Solar Eclipse & New Moon Nov 2011

Solar Eclipse


New Moon in Sagittarius

November 24/25/ 2011

By Maharani Rutan

Abstracts from : Leslie Hale & Lee Stillwaters

As some of us prepare to share our time with our loved ones to celebrate Thanksgiving the cosmos will also share its energy with us.  The new moon in Sagittarius which is about fresh starts and new beginnings will be moderately magnified with the Partial Solar Eclipse of the sun.  This will happen when some of us will be sleep and others are just beginning their day.  On November 25, 2011, partial solar eclipse will laminate the sky with its presence at approximately 1:20am EST, 10:20pm (11/24) PST.

This year has been very intense in the cosmos in especially when it comes to eclipses, unlike previous years this year there are six eclipses triggered and this is just 2nd to last.  Even though it will not be visible to most the areas unless you are in the southern hemisphere where the visibility will be the greatest, hence Antarctica will have the most advantage to view this intensely.

This eclipse brings with it new beginnings or rather fresh starts to things that may have come to a closure in the last eclipse in Sagittarius on June 15, 2011.  Read more about this eclipse here.  This eclipse is just the beginning of series of eclipse which will be magnifying Sagittarius or those who have Sagittarius anywhere in their chart.  Additionally, those that have any mutable signs in their chart at earlier degrees will feel the nudge of this eclipse.

To able to feel or rather relate to the intensity of this eclipse is to recall the eclipse that occurred on December 21, 2010, which paved the pathway to the eclipse which are about to start the motion of magnified transformation for many.  Read more about the December 21, 2010 eclipse here. This eclipse is the half way point to the final destination for subliminal transformation and the eclipse is the nudge to make it happen.

“New moons/eclipses often relate to new beginnings and the start of a new personal cycle. Sagittarius is the sign of ‘wide open spaces,’ and the sky is the limit.  Of course, herein lies the problem. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and we must guard against over-expansion.  Follow your dreams, but keep your feet on the ground.  It is all about beliefs, truth, and understanding.  Sagittarius is the natural ruler of the ninth house of travel, education, medical/legal matters, travel, publishing and our world view, so to some extent it is here we will all be focused” Leslie Hale 

The effects of this eclipse can be felt as early as 5 days before (November 20, 2011).  The uneasiness of the energy of the eclipse will be felt by everyone; however, the strength of the eclipse depends upon the house that the eclipse falls in your astrological chart.  Every eclipse has a significant bearing on insurgency in our lives for at least 6 months; therefore, early born Sagittarius may feel this effect more so than ever.

“The holiday season ignites on November 22nd as the Sun joins Mercury, Venus and the Moon’s North Node in festive and fiery Sagittarius. Then just one day later on the eve of Thanksgiving, Mercury stations retrograde for the next three weeks. It’s best to be mindful of our actions and words, and wait until after mid December to finalize any important communications or decisions” Lee Stillwaters

This eclipse does not single out Sagittarius or just mutable signs, it will affect many especially those that are in relationships that are toxic in nature.  Every eclipse is relationship oriented whether it is romantic, family, business or associates it has no bearing.  I would suggest a consult with a either Lee Stillwaters or Leslie Hale to see how this eclipse will affect your relationships in general and set up a 6 month in-depth reading with me.  I especially emphasize mutable signs (Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius’s) However, celestial transformation will not narrow to having a sun sign in the signs mentioned above, if you chart has the sun, the moon, or any houses in the above mentioned sign there will be definite alteration.  What they are is yet to be determined however, a paired reading with an Astrologer as well as Vedic Reading can defiantly prepare the journey ahead.

For example this eclipse will magnify my Mars and Venus. This type of link can be quite difficult for many if the energy is not handled correctly.  Mars in Sagittarius are people are known to give anything 110% anything else will not do.  In a relationship there is no status quos it has to be playful and fun loving, friendly debates are awesome for them and feed their need to learn information. People will Mars in Sagittarius are passionate in what they believe in and can be quite blunt they are easy going love to joke and have a good time but their intensity can be quite shocking for many but if they argue or have a disagreement their tactics are always based upon morality which can be very difficult to understand.

However, having Venus in Sagittarius also means they love adventure in love and they have to learn while they are in love. Stagnate relationships can not do and being caged in love will never happen for those have Venus in Sagittarius. Partnerships that are too serious will kill what is left in the relationship because there are many dreams and visions to fulfill. These are types of people who require lots of space in a relationship and Venus in Sagittarius can not be tied down. An ex-fiancé of mine once told me “You can’t tame a lion.” My response to him was, “And why would you want to when the jungle is his to wonder and explore.” As you can see I said “ex”. In my situation this eclipse it could affect every aspect of my relationships from what I do to the people whom I associate with since my Mars and Venus is in Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and we must guard against over-expansion.  Follow your dreams, but keep your feet on the ground.  It is all about beliefs, truth, and understanding.  Sagittarius is the natural ruler of the ninth house of travel, education, medical/legal matters, travel, publishing and our world view, so to some extent it is here we will all be focused”- Leslie Hale  

However mercury slowly moving through Sagittarius and stationing in Capricorn will not help many who are Sagittarius or have houses in Sagittarius because they love to travel, they love to publish they love to read and expand and look at philosophies. Therefore it is a double whammy for those who have anything in Sagittarius. But its not just about Sagittarius it will affect those that are working in the Sagittarius field and those who use the utilities of Sagittarius which is everyone. Read more about mercury retrograde which begins officially the day before but the effects could have been as soon as November 05, 2011 here.

 “The last New Moon of the autumn season is a partial Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius amplified by its close perigee to the earth on November 24th to 25th in the midst of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. With so much lunar energy in the air blending with the festive fires of Sagittarius and Mercury retrograde, this is one of those holidays when it is beneficial to exercise more discretion and restraint in social interactions, spending, and travel” Lee Stillwaters 

“Mercury retrogrades the day before the eclipse, throwing a wild card into the configuration.  Retrograde mercury can cause events to go haywire, it can correct situations and often in the case of an eclipse it delays events. Venus trines Pluto giving depth of feelings to the day, and this can be a positive influence for relationships. Of course, everything depends upon where this eclipse falls in your personal natal chart”Leslie Hale  

The house in which eclipses fall is an important aspect to how one handles the energy or rather makes use of it.  I highly suggest that you make an appointment with my recommended astrologers: Lee Stillwaters and Leslie Hale and find out how this eclipse could affect you. Additionally, 6 moths Vedic reading brings the vast amount of information to look at your in ones life on a physical plane and make adjustments so that cosmic transits in your astrological charts can be more sustainable. Trust me when I say what is not meant to be in your life will defiantly leave by the next eclipse in Gemini three weeks later on December 10, 2011.

The partial solar eclipse of the sun occurs when the moon blocks the part of a sun’s face and as it seems for us that that the planet is casting darkness Some scientists theorize that eclipse occurs when the moon blocks the rays between the sun and the earth and casts a shade around the Polar Regions.

In ancient times eclipses were considered as omens and difficulties during the time of the eclipse and often in the current time it is as equally thought of.  Eclipses usually activate major devastations such as negative weather patterns which could be such things as floods, earthquakes, and snow storms.  The energy of this eclipse already began since the energy usually comes one week before the eclipse. Often it is seen as petulant time for even humans the energy could create unrest politically, financially and even emotionally. The solar eclipse is an eye opener or a nudge as I had mentioned to realize that world we once knew is changing, either we change with it fight it.  Which ever the path is chosen it does not matter, Pluto, Jupiter and Uranus will ask you to choose.

The eclipses do not have to be all negative, eclipses can bring new social status, a need to take inventory to make improvements is the key to permanence.  It is a time for development, inhale information and obtain knowledge of the spiritual and intellectual information people and expand to the world your philosophies.  And exhale the importance of sustainability and stability.  If hard work was the focus than you will be rewarded if you have not put in just as much effort than the angle of the eclipse will show you the direction your lack thereof .

Solar energy is subsidiary, defensive, cynical, and energetic – reflected and articulated from within our life force. This eclipse is particularly intentional and purpose oriented – and our ideals and resolve can be enhanced and intensified. We begin to deeply consider our contributions in the world, and the full expression of our humanity.

This 6-month period is a time to focus on  education, learning, philosophies, travel, expansion, This particular Eclipse chart places a huge planetary emphasis in one area of the Zodiac Sagittarius; however, Virgo, Pisces and Gemini’s will be highly emphasized guarding against out-of-control patriotism, misunderstandings and over-sensitivity about boundaries. Tiny details can over-run long-term goals.

The new moon is a time to take a step to new beginning, to set out a voyage of new missions and activities. The energy is just in the right place to bring growth, development and creating a physical world which one calls their own.  The restless will for the impulse to take action and begin something new, be it a small change in the way you approach your daily routine, or a whole new path on your journey through life. The energy is right for making spur-of-the-moment moves and following your instincts. This is the time to act from your heart and trust.  Know that the Cosmos will support you as long as your intentions are true.

The Moon in Sagittarius brings a time of exciting activity seeking and spontaneity. People may feel more exploratory, gracious, and fun loving. It is a good time for exploring interests and ideas and for broadening the mind. Like the Archer that represents Sagittarius, people may have an inclination toward seeking out legitimacy and higher meaning and following intuition, as well as flights of fancy. While the desire for freedom will be strong, people may want to do what they want, when they want, and be impulsive and independent. These inclinations can cause impatience and a strong need for freedom.

Moon in Sagittarius is very truthful with her feelings. She is wise and philosophical in emotional situations. She treats others with respect, kindness and a sense of humor. She believes in telling it like it is, even if the truth hurts. Sagittarius Moon needs for others to be honest with her as well. She is deeply wounded by dishonesty. She has a talent for teaching others, and is an avid learner. Every emotional challenge is an opportunity for her to learn, and to help others with the knowledge she has gained.

The energy between the moon and eclipse may cause need to continually express feelings. Arriving to a quick logical solution for any emotional problem – and will jump right in to provide a helpful opinion. Emotional feelings are not consistent and often switch between on again and off again. This could make people appear inconsistent or two-sided, but is it you or them.  Be open-minded. The flip side of this energy may be that the urges of being super friendly in communication and a need to stay in touch with your mother or a female guardian becomes a must.

But the best part the moon in Sagittarius is that its time to have fun, meet people.  It is also about melody, art and finer things in life.  It’s about manifesting what you want with the all the truth behind it.  There is a greater need to approach conflicts in a calm and steady manner to over come adversaries. However, as Sagittarius searches for the truth there is a tendency of stubbornness when the argument is in your favor and it may become defensive.  At the same time Sagittarius wants peace but in their terms. So why not make music or draw art instead of making war.

During the Sagittarius moon- It’s time care for others by making sure everyone is happy.  It is also a time of being maternal and often this type of energy makes sure that a motherly figure will be a joy to ones life.  Speaking honestly and straight to the point may be harsh but it so real.  But this moon also signifies taking accountability in areas of family and those whom you love.  Which could mean spending more time with the ones you love, but how will you do that when you also may become very busy working? This moon is quite social able but having to tear your self between family, friends and obligation may cause you to be unconventional and disobedient. Careful of your words and be gentle the new moon will be a very calming affect.  Perhaps take a trip by the ocean or the sea or read a book instead of stretching your self too thin and make sure you take time for your self.

The eclipse can be a very difficult time even when things are perfect.  Appreciate the gifts that have been bestowed upon you by the cosmos.  Namaste the name of the sun embrace the difficulties and ask for absolution when frustrations have over come humility.

Since, moon in Sagittarius is truthful, unambiguous energetic, confident, and intelligent and then some we must remain impartial. It is my suggestion that you purchase anOrangecandle and carve your name through the wick.  Anoint the candle with sandalwood or Lavender oil and chant the psalm 17.  You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until the next moon cycle. Remember that with all applications of psalms and mantras achieving the desired result is depended upon the quality of intention, and when it comes to finding satisfying interaction, it is of the greatest importance to begin with a clear understanding of what your goal should be.

The Sanskrit mantras can be difficult to pronounce but it is a powerful source of energy on levels of sounds through us and the creator.  For the Solar Eclipse it is suggested that mantra of Surya be chanted every morning and every night for the entire transit (6 months)

Om Surya Namaha

 (Om Surya Namaha)

Also I suggest to purchase a Yello candle carve your name on it and anoint it with sandalwood or frankincense oil and chant the following chant: “”I ask to find the inner light of my creativity” I wish for the universe to help me achieve the recognition that I desire.” “I pray that I may find the strength to take chances with my creativity”.

Since the moon is governed by Jupiter the ruler of expansion and Sagittarius. I would also suggest a second mantra be invoked until December 10, 2011.

“Om Gurave Nahmaha”

(Om Goo rah vey Nahm ah ha)

This mantra begins to awaken and activate the entire charka. It specifically prepares the charka to e able to handle the inflow of Jupiter energy that give charka is power.

Remember the 12 aspirations.  Don’t forget to cross the ones you have already accomplished and make new ones. Don’t forget to manifest matters concerning materialistic things at this time.  And most of all don’t forget to light a white candle that day carve your name on the candle anoint the candle with Frankincense oil and chant Psalm 65 three times.  If you should have any other questions regarding the new moon please feel free to contact me or the Solar Eclipse, please feel to contact me.

This solar eclipse I will be doing 6 months in-depth reading to prepare us for the finale at the beginning of July when things are set in stone until this fall.

Being a Vedic reader does not make me an Astrologer.  Vedic reading is focused geared towards transformational changes which are embarked by actions and reactions.  One ounce of prevention brings solace understanding of the future.

For the best advice I would suggest you make an appointment with either Lee Stillwater or Leslie Hale and get a read on the effects of this eclipse and the one in  After you have had a complete reading on the transitions of the eclipse you may set up an appointment with me to have an in-depth reading done (6 months).  I especially recommend for Sagittarius and all mutable signs.

I will be accepting appointments for in-depth readings at a reduced price as early as 18 of November to be scheduled for 25 through 27th of November.

Please contact me prior to making an appointment so that I can be sure the slot for your appointment is available.

Wishing you the best of the transitions through eclipses..

