In the Darkness: Open your Arms Wide to the Heavens and Let Forgiveness, Prosperity and Humility Begin : New Moon in Libra 19

Super New Moon

New Moon in Libra

Happy Navratri 2019

By Maharani Rutan

The beautiful new moon will void the sky and this time bring wonderful blessings. Though I have often said that new moons do not bring blessings, rather, they bring devastating closures to help us transform. There are a few times where the new moons are blessing so we can close our eyes and allow the spiritual healing to begin. Read more about the full and new moons here.

Not only will this be a new moon in Libra, but it is also a super new moon synchronized with the festivities of Navratri. In simpler terms, Navratri is translated as Nav (9) Arti (nights), and it also idolizes the higher power through prayers and festivities. I will explain how this is such a significant time as the feminine power and spiritual blessings will be harmonized with three of the most powerful female deities in the Hindu Culture.

On September 28, 2019 at 2:26 pm EST and 12:26 PST, the sky will be voided with is first super new moon in Libra. This moon will be very warm and will deliver responses to the persona of our lives as well as give us the push to speed ahead. It would be punishing to this moon if we do not embrace it with open arms. However, it’s not like we have not felt this energy before, hence this is a closure to something we may have begun in 2005 when there was a full moon at the exact degree.

Time after time I have recalled that every new moon and full moon this year has been at the exact degree of the one in 2000, which can only mean that this is a Karmic year. Originally, issues were brought to the forefront in 2000. Then in 2008, they were on the negotiation table and possibly pushed aside or thought of as another event in the past. If ignored or unresolved they were re-negotiated in 2011. Now they are being brought up again to either perfect or dismiss all together.

The New Moon lastingly involves individual advances. The new moon provides the drive to set aims to end situations where our dreams or desires are not fulfilled. One of the major tasks during this moon is to really look at one’s relationship with a magnifying glass.

It’s about rooting seeds which may have been reconsidered before and looking at scenarios that hold the certain types of people, places, and things that are we desire and long for. Hence, planting seeds to your garden may include changing your fashion or even finding that perfect job; all are seeds of change. There are bits of caution which we need to recognize; take care not to plants seeds too fast or on a whim as they may be more than you are able to handle. This can happen as Mercury is just now setting the stage to become a royal pain within 12-13 days from this new moon.

During the new moon there are self-centered predispositions where there may be reservations about other people’s intentions and questions about whether they fit in our lives. Due to the inner and outer struggles of good versus evil it is again time to cleanse your soul. Since the new moon creates struggles between present circumstances and possibilities, by emptying the mind and spirit there will be directions given to release circumstances, a person, or a place that no longer fits.

A moon in Libra desires for a sweet relationship with a friendly partner to feel at peace. Continuous valuation and balance with others will be the force of the new moon energy. An urge toward restoration, promptness, care, and being fair is what this new energy is all about.

A new moon in Libra has a romantic insinuation as well as social. There is a greater need to reconcile views between ourselves and the people we care for. The new moon in Libra permits us to be contented and pleasant. It also wants commitment and mutual affections; both of which are chosen so that we see the best in those around us. There is a strong recommendation that during the Libra moon some sort of inspiration may come forth on the table to bring a level constancy where there may have been complications.

Libra moon stimulates us to find harmony within ourselves so we can work together, intermediate, and repair the stability required with families and friends. It is also a time to bring flowers into the home and redecorate, refurbish, and cleanse to welcome friends. It may even force people to learn art, write, change fashions, and indulge in things we cannot afford.

As it is just in time for Navratri, house cleaning and bringing beautiful fragrance, candles, and art is just the thing that will bring blessings of Laxmi, Durga, and Sarasvati into your home to protect, create prosperity, and plan for 2020.

Even though every state in India, as well as every Hindu ideology, will celebrate it differently, the meaning will be the same. Navratri is celebrated two times a year but the celebration in the autumn, closest to Diwali, is the one that is noted the most.

Navratri is devoted to nine days of Deity Durga. The nine days signify the 9 characteristics to which Durga has brought blessings. Every day during the nine days there will be pooja (ceremonies of forgiveness and thankfulness). In the ancient scripture every day has its significance, thus without going into the historical accounts which could take many pages of writing I am summarizing the significance in a simpler way.

The first three days are dedicated to Goddess Durga, who is significant by removing evil and the ridding of human sins. The second three days are dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, who blesses prosperities and human spirituality. Lastly, the final three days are dedicated to Goddess Saraswathi who brings humanity education and creativity.

As India will slowly approach the monsoon season, many farmers and spiritual leaders will lay down fresh dirt and plant seeds for the crops to root. Thereafter, poojas will be performed and the soil will be watered every single day to produce sprouting. While the earth is being nourished and blessed at night there will be many festivities, such as dancing (Garba and Dandiya ras), until late night, afterward pooja will be performed for the people. The dancing involves everyone participating in a circular movement almost as if we are one with the earth. The crowds and participants will be adorned brightly with vivid colors as if this was the largest celebration. Then again it is. On the 10th day most people fast until the sun goes down and the feast is offered to the Deities, later to be eaten by the people.

The Navaratri festivals are now being celebrated all over the world as Indian communities have migrated to many areas. The largest events will take place in almost every city and state in India, followed by America, Canada, and the U.K. where many Hindu Indians have migrated. To see the richness and spirituality behind this beautiful event just google the festivals near you and see how the unity of humanity comes together for a cause. The festival of Navratri will begin September 28 until October 7; two days before the full moon which also brings good blessings and when another holiday, called Dasaras, will be celebrated.

One day later, the Jewish holiday, Rosh Hashana begins where New year is not a time for celebrations and parties , rather a day of introspection and atonement.  Setting the stage for Yom Kippur.  Often many followers of the Judaism will go to the river or water to empty their pockets, which is often symbolized as ridding one of sins and beginning new the year to follow.

As Shofar sounds vibrate through the synagogues, on September 29-October 1, there will be no work for the followers and daily prayers will bring blessings and sacrifices. Which help all people have peace and unity

Added to this spiritual journey, Libra moon also promises fairness and allows us to bring new people into our lives; if it is to bring someone new or to filter out scuffles, this is done to bring harmony and peace. The scales of Libra are unique; it is the only sign that does not have a living thing attached to it, but it is a sign of scales. This means that we are prone to be very impartial, where the head may rule over the heart; it’s a motivation to explore its own beliefs before choices are concentrated upon.

New moon in Libra, which is the first New moon after the Autumn Equinox, forces us to look very deeply within ourselves to see what has not worked and what has. Try not to compromise for the sake of peace if it is not what you really want. True support is made with civility, respect, politeness, perseverance, and faith.

Every month highlights a certain Astrological sign and its dynamism; thus, I will bring to you the general predispositions which assist in making the shift from full moon to new moon as smooth as possible so that each step is divine. While many would want each astrological sign to receive focus, each astrological energy is highlighted only during its peak time and it would not be fair to bring forth examination for every sign when one is more prominent than others.

For your individual sign, except for Libra, you may combine both Solar and Lunar eclipse inclinations and form your own possible outcome for the next four months. Read more about the Solar Eclipse here and Lunar Eclipse here. If you just passed your new moon or full moon you may look at those inferences under my Vedic archived blogs.


Dearest Libra, did you notice something? This is the third moon in your sign this year. We had two full moons, and this is your new moon. Wonder why? Many times, when there are so many moons in one sign it usually calls for a spiritual journey of some sort. Even though you don’t like to spend time alone, this is time to do so. Mystical experiences are more possible for you now more than ever; even love must be spiritual. The divine is guiding you to let you know don’t worry about people not loving you, it is about loving the Divine and you will be loved. Your financial structure looks much more solid than before. Make all the modifications that you need as I cannot make a promise that you will have the drive or time to do so in the future. The next three months is a time to get your personal, physical, and financial life in order and love will naturally follow. But remember, Mercury will continue its journey through your sign, move into Scorpio then moving into Sagittarius, thus expect some stalemate conditions Mid October through the beginning of December. Therefore, rather than concentrating on relationships, why not put your foot forward because by the last day in your sign your finances will go to their highest level and this moon will also ignite them. Be a little more patient with family members in November. As you let things ride out in matters of love, then you will naturally see everything is falling into place. A career push will be more of your focus in November but in December, people better watch out as you will be more optimistic on all fronts than ever before. However, you may work too hard and may become very lethargic; spa moments will be a good therapy for you. But watch out, the Christmas eclipse could turn your life upside and shake it before putting it all back together again. Think of it as a Christmas snow globe with snowflakes, while the snowflakes are loose, the figures are glued in; doesn’t it look even more beautiful when it is shaken?

Saturn: (Retrograde until October 20, 2019) Financial investments could give you profits. Hence, do not become daring in areas of your finances. If you are pursuing higher education you may not have the focus you need, but don’t lose hope. Spiritual events will be a blessing for you. Yoga and meditation will also assist in bringing outer and inner peace. However, conflicts with family are possible.

Saturn: (Direct Oct 21-2019 through 2020): Since Saturn was retrograde from April to October, the retrograde motion is listed above. On the other hand, Saturn moves back into Sagittarius until 2020 and therefore your Saturn Scope will remain the same as the one predicted during the full moon in your sign in March 2019 (read about it here).


Ketu – Ketu has now moved into Sagittarius; planets in VPAT seldom go retrograde but they do move from one house to another. You are being blessed as contentment and stability is the name of the game. Your financial front will have positive results and a promotion at work is possible. There is also the possibility of a change of job due to better pay. Your persona and communications could have positive results for you. Add to this, you will be overcoming many challenges in the future and travel to other areas are possible.

Rahu: is now in Gemini and was in Gemini during your full moon in March, hence the predispositions have stayed consistent (read more about your Rahu transit here).

Uranus: The continued journey of Uranus retrograde in Taurus will remain until 2020 therefore, tendencies will remain the same until such time it moves direct. (Read about the continued transit in Uranus here).

Jupiter – As Jupiter moves back into Scorpio until mid-November, certain parts of your life will be a blessing as others may seem as tedious as finding a needle in a haystack.Even though your finances will make an upward move, the responsibilities that you will take on will also take a toll on you both physically and mentally. At the same time, you may feel people are not giving you the recognition you deserve which may cause you to be extra emotional and feel helpless. Relationships which are strong will become stronger during the retrograde energy, however, couples may spend time away from each other due to work related travel. Physically you must maintain disciplined health regimes to avoid minor illness.

Jupiter: Direct in Sagittarius. It is not often that retrograde is better than direct, however in this instance dear Libra, it is. After the 2nd week of November, you may become very lazy and thus procrastinate with projects. There may even be a change of residence and unplanned travel. A slow steady pace will not help matters much as it may be vital to keep in stride with others at work; otherwise you may feel as though everyone is challenging you. You will be the maker of your own destiny. Putting yourself on a pedestal when positives happen can be great, however, being egotistical during negative outcomes and not taking self-accountability may not be good. It’s time to change how you view things. It may be advisable to take a more spiritual path by taking time out to involve yourself in spiritual events. Early morning health regimes will give you the stamina you need to keep moving and bring out the positivity in your days to come.

Mars: It may be advised to be prudent with your spending in October. There is a possibility that financial increases are possible right now, however, there will be tendency to be assertive, angry and agitated, thus taking it out on people you love the most in November and December.

Since the moon in Libra represents Charisma, Conspicuous, Extravagant, Sensible, and affectionate actions, it is my suggestion to remain well-adjusted. It is also my suggestion that you should purchase a yellow candle and carve your name through to the wick. Anoint the candle with lavender or peppermint oil and chant the Psalm 26.

You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until the next moon cycle. Remember that with all applications of psalms and mantras achieving the desired result is dependent upon the quality of intention, and when it comes to finding satisfying relationships, it is of the greatest importance to begin with a clear understanding of what your goal should be.

The mantras can be hard to pronounce for many but are a powerful source of energy. This year there are two mantras one should familiarize themselves with. Mantras bring the relationship between yourself and the Divine through sound and words. I have included 3 mantras this time 2 mantras for the new moon and one for the Navratri celebration


Om Hreeng Kleeng Shreeng

(Oooom Hriing Kliing Shriing)


Om Shree Mahalakshmyai Cha Vidraahe Vishnu Patrayai Cha Dheemahi Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayat Om

Mantra for Navratri

Om Sarvabaadhaa Vinirmukto, Dhan Dhaanyah Sutaanvitah |

Manushyo Matprasaaden Bhavishyati Na Sanshayah Om

This mantra produces the quality of friendship within oneself and others. The Navratri mantra is a general mantra to remove any difficulties in your life and to help you find the light with which you will find your own answers.

With every moon cycle, remember to cross out the old affirmation even if there is the smallest amount adjustment and create new ones. The perfect number for aspirations is 10. This means to list 10 aspirations and recite them every night until the next moon cycle. Remember, never make the affirmations beginning with “I balance”, it must be worded “I call for balance in my life with companionship and love.”

I wish you the best of the new moon and that you can capture the truth. Remember, some Libras/Scorpios will feel the energy of the Mercury retrograde a soon as 1st of October. Additionally, if you are a Libra this is the best time to have a recap done on your reading. This is not the time for relationship readings per se unless your partner is a Libra.

Happy Navarati, may Goddess Durga protect you, keep you, and love you forever.



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