Spiritual Release: Supermoon August 2014


Super Moon

Full moon in Aquarius

August 10, 2014

By Maharani Rutan©

Once again our skies will be filled with the luminosity of the magnificent super moon on August 10, 2014. In 2014 so far, there have been 3 super moons; two of them were super moons that were new moons and this summer there was one super moon on July 12/13, 2014 (read about it here). There will be two more, one on August 10 and another in September.

On August 10, 2014, the moon will be the closest to the earth at almost 90 degrees. Due to the pressure of the sun and the moon it would not surprise me if issues of tides and water overflow become newsworthy. However, along with the super moon, this moon sits gently in the house of Aquarius.

The full moon in Aquarius will be sitting pretty at 18 degrees, depending upon the orb, on the Leo-Aquarius axis. The brilliance of this moon can be seen as early as 2:10 EST. This will be the only full moon in Aquarius this year so embrace and breathe. The closest we came to this moon was in August of 2011 when there was also a full moon in Aquarius but at 20 degrees.


The August full moon is also known as Full Sturgeon Moon, named by the Native Americans. The Sturgeon moon is remarkably named after the sturgeon fish available around the Great Lakes. However, the tribes in the southern part of the Americas name it the Full Red Moon because of the heat which makes the moon appear red and hazy. In European nations it was the named Green corn moon due to the green leaves on the corn which protect the kernels of corn allowing them to be sweet and ripe.

When the Moon is full, the pressure of the Moon on one side of the earth and the Sun following creates an unstable draw. This pressure adds difficulties due to our anatomy which holds 80% water, therefore affecting humans as well as the earth. Again, I would not be surprised to hear of rivers overflowing, hurricanes, tornadoes, or anything that mixes with water, but there may even be chances of power failure due to Neptune influences and electrical outages with the surge of Aquarius.

Full moon energies will begin at least 5 to 7 days before it occurs. In this case it could be as early as August 2, 2014, during which time things could become very intense. Full moons are about endings, closing chapters in one’s life, and the final end. For every finale there surely will be a new start. Though it could be difficult, a change is needed for the better. This affect can be intensifying for those who have the sun, moon or any houses in Aquarius. People having a birthday February 09 or five days before or after will feel this energy like no other. There is no doubt that this energy creates an inner lug, a feeling of completeness, and may help us to connect physically with others. Everything becomes brittle and more influential under the light of the Full Moon – lust and self-worth can become quite inflated, and there is more awareness and focus on relationships.


Relationships are always the focus of Venus; Venus will be staying in Cancer until August 12, 2014. “This gives Cancer or those with a Cancer ascendant a real boost. You should feel better, and be making an effort to improve your appearance. Now is your time. This also works for Pisces as it enters your fifth house of love affairs, and Scorpio. Also good for Taurus and Virgo. “Leslie Hale

One of the best aspects during this time will be for Leo’s; not only has Jupiter entered Leo for the for a long duration but Venus, goddess of love, is entering Leo on August 12, 2014, “This works great for Leo, also other fire signs and puts Venus in the fifth house of love affairs for Aries-the best! This can also work for Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius.” Leslie Hale

There could be an outpouring of energy during the light of the moon and our dreams will heighten by the energy of the moon. There is greater tendency to have a lack of sleep or feeling restless starting the 9th of August. But be careful with cuts and bruising and there is a bigger chance of hemorrhaging. Please take care.

San Diego trip August, 2008

This is the time to collect, pray and be appreciative, and to work on productivity and affluence. Love and Romance go bare under a Full Moon, especially around midnight. In a full moon there is a greater passion to become highly focused, clear minded and aware of your own yearnings, as well as the needs of others. Plant herbs at this time which will bring something new into your life.

Since the sun is still in Leo and the moon enters Aquarius, both of these signs are in the areas of being artistic and speaking from the heart to the extreme. “I am in charge (Leo) and public, friends, and family consciousness (Aquarius). Basically these two energies equate to asking the question if we are vigorous enough, passionately driven, physically fit or spiritually sufficient to service people at large. However, each Astrological chart is unique and I would suggest that you set private time with Leslie Hale, (Western Astrologer) and discuss how the affects of planets will influence road blocks or sublime bliss.

During any full moon your psyche may be activated but do not react until you are unquestionably certain. The mind will play tricks and later there may be a need to save grace and face.


The moon in Aquarius causes emotional detachment – a knack for impartiality regarding your own and others’ feelings. However, at the same time Aquarius moon brings a sense of objectivity and diversity. There may be tendencies to be an outcast looking in. Viewing sensitive situations rationally and systematically may be the best thing to do. Feelings may come up arbitrarily. The tension in this moon will be to make a choice between what is more significant, personal desire or what is good for the soul and spirit. For emotional contentment seek the company of friends who do not criticize.

During the full moon you may look to your mother for relationship and intellectual stimulation, yet you may feel that she is cold or aloof. Through her opinions there is a deep understanding of how life is a puzzle and it’s time to put it together.

Full Moons in AIR SIGNS are times when the Moon exerts its fragile stimulus, because the Sun as Life Giver is strong in the FIRE signs. The Aquarius moon represents the Harvest Moon; a time for festivity and triumph. Emotions are robust, of a happy and lighthearted nature. Of course this applies primarily to those whose charts are not unduly afflicted in the sign of Aquarius and the other fixed signs.


The moon in Aquarius represents Disobedient, Desolate, Coherent, welcoming, and Changeable; it is my suggestion for us to remain balanced. This full moon is extraordinary to many signs. It is my suggestion that you purchase an orange candle and carve your name through to the wick. Anoint the candle with lavender oil or sage oil and chant the psalm 51. Perhaps you may choose to recite a mantra every morning until the next moon cycle.

Remember that with all applications of psalms and mantras, accomplishing the desired consequences are dependent upon the brilliance of purpose. When it comes to finding fulfilling relationships, it is of the greatest importance to be clear and have an understanding of what your goal should be. The mantras can be hard to pronounce for many but are a powerful source of energy. The mantra for Aquarius moon is:

“Om sri Shanaishwaraya Namaha”

(Om shri shan-ish-waraya nahm ah ha)

This mantra produces the quality of friendship within oneself and others.


The intention of this mantra is to smooth your path in life by helping you understand the lessons you have set for yourself and, through karma, the negativity will pass.

With every moon cycle, remember to cross out the old affirmation, even if there is the slightest change, and create new ones. The perfect number for aspiration is 10. This means to list 10 aspirations and recite them every night until the next moon cycle. Remember to never make the affirmations begin with “I want”, they must be worded “I need to be shown how to retain”

These are general tendencies based upon Vedic and Western Astrology intertwined to be as clear as possible. I am NOT an astrologer nor do I claim to be, however Astrology is a building block to the Vedic Sanskrit readers. While astrology concentrations are on fixed emotional and physical events, a Vedic reader focuses on counteractive factors to deal with the energy in hand. While Astrology focuses on educative predictions, Vedic reading looks at causes of an action which prompts a reaction. Hindu ideology confers that these utilities are a necessary part of our lives. Since our mind guides the ego it is our emotions that set the plans into action, good or bad. If the action chosen is passed through humility and honesty then life will always bring out positive outcomes at the end.



Wishing you the most pleasurable and safest journey through this full moon and I hope you are granted the positive light you desire.

For those who are fixed signs (Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius and Taurus) as well as Air signs (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius) this is an opportune time to have a reading done on yourself or your significant other who depict fixed or air signs.



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