the universal elements that govern each charka: Earth, Water, Fire, and Air.

Please remember that I am not an astrologer, rather, a Vedic reader. If you are looking to see how this New Moon will affect you directly, I suggest you look up some of my wonderful colleagues that specialize in Western astrology. My readings focus on the deviations that can be applied to bring sublime bliss to problematic conditions and help you find forks to make choices.

Make this moon the most spiritual moon that you have ever had, and remember, Mercury retrograde influences all aspects of one’s life.

Thank you for continuing to read my post. I have been so blessed and have now been freelancing some cultural articles on keen that you may like.

The first article was written during Valentine’s Day and how Vedic cultural defines love. The second article focuses on how Vedic culture relates spring to Holi.

Maharani Rutan©

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