Impulsive, Inconsistent Dark Energy: New Moon in Gemini 2020

New Moon in Gemini

May 22, 2020

By Maharani Rutan©

The new moon’s blanket of void, brought in through Gemini, will foster messages and the varieties of ways that it affects us. The beautiful void will bring choices in the ways we communicate and how we communicate. This will be the key for natural endings to find space for new beginnings.

On May 22, 2020, the moon will be voided at 2 degrees in Gemini, beginning at approximately 1:39pm EST and 10:39am PST. The void is to allow humanity to realize that in order to bring light into our lives we must embrace the darkness (read more about the moon phases in VPAT here).

This moon will affect all early born Gemini’s, including those that are within 5 days of May 22. With Venus and Saturn retrograding, things are still a little muddled. However, be careful as Mercury retrograde is about to move into the Ghost period on May 31 in Gemini and Cancer.

Unbeknownst to many, the lunar eclipses are less than 2 weeks away, with both Gemini’s and Cancers being affected in the month of June. Something is bound to happen to areas of family structure and communications.

During the new moon energy, a desire to take dynamic action because of enduring communication is no longer practical. It could be as uncertain as taking time to think about what you say, what you do, and how you do it. The daring side may want to take a little extra time to see the backdrop or take new classes for health and fitness. There may be the possibility of a new business or friendship as the change will come from the heart – believe in your heart and trust that every risk is worth taking as if it is the first day of one’s life.

Depending upon where the placement of Gemini is in your chart it is predisposed by this moon and it makes possible things impossible; much energy will be allocated to take unnecessary risks. Within everyone one of us, the universe will ask the question “If you can’t see it in the dark, then how can you possibly see it in the light?”

However, Gemini’s will not be the only ones who will be affected by the mix of creativity. All those that are mutable signs (Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces) will also be affected. Also, pretentious will be those that have ascendants or descendants in Gemini within their chart. But remember, this may seem to be a very confusing period. On one hand there will be new concepts of how to communicate, thoughts about education, and creativity, while on the other hand Mercury retrograde will definitely slow things and make life a little confusing.

This is the time to Understand, Pray and be Grateful, and to work on plenty and prosperity. Many will be extremely independent in their nature. A drive to complete and satisfy individual ideas and principles is the focus of this energy. Hence, there is a tendency to respond recklessly and dramatically. Could it be that a premature opening will be that reckless behavior from a Gemini leader? The Gemini energy knows how to see both sides effortlessly; consequently, feeling more flexible, unreliable, and garrulous will be the subject of this moon.

It is a good time to write, take care of errands that remind you of mathematical puzzles, make speeches, or just let concepts fly through the clouds. Academic quests and mind games may become more essential to vindicate emotions. An impetuous dialect may quickly express things that are only true for the moment.

I normally elaborate on the tendencies of what to expect for a specific sign during the 6-month period, however, since the eclipse is so close, I have decided to wait until that post so everyone is able to view the changes.

During this time a need to constantly express your feelings and rapidly arrive at a logical explanation to an emotional problem may not be recognized. This is because feelings will be swapping back and forth as Gemini’s do. At the same, seeing the numerous sides of a situation, and guiding or correcting others may be good. This could, however, make people appear changeable or two-faced, but it is really the sign of an open mind. Nurturing others by staying in welcoming communication will be a beneficial quality of this moon. You need to relate to your mother as a friend and keep in regular contact.

The Gemini moon stimulates your inquisitiveness. Enchanting notions seem continually interesting; like a small doll in a bigger doll and so on. Now is the time to make contacts, perhaps via e-mail or telephone. Explore your garden, study it, but don’t plant.

Moon in Gemini also brings a time of communication and elasticity. People may feel very chatty and attentive. This is a time to chase scholarly happiness and to take care of communications both unwritten and inscribed. Like the twins that symbolize Gemini, people may be able to see both sides of a problem, but they may also be indecisive and fidgety, unable to make up their minds.

Caution needs to be taken to avoid saying something in hurry that will be mourned later.

It is my suggestion to bring out those aspiration papers again and cross off the ones you have already changed and make new ones.

I also suggest that you purchase a yellow candle; carve your name on it, anoint it with sandalwood or frankincense oil, and chant the following chant: “”I ask to find the inner light of my creativity. I wish for the universe to help me achieve the recognition that I desire. I pray that I may find the strength to take chances with my creativity.”

Along with the chant, recite Psalm 7 every night until the next new moon phase; this will be for the next six months.

Also in the mix and headed our way is Mercury retrograde in Cancer, so not only will mutable signs (Gemini, Pisces, Virgo and Sagittarius) be affected naturally, but also Cancers and those that have Cancer anywhere in their astrological chart. So be prepared. The mantra for this new moon is:

Aum Shreeng Aing Sauh

(Omm Sring A ing Souha)

For Hindu practitioners who are able to open up their 3rd Chakra which is “Padma” lotus near the heart, replace the Namaha with Savaha; this is only recommended for developed mantra reciters.

Please note I am NOT an astrologer nor claim to be one, however, as a Hindu Sanskrit reader I use these values as an inception for our readings. In the Hindu ideology, planets thrust the influence of conflict and our free will takes the actions. Therefore, anything done through humbleness and nature will play a great importance in life’s positive outcomes.

Stay calm, focused, and call to the higher power to make your way through the propensities of extremists.


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